Duke Ping thought to himself, this girl would not really want to go to the palace to ask for something from her. If it is in the hands of the emperor, he would like to come back, but there is really no way.

Su Juan shook her head, "Your Majesty said that it was a token of love between the Queen and him, and now it has been returned to its original owner."

A token of love clarifies everything.

"It seems you already know." Ping Guogong let go of the tea cup and put it back on the table. He originally wanted to pick a day to talk to her again, but he didn't expect that Liu Ze would move faster.

Now, let Su Juan know first.

Su Juan nodded slightly, "Yes, I understand."

[You and Xie Xun made it so obvious, and coupled with the Queen's changes, you would be really stupid if you couldn't guess. 】

Their eyes met, and Duke Ping smiled, "In terms of seniority, you have to call me uncle."

Su Juan put down the tea cup, stood up and walked to Duke Ping. She knelt down and bowed to Duke Ping, "Juan has met your uncle!"

The kneeling and bowing scared Duke Ping, but the call of uncle made his eyes sore. He stood up and helped him, "As a family, why do you need to perform such a grand ceremony?"

Su Juan shook her head, "Now I know that my uncle is so protective of me, so I am grateful to my uncle."

It wasn't until recently that she figured out why Pingguo Gong and his son treated her so well the previous two times. It must be because they knew her life experience.

At that time, King Han, King Heng, and King Jing were fighting each other. In order to protect his niece, he hid it. In such a chaotic situation, survival was more important than anything else.

Until later, when the Xie family was exiled and he died on the road to exile, he never revealed a word. Knowing that he was in a difficult situation at that time, he never asked for help.

The Su family never thought that the love and care they had been seeking for so many years in the orphanage had actually been fulfilled when they came here, but they didn't know it at the time.

In this situation, when she recalled how many times Duke Ping had defended her in the past, her heart felt sour and tears came to her eyes.

Duke Ping was also in tears and helped Su Juan up, "You girl, it's not that my uncle and your grandmother don't want to recognize you, but you are also aware of the situation in the DPRK. If you reveal your background at that time, it will only harm you."

Su Juan: "My uncle worked very hard, and I understand this."

Duke Ping sighed and patted the back of Su Juan's hand, "It's a pity that Liu Ze found out, but fortunately, you have many colleagues in the court now, and there are also people from us among the six departments. In the end, just straighten your back, and your uncle is here, and the Duke's Mansion will be your backer."

King Jing has connections in the court, and now there are also many connections in other countries' government offices. The King of Han has military power in his hands, and other countries' government offices also have it.

Even if he wants to take action, he has to weigh the strength of Duke Pingguo's mansion. Xie Yu'an is not a vegetarian.

Su Juan felt grateful in her heart, "Thank you, uncle."

Duke Ping Guo looked at Su Juan, calmed down, and his expression became much more serious, "My uncle has something to ask you, you have to think carefully before answering."

Su Juan nodded.

Duke Ping said with a stern expression, "You are of royal blood, and are descended from His Majesty and the Queen. You have a distinguished status. Your Majesty has no other heirs. Once your life experience is exposed, you will definitely become the target of public criticism. My uncle only wants to ask you now, is there any chance of seizing the throne?" meaning?"

If it were before, he would not have dared to ask this question, but in Xuzhou and his party, he could also feel the changes in his niece and granddaughter.

Under the gaze of Duke Ping, Su Juan nodded slowly, "I dare not hide it from you, I have this intention."

"I know that the King of Han has been coveting it for a long time. Song Qianfan is ambitious. The other vassal kings also have different intentions. The Southern Kingdom is even more eyeing. This road must be difficult. I have only seen the suffering of the people. I don't care who hands this world to. rest assured."

Duke Ping was relieved. In this way, he had spent the past two years planning for her in vain.

"Don't worry, no matter how difficult the road is, my uncle will help you. It's yours and no one else can take it from you."

Su Juan felt grateful in her heart, "Thank you so much, uncle."

The two sat down and talked about the current situation between North Korea and China, who could be used and who should be wary of. "After the New Year's Day, my uncle will ask the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment and Heping Bohou to come over to the house. You also come to meet them. These two people already know your identity a long time ago, so there is no need to hide it."

Su Juan was slightly startled, "What about Liu Xuan?"

[Does Liu Xuan also know? 】

Duke Ping said with a smile, "That child is smart. I guessed it myself."

"Girl, don't trust people when you employ them, and don't use people when you doubt them. You must be sincere in your treatment of people's hearts, but you must not lack means. Do you understand?"

Su Juan nodded, "I understand."

She has always known this. The people in Ruyilou are her confidants. She has always trusted them and never treated them harshly. She also takes good care of their families, but at the same time, their families also ensure their loyalty. s method.

Only by applying kindness and power can we truly control everything.

Seeing that the Su family members knew everything they should know, and some things were easy to understand, Duke Ping was pleased. He was worthy of being a descendant of his Xie family, smart and promising. After all, not everyone can achieve success in just two years. Climb to the position of fourth-rank minister in the current dynasty.

At this moment, Xie Xun's shout came from outside the study, "Old man! The chef said that the flowers are not enough, why don't you pick them again!?"

"If you don't pick it, I'll go shopping at the Flower House!"

Duke Ping: "." Except for this traitor.

He was also puzzled. Po Wen had done the right thing when delivering the baby, so why was this son not like him at all?

After the New Year's Day, it's the Lantern Festival.

Su Juan and Liu Miaoqing made an appointment to go to the lantern festival together after the banquet in the palace was over.

The old emperor specially told people that this banquet must be well organized. There are many courtiers and children entering the palace, so more sweets should be prepared, and some hangover soup should be prepared.

Because of the festival, Su Juan dressed up beautifully and walked with Xie Xun, attracting everyone's attention.

Surprisingly, there was actually Tang Pozi on the ladies' table. Su Jian was frozen all the way and immediately held Tang Pozi in her hands.

As soon as everyone took their seats, the old emperor came with the queen, with a smile on his face, "My dear friends, there is no need to be polite. Let's eat and drink well tonight and enjoy the festival together."

After the words fell, the courtiers raised their glasses, and Su Juan also poured a glass of wine. He raised it high, but murmured in his heart: "Is there anything good to drink? The old emperor is very good at it, whether it is water or water, wine or wine." 】

[I have never had a sip of good wine at any banquet in the palace. 】

The old emperor's forehead jumped: "." Shit!

When did I pick it? You are here to talk nonsense!

The courtiers were silent. As soon as the Su family left for Xuzhou, they almost forgot about this incident.

What they drank was wine, and what Su Yuan drank was real water.

Su Juan followed the other courtiers and drank it all in one gulp. It was spicy at first, but the taste left on the tip of her tongue turned sweet. Her eyes suddenly lit up, "Yo ho!" What a wine! 】

The courtiers were shocked: "!"

His Majesty actually let her drink! ?

Today’s third update of chicken drumsticks is here, and there is another one, which will be delivered later.

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