Xie Xun was stunned, a fifth-grade doctor?

He looked at Yu Zhong and then at Su Juan. What happened at that time? Wasn't he still a sixth-grade Cong a while ago?
Su Juan blinked and did not realize what Yu Zhong said for a while, "What is a fifth-grade doctor?" 】

【me? 】

Xie Xun: "?"

Yu Zhong: "?"

[Did I get promoted? When did it happen? 】

[Big butts don’t know how to make things up. Could it be that the old emperor gave me a promotion that day? 】

Xie Xun was shocked: You were promoted, didn’t you know?
Yu Zhong's fingertips repeatedly rubbed the wine glass: "." Big butt.

The wine glass was almost crushed by him.

Su Juan thought about it carefully. When the imperial edict was delivered to the Duke's Mansion that day, she hurriedly packed her bags without taking a closer look. It seemed that the old emperor had indeed promoted her.

[I didn’t expect that the old emperor was usually stingy, but he was quite generous at critical moments. 】

This promotion was so unexpected that she didn't even expect it.

Xie Xun: If he hears what you say, he will demote you to three levels overnight.

After eating only a few bites of the meal, Yu Zhong asked Magistrate Dong to give orders to deliver the untouched vegetables to the hungry victims outside.

Magistrate Dong wanted to please Yu Zhong, but everything was going well at this time. He immediately asked someone to come and take out the meals to the victims outside.

This kind of high-ranking official from the capital likes to do something to keep a good reputation. Only in this way can he have a bright future after returning to the capital. He still understands this.

That night, Xie Xun searched the entire house in the dark, but no one in the house noticed him.

Yu Zhong and Su Juan were discussing the case of the disaster relief bank. This time they followed the route Jiang Shilang took to Xuzhou. Now they know that the accident involving Jiang Shilang and his group had nothing to do with the disaster relief bank, and no one was so bold along the way. The robbers who committed the robbery should think about where the route of the disaster relief funds was leaked from, and what the purpose of the person behind the plan was.

Su Juan had some vague guesses in her mind, but after all, it had never happened before, and she couldn't be sure.

When Xie Xun came back, the two of them were thinking about this matter.

"Let me tell you, the man named Dong is really not a good thing. I just saw with my own eyes that he had many boxes removed from his yard and hidden in a secret room in the study. I opened the secret room at once. Stacks of silver notes and jewelry.”

Yu Zhong nodded, as he had tested during the meal, Magistrate Dong really had a guilty conscience and hid the stolen goods.

Now that the hiding place is known, magistrate Dong can be arrested and brought to justice only when the Suzhou magistrate and his troops arrive.

Xie Xun looked at Su Juan and took out a hairpin from his sleeve, "I didn't see Miaoqing, but I found this in the box."

This golden nanmu hairpin was a gift given to Liu Miaoqing by the family members of the Su family when Liu Miaoqing became an official. Because it was carved by the family members of the Su family, Xie Xun had an impression of it.

The hairpin now appears in Magistrate Dong's house, which shows that those boxes of things are indeed stolen goods, which is also evidence.

Yu Zhong reassured, "There is still no news about Miss Liu. Perhaps she discovered that the people in the inn were conspiring with Magistrate Dong, so she found a place to hide. After the matter of Magistrate Dong is resolved, she should We can find her."

During this time, they took Miaoqing's portrait and asked around, but a few people said they had seen it.

According to the confessions of those in the inn, Liu Miaoqing was the first to run away after the incident. Later, Jiang Shilang was rescued by the remaining people. From the news that Xuzhou was sent to the capital at that time, it is not difficult to guess that Jiang Shilang and others must have been Realizing that Hexian County Government was unreliable, he fled to Xuzhou Prefecture and fled to Xuzhou Prefecture. Only then did news come that Jiang Shilang was seriously injured and unconscious.

Liu Miaoqing got separated from them. A girl who didn't know the way would not dare to wander around, so she could only stay in He County. What happened just now, she would definitely go to the county government for help. After realizing that there was something wrong with the county government, she would definitely Will find a place to hide.So as long as she knew someone was coming to the capital, she might show up.

Su Juan nodded, "Yes."

Yu Zhong was the minister of Dali Temple and had handled at least hundreds of cases. She believed in Yu Zhong's judgment. She had given Miao Qing so many personal hidden weapons and medicine, so everything would be fine.

Xie Xun looked at Yu Zhong and then at Su Juan, only to feel that the feeling he had with Shen Ruhui and Su Juan came again.

Why can Miao Qing be found after solving County Magistrate Dong?

He didn't even explain what you said, so you understand?
Xie Xun picked his ears and chose to pretend to be deaf. He is now awake: when you can't integrate, don't force yourself in. Even if you force yourself in, you will still be an outsider.

Yu Zhong and his entourage perfunctoryed Magistrate Dong for two whole days and were forced to follow him to eat, drink and have fun. The county magistrate originally thought that there were finally some people in the capital who could control Magistrate Dong, but he was disappointed when he saw this.

Finally, on the third day, a letter was about to go to the capital, but Yu Zhong's subordinates stopped him.

Looking at the contents of the book, Su Juan narrowed his eyes and said, "This and the county magistrate are doing their duties faithfully."

He wrote about his Shangguan in a complete mess, as well as what happened when they came and the Queen followed County Magistrate Dong to eat and drink in the sea.

I guess I probably wrote a lot in the past and had people stop me, otherwise I wouldn't be just a county magistrate now.

On this day, Magistrate Dong selected some treasures and planned to send them to Yu Zhong and Su Juan later. After spending the past few days together, he felt that he had completely figured out the temperament of these two people.

As soon as I arrived at the flower hall, I heard from the people below that the prefect of Xuzhou was here. Now I was waiting at the county government office, and I had already met Yu Zhong and others!

When Magistrate Dong heard this, he thought that he must have come because he heard that people from the capital were now in He County.

He had always wanted to please Zeng Zhifu, but this person was like a piece of wood, he just didn't know what he was doing, and he always sent back all the things he sent. But now it seems that he came so impatiently, and he still didn't know what he was doing. Don't you want to please people from the capital?

He packed up and went to the county government office.

When people entered the county government office, they saw Zeng Zhifu talking with Yu Zhong and Su Juan.

Magistrate Dong's eyes were contemptuous, but he could only put on a smile, "Oh, what kind of wind is it today? It even brought the prefect here!"

Zeng Zhifu looked at Magistrate Dong with a hint of displeasure in his eyes, "Dong Hai, Mr. Yu and Mr. Su talked about you to me a lot just now."

Magistrate Dong beamed with joy. He didn't expect these two people to be so righteous, so he began to make peace with himself. He saluted Su Juan and Yu Zhong, "Thanks to the two Shangguan for their respect."

Yu Zhong remained silent.

Su Juan smiled, "There is no need to pay such a big courtesy, I just told the truth."

Xie Xun on the side couldn't bear to watch anymore. They were about to face a disaster, so they still wanted to make a joke. Su Juan was really wilted.

Magistrate Dong smiled with a smile on his face and looked at Magistrate Zeng, "Master Zeng, please stay here today. I will ask someone to prepare some food."

But Zeng Zhifu sneered, put his hands behind his back, and said sternly: "Take it down!"

Seven or eight people rushed in immediately, pressing County Magistrate Dong directly to the ground and controlling him before he could react.

Everyone in Dong County was dumbfounded, and they still didn't understand what happened.

Darlings, do you have any tickets today?If not, I'll ask again later~

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