Song Qianhang was thinking a lot, but he didn't dare to ask. He couldn't see through Su Juan, and he was afraid that if he asked, he would give Su Juan a chance to reject him.

After all, he has always known that there is Liu Xuan beside Su Juan who is eyeing him, even though Liu Xuan's performance has always been mediocre.

But it seems that after returning from Xuzhou, the two of them have become much closer...

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel sour and speechless.

If we don't break it, at least we can still talk and laugh together now. If we break it, everything will be unsustainable and we will become estranged.

That day, when they returned to the mansion, Su Juan met the housekeeper of the Su mansion.

The Su Mansion had sent many people here before, but they were all sent away by the people from the Duke's Mansion. The housekeeper waited outside for nearly two hours before he arrived at the Su family members. He quickly stopped them before they entered the house.

"Eldest lady, there will be a banquet in the mansion tomorrow. Many people in the capital have been invited to the banquet. Even the second lady and the second uncle are coming back. The master and his wife have specially asked the younger one to invite you back to the mansion tomorrow so that the whole family can reunite and have a meal together."

The Su family felt it was funny. More than half a month had passed since the New Year, but now they thought of reunion and held a banquet?

How afraid was he that he would disown the Su family and lose a daughter he could use.

The Su family members were not in the mood to reunite with the people of the Su Mansion, but the housekeeper said that the second uncle was also there, so it would be a good idea to go there and meet Xin Zhang.

After all, Xin Zhang is also on the system panel, so having more contact with him is not a bad thing.

She asked, "What time will it be tomorrow?"

The housekeeper was overjoyed and said, "After noon tomorrow, the eldest lady can come at noon."

In the Su Mansion, Mr. Su was proud when he heard the butler's reply. He glanced at his wife, who had been talking coldly to him two days ago, "Did you hear that? Even if she is successful in her career, she is still my daughter."

Can she really deny herself as me?

After returning to the royal family, he will not recognize his biological father. If word spreads, he will not be afraid of being laughed at by everyone in the world.

Mrs. Su didn't even look at him. When the girl returns home, she really doesn't necessarily recognize you as her father.

That night, when I learned that Su Juan was going to the Su Mansion tomorrow, Duke Ping did not agree. With the face of Su Juan's biological father, it was good that he did not go to the Su family to trouble him. He actually had the nerve to come over again and again. Find someone.

Xie Xun drank the soup and echoed his old man's words, "If you ask me, just cut off your relationship with the Su family. There's nothing good to do anyway."

Compared with the one from the Su family, my old man is really a good father.

The father and son chatted in exactly the same way.

The next day, when the Su family members went out, Xie Xun was called by Duke Ping to go to the Su Mansion with the Su family members.

The banquet in the Su Mansion was very large, and the guests included not only the families of wealthy businessmen in the capital, but also many lords, ministers and their families.

In the past, these people with high eyesight would never come to a banquet hosted by a merchant family like the Su family. But now, because of the Su family members, all of them came eagerly.

Mr. Su was very happy to see these people fawning over him and saying good things to him, and he felt proud in his heart.

People from the Xin family also came, as if nothing embarrassing had ever happened on Xin Zhang's wedding day.

When Su Juan arrived, many people came over to chat. Su Lingling pulled Xin Zhang over and squeezed through the crowd, "Sister, you haven't seen Xin Zhang yet, husband, this is my eldest sister, Su Juan. "

Her eyes signaled her husband to call someone quickly.

Xin Zhang knew in his heart that Su Juan was now the princess of the dynasty, and his wife wanted him to have some royal connections. However, how could matters in the dynasty be achieved by fawning over each other? He gave a slight salute and said, "I have seen the princess."

Su Juan nodded slightly and couldn't help but look at it a few more times. She had witnessed Xin Zhang angrily denounce Song Qianfan, who was now the emperor, in court and was eventually executed.

How could such a stubborn person really follow Su Lingling's thoughts and achieve great things even if they don't have any connections.

"I heard that you are in the cabinet now?"

Xin Zhang responded, "Yes."

Su Juan looked at the place next to her where there were fewer people, "I happen to want to ask you something, why don't you go over there and say it?"

Before Xin Zhang could speak, Su Lingling on the side quickly pushed him and motioned for him to follow Su Juan.

I didn't think anything of it before, but now I understand more and more what my mother said. The current appearance of the Su family is supported by the name of the Su family. Otherwise, who is an official from a wealthy family? Who can think highly of the Su family? people?

Su Juan is now a member of the royal family, and she only hopes that her husband can get some help in the court.

At this time, Xie Xun just found a seat to sit down and drink, listening to these people talking nonsense.

Those who have declined and only have a few titles left, especially Sun Zhao from the Qingyuan Earl's Mansion, who is usually a noble person, is now trying to say good things to Mr. Su.

"Brother Su is really amazing, raising such an ice-snow and smart daughter."

Mr. Su, who was so coaxed that he couldn't close his mouth, said, "That's because when my daughter was young, I felt that she was not an ordinary person. I loved her in every possible way at home, and she was also filial. Now she has a future, I’m also happy for her in my heart.”

Mrs. Su on the side couldn't listen anymore, for fear that she would roll her eyes on the spot and leave directly.

Xie Xun listened blankly.

I saw Lord Sun sighing, "You and I really met late."

When the conversation changed, he seemed to suddenly think of something, "By the way, I heard that your daughter has not been married since she divorced. It just so happens that I have a young son in my house who is similar in age to her and has not yet married. "

"Brother Su, since you and I are so in love with each other, why don't we decide on this marriage today?"

When Xie Xun heard this, he almost spit out the wine in his mouth.

This Sun Zhao really dares to think!

His Sun family was now a shabby household holding a useless title, but they actually wanted to rely on marriage to turn things around, so they set their sights on the Su family.

Not to mention these, what kind of character is his younger son? He goes to the flower house every day and still pays for it on credit. He has no future and just follows his father.

His Su family will be the ones who will sit on the throne in the future. What nonsense, they don't consider their own weight, they want to be a princess, and they also want to be an emperor's husband?

Mr. Su was stunned. He didn't expect that someone would suddenly propose marriage. He laughed twice and said politely, "Sire, my daughter has always made her own decisions in all major matters. This marriage also does not allow others to interfere."

Lord Sun's face was stern, "You are her biological father, and you are not someone else. It is the orders of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. Whose daughter's marriage is not decided by the parents?"

He was immediately displeased, "Brother Su, is it because you look down on my Sun family that you talk so much?"

Seeing Lord Sun's anger, Mr. Su immediately explained nervously, "What are you saying, Sir? How dare I? It's really my daughter's marriage, she has her own opinion. Why don't I ask her and give Sir Alex an answer?" "

He looked at Lord Sun carefully, with cold sweat on his forehead.

Xie Xun turned his head and glanced at the two of them, "I thought it was someone who had the courage to take advantage of my little niece. It turned out to be Lord Sun!"

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