DJI song

Chapter 32 Crazy Aunt

Chapter 32 Crazy Aunt

Everyone was silent. Only Shen Jiangge, who had not spoken yet, asked hesitantly: "You said her name is Li Mengzhi?"


Li Wen replied with great certainty.

Shen Jiangge took out the letter from Uncle Li in her arms. Her eyes fell on the words "Li Mengzhi accepts" and she couldn't help but frown.

——People are going crazy. How can I ask for Uncle Li’s medicine?

Pingning Town is a medium-sized town in the west of Jianxi. There are tea merchants from southern Xinjiang passing through here in the south, salt merchants from Jiangnan in the east heading west, and Huaibei, a military powerhouse, in the north, so it can be considered lively.

In Jianxi, autographs written by literati can be seen everywhere.

Regardless of whether they are famous or not, and regardless of whether their writing is good or bad, literati are very popular in Jianxi.

Walking on the streets of Pingning Town, out of every four or five pedestrians passing by, two or three are dressed as scholars, and there are even some who are reading while holding a book in one hand and shaking the groceries they just bought in the other. Walking.

"No wonder the world says that Jianxi has a profound cultural heritage, and the people from Jianxi take the top spot every year. From this point of view, they are well-deserved."

Although Ling Yun'er was a general and grew up among men, she still respected literati.

"In Jianxi, every household has a study room for children to study. Even the most unlucky ones will still make room for a bookshelf."

Li Wen smiled faintly and added: "Therefore, in Jianxi, many families look inconspicuous, but in fact they have someone who is a high official in Bianjing."

"Take the Mo family for example. Although the Mo family is located in the northernmost corner of the town, Mo Jinzhan of the Mo family is someone whom the Holy Father relies on."

"It seems that this is indeed a place of crouching tigers, hidden dragons."

Ji Yuhan nodded thoughtfully, agreeing with Li Wen's words.

"The Li Mansion you are looking for has arrived."

Li Wen dismounted and pointed at the dusty plaque.

Shen Jiangge looked up and saw that the original golden plaque was covered with spider webs, and even the copper handle was covered with a thick layer of dust.

The red door was locked, and there wasn't even a bird at the door.

Only two stone lions, one on the left and one on the right, have been guarding this place quietly for who knows how many years.

Knee-high weeds have already grown in the cracks in the stone, almost submerging the white jade stone steps.

"Is this the Li Mansion?"

Shen Jiangge thought about the dilapidated appearance of the Li Mansion, but when it finally arrived, the real scene was even worse than she imagined.

"Well, yes. I'll knock on the door."

Li Wen nodded, took a few steps forward, opened the copper buckle, and tapped it three times.

It was quiet inside the door, no movement at all.

Li Wen hesitated for a moment, and just about to knock again, he heard the door "squeak" and was opened by a hand like a dead branch.

The head of an unkempt woman appeared through the crack in the door.

Her clothes were shabby, with holes on the left and patches on the right. It looked like the clothes had been worn for countless years.

Her hair was as messy as a henhouse, with a few strands of dead grass interspersed in her hair.

Her face was withered and sallow, and she was so thin that only her skeleton was left. Her eyes were sunken deeply, and her eyes were dull and cloudy.

"Shh, don't make any noise, there are bad people."

She glanced at several people in a panic, put her finger to her lips and made a nervous gesture of silence.

"Auntie, it's me, Wen'er!"

Li Wen did not dislike Li Mengzhi, but held her hand and said with concern.

"Wen'er? Which Wen'er? Are you the one he sent to kill me? I don't know anything, I don't know anything..."

Li Mengzhi, however, seemed to have seen a devil. After talking incessantly, he pulled his hair and shook his head crazily as if he was possessed by a demon.

She trembled, screamed, and stumbled towards the house. "Auntie!"

Li Wen was worried that something might happen to her, so he quickly followed her.

Shen Jiangge and others had no choice but to dismount and follow into Li's house.

As soon as he stepped into the Li Mansion, Shen Jiangge saw weeds growing wildly out of the cracks in the rocks. Ruins and tiles could be seen everywhere, and even the only pavilion was only a shell.

Not long after, a mouse jumped by, scaring Ling Yuner into screaming repeatedly.

"Can anyone live here...?"

Ling Yuner looked at the desolate scene around her in disbelief and said suspiciously.

"If Li Mengzhi has been crazy for 15 years, then the dilapidation here is understandable. I just don't know how she spent the past 15 years."

Ji Yuhan shook his head and sighed.

"I think Li Mengzhi is really crazy. What we are looking for may not be there..."

Qi Ge lowered his voice and spoke in Ji Yuhan's ear.

"Well, if that's the case, it's a mystery."

Ji Yuhan's eyes fell on a table in the main hall.

The desk has been in disrepair for a long time and has lost spots of red paint. However, compared to the chaos elsewhere, the pens, inks, papers and inkstones on the desk are neatly arranged.

He looked closer and saw that the ink in the inkstone seemed to have just been polished.


Just as Ji Yuhan was about to step forward to take a closer look, he heard a sharp voice coming from behind—

"You were sent by him, you were sent by him! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

He turned around suddenly, only to see Li Mengzhi holding a brick and throwing it at him fiercely!

Ji Yuhan cleverly stepped aside, and Li Mengzhi jumped into the air, lying on the desk, splashing the ink in the inkstone.

In an instant, her already yellow face gained a few streaks of dark ink.

It looked even more miserable.

"Senior be careful."

Shen Jiangge couldn't bear it, so he stepped forward and pulled up Li Mengzhi who fell to the ground, and took out the brocade handkerchief from his arms.

She was just about to wipe the ink stains on Li Mengzhi's face, but Li Mengzhi curled up and took several steps back.

Li Mengzhi trembled and huddled at the corner of the desk. Her fearful eyes fell on Ji Yuhan. She kept holding her head and chanting: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me..."

Shen Jiangge saw this and felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

She knelt down, looked at Li Mengzhi, and said sincerely: "Senior, we are not here to kill you, don't worry. This place is dirty, I will wipe it for you."

Li Mengzhi hesitated for a moment after hearing her words. She glanced at Ji Yuhan, and then fell on Shen Jiangge. The panic and fear in her eyes gradually faded away.

Seeing that she had calmed down, Shen Jiangge gently wiped the ink from her face with a brocade handkerchief.

Her movements were very gentle, for fear of scaring Li Mengzhi again.

Li Mengzhi looked directly at Shen Jiangge, the messy hair on her forehead blocking the deep relief and unknown joy deep in her eyes.

Shen Jiangge raised his eyes and met her eyes, and was suddenly startled.

——This look was the same as when she first met Li Mengzhi. It no longer seemed turbid and chaotic, but was replaced by a clarity that made her think it was an illusion.

But it was only for a moment. Li Mengzhi grabbed Shen Jiangge, crying and laughing almost crazily: "Go away, go away! Go away!!!"

Shen Jiangge was pushed outwards by her, staggering and almost falling to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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