DJI song

Chapter 50 Narrow Street Fighting

Chapter 50 Narrow Street Fighting
The sky is getting darker and gloomier, and it has begun to rain.

The raindrops hit the sleeping Li Wen's face, waking him up.

"What's wrong with me……"

Li Wen stood up with difficulty, but saw Shen Jiangge standing motionless in the rain, seemingly very sad.

She stood there, letting the rain hit her body, and her eyes looking into the distance were full of loss.

Li Wen was used to seeing the capable person she usually was, but he had never seen her like this.

He hesitated for a moment, then softly shouted: "Jiangge?"

Shen Jiang sang and calmed down after he shouted.

Looking again, I didn't know when there were raindrops on my face, and my body was also wet.

Seeing her dazed look, Li Wen asked slowly: "What happened?"

However, Shen Jiangge just wiped the rain on his face, shook his head with a smile, raised his face and said, "It's nothing. It's just that... the Bingjing was taken away."

Li Wen didn't look like she was okay. In fact, he felt that she was more sad about other things than losing her military skills.

But when he saw that Shen Jiangge didn't want to say anything, he didn't ask any more questions. He just looked at her and smiled and said, "It's okay if I lost the Bing Jing. By coincidence, I know the Bing Jing by heart. If you really want it, I'll just write it out for you. Don't be too sad."

"Can you memorize them all?"

Shen Jiangge looked at Li Wen in surprise, and was once again shocked by this seemingly inconspicuous boy.

"The Military Scripture has been with me for three or four years. I will look through it when I have nothing to do. It is normal for me to remember it."

Li Wen smiled honestly, scratched his head, and said rather embarrassedly.

"You kid, you should have told me earlier! You made me go to such trouble."

Shen Jiangge's mood improved a lot and he punched Li Wen in the chest.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Please let me go! I didn't dare to say it earlier. If what I said earlier was heard by others, my life would be hanging in the balance every day!"

Li Wen pretended to be in pain, grinned and covered his chest, making Shen Jiangge laugh.

"I really didn't notice it before. You seem to be honest and kind, and you are more thoughtful than anyone else."

Shen Jiangge smiled, walked closer to Li Wen and deliberately raised his voice and said, "I don't know if you care much about that Ling Yun'er, tsk tsk... I see that you have been hanging around others when you are free these days... Tell me, you Is this the background of the girl from Tu’s family, or is this her pretty girl? Huh?”

When Li Wen heard Shen Jiangge mention Ling Yuner, his fair face turned red.

He quickly lowered his head, looking embarrassed, and stammered: "Yooner, how can a poor boy like me reach such a high level..."

Shen Jiangge could hear the inferiority complex in his words.

She took a step forward, patted Li Wen's shoulder hard, and said calmly: "Li Wen, you are no worse than anyone else. You will not always be a poor boy, believe me."

Li Wen slowly raised his head and looked at Shen Jiangge, with gratitude in his eyes.

He also nodded heavily, smiled at Shen Jiangge, and said loudly: "Yes! I will definitely work hard!"

However, before he could finish his words, he heard a sneer behind him——

"Haha. After the rebels, there will be after the rebels. No matter how hard you try, it will be in vain!"

Li Wen clenched his fists and looked back angrily!

——Unexpectedly, he saw Mo Jinzhan leading the army standing there at the entrance of the alley. When he looked at the exit of the alley, he found that the pursuers had already blocked the road.

It was obviously a very narrow alley, but it was completely blocked by the pursuing soldiers!
——It seems that Mo Jinzhan is willing to use privately trained soldiers to regain his previous face.

Shen Jiangge looked up again and saw that both sides of the alley were densely covered with crossbowmen, all pulling their strings fully and pointing them at them.During this battle, not even a single bird would be able to fly out.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Wen took a step back and approached Shen Jiangge, and whispered: "I don't have martial arts, so I'm afraid I won't be able to leave. With your ability, it shouldn't be impossible to walk out of here alone."

"Listen to me, you go first."

——"What, do you want me to be a treacherous person and abandon my friends?"

Shen Jiangge looked at Mo Jinzhan coldly and rejected Li Wen's decision without thinking.

"If both of us don't leave, with so many pursuers, we will all die sooner or later."

Li Wen could tell at a glance that if Shen Jiangge took him away, it would be a dead end. He would rather die alone than drag her down.

"Come on."

Li Wen urged Shen Jiangge anxiously, but saw that Shen Jiangge didn't respond at all.

He turned back to look at Shen Jiangge, only to see that she was listening intently, as if she didn't hear what he just said.

"Jiang Ge, leave quickly! If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

Li Wen pushed Shen Jiangge and advised anxiously.

But he saw Shen Jiangge wink at him, and he heard Shen Jiangge whisper: "Listen, there is a sound."

Although Li Wen didn't know what Shen Jiangge was thinking, he vaguely heard the sound of rushing footsteps, the sound of countless horses flying across the bluestone slabs, and even... there were many spears scratching sharply across the ground. Screech!

——Obviously, this is an army of at least a hundred people!

"Isn't this Mo Jinzhan's person?"

Li Wen was startled, and he quickly made a judgment in his mind.

A flash of joy flashed across Shen Jiangge's eyes, and she lowered her voice and said, "In my opinion, these people are probably here for Mo Jinzhan. Do you remember the people you met on the road?"

Li Wen was overjoyed, suppressing his frantic heartbeat, and quickly understood what Shen Jiangge meant.

——"Are you going to delay time and then take advantage of the chaos to escape?"


After Shen Jiangge answered, he looked at Mo Jinzhan coldly and shouted deliberately: "Mo Jinzhan, so what if he becomes a rebel! It's better than you, a worm in the country!"

"Do you think that the gold and silver treasures you secretly received when you returned to Pingning Town this time are piled up in the backyard and no one knows about it?"

"Do you think you really know nothing about the clique within the government and the opposition parties, abusing their power to frame Zhongliang?"

"Mo Jinzhan, do you think that once the news about the privately trained soldiers and horses you are leading reaches Bianjing, you will still be able to leave the city gate of Pingning Town unharmed?!"

Shen Jiangge's words became sharper and sharper each time, and each sentence was like a sharp sword that penetrated Mo Jinzhan's shortcomings.

"You, you! What a cunning person! How dare you slander and frame the imperial official! It seems that if I don't cut you into pieces today, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart!"

Mo Jinzhan was so angry that he blew his beard and stared. Sitting on the horse, he almost had the impulse to step forward and kill Shen Jiangge.

"Mo Jinzhan, I'm afraid I hit your mark, right? Why, at your age, what else can you dare to do? Kill me because you want to silence me!"

Shen Jiangge stood upright in the middle of the alley, letting the gusts of wind and rain blow across her face, and every word fell loudly, killing Mo Jinzhan's remaining patience.

"So what if I kill you! You are just a commoner, death is not a pity! Kill me -"

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(End of this chapter)

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