Chapter 4 I use knowledge to pay rent

Mrs. Zhang explained the situation to the old woman, who immediately stood up and bowed to Su Qingqing with a grateful face. It was a Wanfu ceremony for women that had been reformed during the Wu Zetian period and was dedicated to "bowing without kneeling".

Su Qingqing, who had learned to play ancient puppets, also returned a Wanfu gift and said "Wanfu".

Without further ado, Su Qingqing was let into the room to change clothes.

It was a cold spring weather, and she had walked all the way in wet clothes, and her face had already turned pale from the cold.

There is no way to take a shower. There is neither a big wooden bath bucket like those seen in TV dramas nor hot water. I can only take my own wet clothes, wring them out and wipe them with water, and then put on Zhang's coarse cloth. clothing.

These clothes are quite rough. Su Qingqing's skin, which she has carefully taken care of for her acting career, is a bit unbearable, but she can only overcome it. It would be nice to have dry clothes to change into in this different time and space.

The clothes worn by Mrs. Zhang and her mother-in-law were all patched. Although the piece given to Su Qingqing was very rough, there was no patch inside or outside. It must have been her good clothes.

In fact, the original outfit Su Qingqing was wearing was not hers.

In the impression, after falling into the whirlpool of darkness, all the jewelry and clothes on her body were basically wiped out, leaving only the jade bracelet on her left wrist.

She fell completely naked into the water of this time and space.

Fortunately, as soon as she fell into the water, she was rescued by a man standing on the bow of the boat.

She couldn't recall the face of that man, but she vaguely remembered that he was extremely handsome, probably the "beautiful figure" written in the history books.

The memory after that was chaotic, as if two girls helped her put on clothes.

The wet clothes she changed into probably belonged to those two girls.

It can be seen that the style and material of this dress and shoes are far better than the coarse linen clothes that Zhang gave her to replace. The two parties should not belong to the same class.

So after casually rescuing her, he put her in a farmhouse.

Based on the communication situation in ancient times, she probably would never meet the person who saved her again, so she could only remember this situation silently.

After changing clothes and coming out, Mrs. Zhang was already cooking on the stove, while her mother-in-law was processing the herbs she had collected.

They would prepare and collect the Chinese herbal medicines collected by Zhang, hoard them to a certain amount, and then sell them to pharmacies in the town to make ends meet.

Su Qingqing doesn't know herbal medicine, nor does she know how to prepare it. She doesn't know how to use an ancient rural stove. She's not even good at cooking.

But she was accustomed to being a useful person and not doing anything to eat, so she walked to the stove and asked Mrs. Zhang if she needed help.

Mrs. Zhang glanced at her and said with a smile: "No need, Sister Su, go and have a rest. The meal will be ready soon."

Su Qingqing did not leave, but squatted next to Zhang, watching her light the fire.

"Sister Su has probably never been in the kitchen. Although this stove is simple, it requires some skills to light a fire, otherwise the fire will be extinguished easily."

"Yeah." Su Qingqing responded lightly and continued to observe.

Mrs. Zhang kept talking to Su Qingqing, mostly she was talking and Su Qingqing was listening.

During the chat, Su Qingqing inexplicably remembered that strange picture and text.

As soon as the thought came to her mind, another picture and text appeared in the void in front of her.

Su Qingqing turned her head to look at Zhang and found that she was unaware and continued to light the fire while talking.

Can't she see?

In order to verify the thoughts in her heart, Su Qingqing walked out of the house with this picture and text in the void.

There was Zhang's mother-in-law who was busy at work, as well as young children riding branches in circles in the yard.

As a result, she wandered around the yard, and Zhang's mother-in-law chatted with her, but completely ignored the screen in front of her.The child was immersed in his own world and ignored her.

Really no one can see it!

Su Qingqing sat silently on the crescent moon stool under the eaves, holding her head and thinking about why.

The picture and text in front of me have changed slightly. The corresponding number next to the sun diagram in the first line has become 2/50, which is 1 point more than before. The rest is the same as before. I don’t know what it means.

"Nono, stop playing. Just memorize the passages I taught you in "The Thousand Character Essay" and then you can eat."

Although they could no longer stay in the city and returned to their hometown, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law still had hope for their only offspring.

I thought that no matter what, I would tighten my belt so that he could study, so that he could get a good name in the exams in the future, instead of just melting into this remote country and being a farmer all his life.

At the end of the day, I could read Nai's father's medical books after I learned how to read, and take the exam to become a doctor.

As soon as the little guy heard that he was going to recite a poem, his face fell a little.

"Nono fell into the water today."

The implication is that he almost drowned, so why should he still endorse it?
"What does falling into the water have to do with your endorsement?" Zhang looked at him with her hands on her hips.

Little Nono lowered his head, a little aggrieved.

He has just turned four years old, and his memory and understanding are not very good. Without the guidance of a famous teacher, he relies on his mother, who has only read a year or two for enlightenment, how to perform well.

Therefore, the most annoying time every day is learning Chinese characters and memorizing. He would rather pick sheep grass like Xiaobao next door.

But looking at his mother's face, he didn't dare not to recite it. He immediately put down the bamboo pole and recited with a frown: "The sky and the earth are dark and yellow, the universe is vast, the sun and the moon are waxing, and the stars are arranged. Cold comes and summer comes, autumn harvests and winter Tibetan. Leap Yu Chengsui, Lu Lu Tiao... Tiao..."

Can't tune it out.

"Lulu Tiaoyang! I've said it so many times, why can't I remember it?" Mrs. Zhang held her forehead, hating the iron on her face.

Su Qingqing watched for a while and asked, "Is this The Thousand-Character Essay?"

Mrs. Zhang turned to look at Su Qingqing: "Yes, the child's memorization is not very good, so Sister Su is laughing."

"He can memorize it very well." Su Qingqing commented lightly. She was not being polite. She really thought it was good for a four-year-old to memorize these things.

After a moment of pause, Su Qingqing added: "I also know an enlightening scripture that can teach him."

Mrs. Zhang's face lit up with joy, and even the eyes of the old woman beside her shone.

Knowledge is the most precious these days, and the only difference between a poor family and a truly low-income family is that they have books at home.

Being able to read and study with books means that the upper limit of life is different.

Although the imperial examination cannot be said to be the best, it is already the most fair way for poor families to rise.

Su Qingqing opened her mouth and memorized a section of the "Three Character Classic", which she had memorized and learned when she was a child, and she remembered it deeply.

Although it is not tested in primary schools, it is also listed as required reading after class.

As sentences such as "At the beginning of human beings, nature is good, nature is similar, habits are far apart..." were recited gently, Zhang's face also shone.

She didn't read many books, and she was taught by her husband word for word after she married her husband in her early years.

Listening to Su Qingqing reciting the "Three Character Classic", she became more and more delighted.Because she could feel that this was really a piece of elementary education full of wisdom.

Some of the allusions in it were heard from her husband, but some were unclear.But it is certain that this will be of great benefit to her son’s enlightenment!
(End of this chapter)

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