After the whole network was hacked, she traveled through the small fishing village of Datang

Chapter 80 Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes

"Thank you, Teacher Liu, this news is very important to me." In the entertainment industry, Su Qingqing's emotional intelligence is online most of the time, which is forced by reality.

People in the circle almost all wear masks when communicating, and everyone has long been used to it.

Su Qingqing's interpretation of Liu Jiongjiong is a pure white jasmine character who is cold, polite, misunderstood, deceived, and framed.

Show weakness and use your appearance to arouse the sympathy of others (most importantly the audience).

But Liu Jiongjiong just fell into this trap. After thinking for a long time, he decided to go out of his way to help Su Qingqing and called his uncle, the deputy director.

But when he mentioned this, he was cut off and scolded.

However, this call was not completely in vain, and this scolding was not in vain. At least now Liu Jiongjiong can guarantee that he will not maliciously edit Su Qingqing in the later stage, nor will he deliberately pressure her votes.

It is impossible to hold up Yu Kun's traffic. The only thing that can be done is to prevent her from being torn apart by Yu Kun's fans after the game, and from being deliberately thrown out to divert traffic and get scolded.

Just after finishing this matter, Liu Jiongjiong was not in a good mood.

Because he knew very well that after opening his mouth, he would try to avoid contact with Su Qingqing again.Otherwise, his uncle would definitely talk nonsense to his mother, and he didn't even dare to think about the consequences.

Naturally, Su Qingqing didn't know what Liu Jiongjiong, a newcomer at Lemon Terrace, was secretly doing for her.

She mobilized her emotional intelligence towards Liu Jiongjiong, not because she knew the other person's background and wanted to please him, but because she had the ability to travel through time and space, her mind was relaxed, and she no longer wanted to offend others.

People with confidence can become more tolerant, generous, and peaceful.

Now that she knew that she was being targeted again, and this time it was an upright conspiracy, she used top-notch tactics to suppress her.

So what else does she have to worry about?She decided to let herself go.

Those with bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes.

Don’t you just want to play Tian Ji horse racing?But how do you know that I must be the bad horse that you suppress?
Su Qingqing raised her eyes and smiled brightly at Liu Jiongjiong, who walked in after making the phone call: "Teacher Liu, I forgot something in the hotel. Can you please send me back to pick it up?"

Liu Jiongjiong naturally obliged, picked up the car keys and said, "Okay, no trouble, let's go now."

Su Qingqing stood up, put on her suit jacket, walked out of the dressing room, followed Liu Jiongjiong to the underground garage, got into his car, and drove directly to the hotel entrance.

"Qingqing, do you want me to help you get it?" Liu Jiongjiong asked her in the car.

"No, thank you. It's not heavy, so I can do it myself."

When Su Qingqing got out of the car, she put on her sunglasses and mask, and an aura that repulsed people thousands of miles away suddenly dissipated.

People coming and going in the hotel lobby paid attention, and they were all guessing which celebrity it was.

Su Qingqing passed through everyone's eyes, went straight to her room, opened the door, locked it, took off her suit jacket, took out the detector and checked it again.

After confirming that no strange electronic products were stolen or installed in the room during the period of departure, Su Qingqing had a change of heart and the space-time gate was summoned.

She pushed the door open and traveled through time and space, returning to the small fishing village of Tang Dynasty a thousand years ago.

She came back not to practice any more, but to get props.

Su Qingqing casually picked up her outer robe and put it on to cover her modern dress. Then Su Qingqing held a candle and went to the main room to wake up the two female musicians. "Ms. Su, what's wrong?" Xiaoman rubbed his eyes and woke up.

Looking at Su Qingqing, who was particularly radiant under the candlelight (because of the stage makeup), I wondered if she was dreaming.

Naris also woke up and looked at Su Qingqing with a confused expression. She didn't know why Madam Su came to them in the middle of the night.

"Xiaoman, lend me your harp." Su Qingqing said to Xiaoman, then turned to Nalis and said, "Nalis, lend me your palace dress too."

"Oh." The two female singers were full of questions, but they sensibly didn't ask any questions and just borrowed them.

The female musicians trained by Jiaofangsi know the rules very well and know when to remain silent.

Su Qingqing borrowed the equipment she wanted, and immediately left quietly, returned to her study room where she rested, blew out the candles, and returned to modern times again.

She immediately checked the harp, and as expected, the wooden harp passed through the time and space gate without being destroyed. Just like a wooden barrel, the weight that could be carried was included in the column of grains.

Those strings made of silk threads have also withstood the test of time and space.Because the weight was too light, only the line of fabric on the void panel flickered slightly, and even the numbers couldn't pop out.

As for the dress, there is no need to worry, it will definitely not be damaged.

However, to be on the safe side, Su Qingqing checked it carefully from beginning to end, inside and out.

After finding that it was intact, he took out his suitcase from the closet, put the palace performance dress in it, and then put the vertical harp in it.

The Tang Dynasty's vertical konghou is much smaller than the modern version, so there is no problem in enlarging it in a suitcase.

During this time, Su Qingqing not only learned singing from Xiaoman, but also learned the harp, because she thought the sound of the harp was very beautiful.

Of course her konghou skills are not very good, but that doesn't matter. There is a band teacher on site, and she is just the icing on the cake.

After closing the suitcase, Su Qingqing called Liu Jiongjiong.When she went downstairs and walked to the door, the other party happened to drive over.

"Qingqing, what did you get?" Liu Jiongjiong opened the trunk and pushed open the cab door, trying to help Su Qingqing get the suitcase.

But Su Qingqing had already lifted it into the car by herself, so the weight was nothing to her.

Liu Jiongjiong shrugged, returned to the cab, and drove Su Qingqing back to the TV station. He was silent all the way.

Liu Jiongjiong didn't know how to comfort Su Qingqing, who in his opinion would definitely be eliminated.The latter was thinking about how he was going to fight back and had no time to chat.

In today's opening, as usual, the contestants' music assistants will draw lots to determine the order of appearance.

The resurrected guests are the same as other permanent guests. They appear in the order of drawing lots and challenge the whole audience by default.As long as they are not the last three, even if the resurrection is successful, everyone only has one chance to play the resurrection match.

As for the challenging guests, they have the choice of one-on-one or PK, depending on when the other party chooses to appear.

If you follow a certain player and turn on the lights, you are challenging that player, and you must win against the opponent to be successful.

If you choose to play last, you will be challenging the whole audience, and you must be in the top three to be considered successful.

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