When the queen sent someone to invite the emperor to dinner, the old emperor was discussing matters with several courtiers.

Seeing that there were still courtiers present, the palace servant who conveyed the message was the Queen's confidant, "Your Majesty, Your Highness is accompanying the Queen. The Queen has specially sent a servant to ask Your Majesty whether we want to have dinner together today."

When the old emperor heard this, he couldn't hide the smile on his face, "You go back and tell the queen that I will go there later."

Several courtiers looked at each other. It seemed that the matter of Princess Le'an was not a rumor. Now this princess was accompanying the queen in the palace.

An old minister boldly asked, "Your Majesty, are you Princess Le'an?"

The old emperor smiled, "It's not Le'an. Le'an died of illness a few years ago. She is my granddaughter. I have been thinking about how to title her these past two days."

Several courtiers were a little stunned. Princess Le'an had already
  One of them reacted the fastest, "Congratulations to Your Majesty for finding your grandson. It's really gratifying."

Several others quickly agreed.

The old emperor narrowed his cold eyes and looked at the people in front of him, "You happen to be here, please help me seal the titles of my staff officers. How about Jinyang?"

After hearing this, several people knew the importance of the word "Jinyang" and replied with a smile, "I think it's very good."

Among them, there was a minister who had a very good personal relationship with the King of Han. He really didn't expect that Princess Le'an was dead, but there was an imperial grandson. Looking at this posture, His Majesty valued this imperial grandson very much.

After leaving the palace, he had to quickly go to Prince Han's Mansion.

Mei Shangshu of the Ministry of Civil Affairs was very anxious. How could a grandson of the emperor appear out of nowhere and return his title to Jinyang? It would be fine if this goes on.

News of the emperor's grandson spread throughout the official residences of all sizes in Beijing.

King Han's eyes darkened. Now that Le'an is dead, as long as Zongzheng Temple can say a few words to make sure that her status as the grandson of the emperor is not real, she will naturally have no chance of being the heir apparent. In this way, she can rest assured.

"Go and send a message to my second nephew in Prince Jing's Mansion, telling him that I invite him to meet at Dongyue Tower at noon tomorrow to discuss important matters."


At the same time, Song Qianfan's office in Prince Jing's Mansion also received the news. He was so angry that he gritted his teeth. The old emperor wanted to give the grandson a title of Jinyang. It seemed that he really wanted to create a crown princess.

No, I can't sit still.

By the time the Crown Princess is registered, everything will be too late.

That night, the old emperor drove to the queen's place. Before he entered, he heard laughter. This showed that Su Juan was indeed a coaxer, and his mood improved a lot.

He quickly walked into the palace and said loudly, "I heard you talking and laughing before I came in. I thought I was in the wrong place."

Su Juan stood up with the queen.

The queen smiled, "How could I go wrong?"

She patted the back of Su Juan's hand and said, "Juan'er, it's not long before I meet your imperial grandfather."

The Su family bowed to the old emperor and said, "My granddaughter has met the emperor's grandfather."

The suddenness of this gift shocked the emperor. He was a little uncomfortable with it, so he gave Su Juan a hand and laughed dryly, "As a family, there is no need to give such a gift."

Su Juan blinked, [Then you should have said it earlier. 】

The old emperor choked on his words: "."

A few days ago, they were still kings and ministers, and now they have become grandfathers and grandsons. It is really a huge change.

Before he knew it was Su Juan, he had thought about the tender scene of his grandfather and grandson recognizing each other and bursting into tears. After knowing it was Su Juan, all he could think about was her old words, and he couldn't be warm anymore.

The three of them sat down to eat, and the queen asked the Su family something from time to time. The emperor beside him was like a vase, unable to say a word for a long time.

The queen couldn't help but gave the emperor a kick, coughed slightly, and motioned for him to speak with her eyes.

This granddaughter is right in front of her. She doesn't know how to say a few words, but with a straight face, does she think this is a court? Who are she trying to scare?

The emperor then looked at Su Juan, and after thinking for a long time, he didn't know what to say. In the end, he only managed to say, "Is the meal satisfactory to your appetite?"

Su Juan responded obediently, "It's to your liking."

The emperor said "Yeah", "Then eat more."

Sujuan: "Yes." Queen: "."

The grandma on the side looked at this scene and wanted to laugh.

At this time, the old emperor thought of something to say, "You are not young now, and you have to think about your marriage. If you like her, please tell me."

Su Juan was silent, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The Queen is obviously a little unhappy. She wants you to speak to bring your grandson closer to each other and not to force you into marriage.

But the old emperor continued to say, "I heard that you have a good relationship with Yu Zhong from Dali Temple in the Ministry of Justice. In fact, Liu Xuanzhen seems to be pretty good too."

Su Juan laughed dryly and said, "Yeah, it's pretty good."

But I couldn't help it in my heart, [Which bastard is talking nonsense? Where have these rumors spread! 】

[The dignified king of a country actually follows others in talking nonsense. 】

The old emperor suddenly had a serious face, "What kind of rumors are you talking about? Aren't you chasing Yu Zhong's butt all day long?"
  There are witnesses all over the court, am I talking nonsense?

[The wedding gift before was outrageous enough, but now you want to make some mistakes? 】

Old Emperor: What a mess! Am I not doing this for you?
  The grandfather and grandson stared at each other, refusing to let anyone go.

Seeing the situation, the Queen had no choice but to say something else, "Your Majesty, what is the title you mentioned last night?"

The old emperor blew his beard and glared, and said angrily, "Jinyang, I will summon Zongzheng Temple tomorrow, and then issue an edict."

As he said that, he looked at Su Juan with a straight face, "As soon as the edict is issued, you will move into the palace, a girl's house, and follow Xie Xun and Song Er around the flower house all day long. What do you think?"

Su Juan smiled and said, "Wei Chen feels that he is more comfortable living in the Duke's Mansion, so he won't move."

[What’s the flower building? It’s the Baihua Building. Baihua Building, okay! It's just a place for people to listen to ditties, it's not a shabby place, so it can also accept female customers, okay? 】

[Look at your ignorant appearance, you are still the king of a country. 】

The old emperor was immediately annoyed, "Don't you dare to listen to me?"

What's the point of living in a poor place like the Duke's Mansion? How about living in a palace?

Su Juan: "Your Majesty's words, I dare not not listen to you."

The old emperor said with a straight face: "Then live in the palace."

Su Juan: "No."

Both of them were stubborn, and the queen on the side frowned, "What are you arguing about?"

The queen spoke, and the palace suddenly fell silent.

Grandma could see clearly from the side. She was still a little reserved just now, but now she was bickering and looked like a family.

The queen said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty, my wife is not young anymore. Since she wants to live outside, I just need to give her another mansion."

The old emperor immediately changed his tune and said, "What the Queen said is absolutely true. At this age, it's time to open a mansion outside."

Su Juan smiled and said, "My grandson thanks the emperor for the gift."

[Tsk, my face changes so quickly. 】

The old emperor glanced at her and said coldly in his heart, "Will I change my face if I have you?"

The grandparents and grandchildren of other people enjoy family happiness.

At my age, if a granddaughter appears, I am afraid that she is here to collect debts.

Still warm. Warm as hell!

If you are tired today, you will see the situation tomorrow, and then decide whether to add chicken drumsticks tomorrow.

Do you have a ticket?

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