DJI song

Chapter 67

Shen Jiangge held on to the table until she stood firm. She looked at Ji Yuhan in pain, her eyes full of frost.

The copper lamp flickered on and off, illuminating the silhouettes of the two people.

The two of them were obviously only separated by a few tables, but they felt very far away.

There was a faint fragrance of golden osmanthus outside the window, the wind blew by, and a large piece of golden snow fell.

At the end of the veranda, the figure of sake hurriedly came.

Before she even entered the house, she said anxiously: "Third Master, something serious is going to happen."

As soon as she stepped into the house, she saw the silent figures of Shen Jiangge and Ji Yuhan.

Looking at the expressions of the two of them again, Qingjiu quickly understood what was going on.

She lowered her head and bowed respectfully, and said hastily: "Sorry to disturb you, Third Master. Please withdraw the sake first."

After Qingjiu finished speaking, he was about to leave, but he heard Ji Yuhan say from behind: "It's okay, there's no need to leave in a hurry. Tell me, what big thing happened?"

Qingjiu glanced at Shen Jiangge hesitantly, and then said, "This..."

Ji Yuhan's expression returned to normal, he turned around and sat on the chair. He dismissed Qingjiu's concerns and said, "There are no outsiders here. If you have anything to say, it doesn't hurt to just say it."

A trace of doubt flashed across Qingjiu's eyes. She glanced at Shen Jiangge, and then said respectfully: "Third Master, I have a letter from my people in Northern Xinjiang, saying that King Beiliang's chariots and horses were hijacked in Qibei. , everyone’s whereabouts are unknown.”


Ji Yuhan was startled, thought for a moment, frowned and asked, "Does the father, the prince, and the second prince know about this?"

Qingjiu shook his head and continued: "My people were mixed up in the Northern Liang King's motorcade, and the signal was sent out at the last moment. Less than two hours have passed since this incident, so the news must not have reached the imperial city so quickly."

"This matter is of great importance. If you are not careful, there will be no peace on the northern border. Qingjiu, you continue to inquire about the whereabouts of the convoy. I will go to Prince Jing's Mansion right now."

After Ji Yuhan finished speaking, he stood up and was about to leave, but heard Qingjiu hesitate for a moment and ask: "Third Master, this is how you plan to tell the Fourth Prince about such important news? If he informed the Holy Emperor first, then the credit would be... …”

Ji Yuhan stopped and said seriously: "Qingjiu, you have been with me for ten years. You should know that without Princess Jing and my fourth brother, I would not be where I am now. I can do anything with anyone in this royal family. In addition to using these two people, I still want to repay the favor. Do you understand?"


Qingjiu lowered his head and bowed deeply, not daring to say anything more.

She could only watch Ji Yuhan walk away silently, and sighed softly.

When Ji Yuhan walked away, Qingjiu set his sights on Shen Jiangge.

She took a step closer to Shen Jiangge and said softly, "Did the Third Master bully you?"

Shen Jiangge shook his head, smiled bitterly and did not answer, and asked: "Princess Jing and the Fourth Prince seem to be very good to him, otherwise, he would not tell them such important information."

Qingjiu smiled, shook his head, and said slowly: "The third master is a very emotional person."

"His mother-in-law had a low status, and she didn't even get a title before she died. She was sent to death by the Holy God not long after she gave birth to the third master, and the third master has been raised by a wet nurse and lives in a remote palace. , living a life of house arrest.”

"When the third master was seven years old, the Holy Father remembered that he still had a prince in the palace. He ordered the third master to be brought back to the palace and left in the care of Princess Jing. Fortunately, Princess Jing was indifferent by nature and did not fight for it. , stay away from disputes, and take good care of Third Master, a half-way child."

"The third master and the fourth master grew up together, and the relationship between the brothers has always been very good. If other princes bullied and laughed at the third master when he was young, the gentle fourth master would protect him at all costs."

"The Third Master keeps these things in mind." "Everyone says that the current Holy Emperor is extremely optimistic and dotes on the Fourth Prince. In fact, many of the reasons for this are because of the Third Master's secret help."

"However, with the Third Master's talent and ambition, how can he remain subordinate to others for a long time? Even if he intentionally gives way to the Fourth Master, I'm afraid that once the issue of imperial power is involved in the future, even if the Third Master wants to avoid it, he will not be able to do so... …”

A low sigh of sake seemed to hit Shen Jiangge's heart.

She did not expect that Ji Yuhan's life experience was more tragic than she imagined, and her heart couldn't help but tighten and ache slightly.

Seeing that she was silent and looking lonely, Qingjiu said slowly: "Miss Shen, I have actually heard about your life experience and identity before. With all due respect, if the third master really wants to do a career, I’m just afraid that you will be a drag on him.”

Shen Jiangge raised his eyes and said with a smile: "Linglong Pavilion has always been well-informed, so naturally I can't hide this from you. However, please rest assured, Miss Qingjiu, that I have nothing to do with your third master. Naturally, it won’t be a drag on him.”

After Shen Jiangge said that, he walked out of the house.

"and many more."

Seeing that she was about to leave, Qingjiu hesitated for a moment and called her.

"Is there anything else you can do, sake girl?"

Shen Jiangge didn't look back, her heart hurt as if it was being torn apart.

Qingjiu stood not far behind her and whispered: "Miss Shen, maybe you don't know, but you are very similar to the same person. When you first appeared in Linglong Pavilion, I felt that you were very similar to her. "


Shen Jiangge felt vaguely uneasy. She suppressed her inner annoyance and asked with a chuckle.

Qingjiu took a step forward, then stopped, and said slowly: "Until he was seven years old, the third master lived in a palace outside Beijing. There, there was a little girl who stayed with him all day long, teaching him writing and sword practice. .”

"But later, when they were seven years old, something happened in the palace and they were separated."

"After all, the two of them haven't met again for a long time. This is why the third master has never been interested in any woman in all these years."

"What I want to say is—"

"If Third Master truly falls in love with you, please don't let him go through the pain of gaining and losing again."

"I have said that the third master is a person who values ​​feelings. It not only refers to family affection and kindness, but also to the ultimate love."

"I'm afraid...even if he gives up all his plans in the end, he won't be able to bear it."

Shen Jiangge's figure froze in place, as if covered with a layer of frost and snow by the moonlight.

After a long time, she turned around, looked at Qingjiu with a faint smile and said, "Thank you for telling me so much tonight. I also know that he is a person who values ​​love and justice. But, I don't want to be anyone's substitute. "

"If what he falls in love with is just someone else's shadow, then I would rather not have such love."

"In addition, I bear the blood debt of many soldiers of Mu Cang Army, but he yearns for that high throne."

"We are destined to have a different path."

I've been a little busy these past two days, so I'm sorry for the delay in updating.

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