Because there were only more than ten people present, Su Juan's banquet was served quickly.

The people below were serving dishes one after another. Each table had two meat dishes, three vegetarian dishes and one soup, but everyone present felt their foreheads jump and their chopsticks were clenched tightly.

Is this Princess Jinyang in such a miserable state?

This really made them unable to stand it.

The two meat dishes are clearly one fish, with half a fish body on one plate, one steamed, one braised, and the fish head is even in the soup. If you think you divided the three vegetarian dishes into three pots, no one would know they are one. Did it come out of the pot? !

Call it perfunctory, but it can be served as a big pot, but it is served in several basins.

Academician Yuan looked at it, feeling sad for Su Juan. She was a royal princess after all, but now she was eating these things, which were not as sumptuous as the dinner he had at the mansion last night.

Su Jian looked at these people secretly from the corner of her eye, feeling uneasy and asked, "Why don't everyone use their chopsticks? Could it be that they feel shabby?"

Everyone immediately picked up the chopsticks to pick up the food, and while putting it in their mouths, they praised, "As expected of the chef in His Highness's house, he can make the fish so delicious, which shows how hard he works."

[The original cook ran away, so I specially recruited a cook from Dongjie to make up the job. I didn’t expect this cooking skill to be so good! 】


Everyone who heard this boasted without blushing, "Yes, yes, I see this dish is also very delicious. I have never tasted such delicious food in my life."

"Thanks to His Highness, I was able to eat such delicious food today."

The people present are all human beings. Even though Su Juan has lost power now, she is still the princess of the current court. She is the fourth rank in the court. Maybe one day your majesty will change his mind and this princess will become prosperous again. Those things that add insult to injury when others are in decline, They won't do it.

After all, the incident of Chen Yushi being beaten alive and then dying of illness was still fresh in their memories.

The Su family members were so embarrassed by the praise, "You guys can eat more if you think it's delicious. I'll let the kitchen continue to cook it."

Everyone: "Thank you, Your Highness. I won't be polite, so I'll eat it with all my heart."

Xie Xun's forehead jumped at the side, these people can really boast, not only a fish, but a few green vegetables, they boasted like nothing in the world.

Su Juan smiled and called for drinks. After the servants filled the wine glasses, everyone raised glasses to congratulate Su Juan on her birthday. Everyone fell silent after drinking each glass.

Xueshie Yuan stared at the wine glass in his hand, and then looked at the wine bottle on the table. Is this wine? Why does it taste like water?

The corner of Xie Xun's mouth twitched. Even if he was going to suffer miserably, he wouldn't mix water in his wine, would he?

The hall was so quiet that you could hear the sound of an embroidery needle falling. Su Juan's heart skipped a beat, "Did everyone realize that my wine was watered down?" 】

Everyone was silent: "." No! Are you so poor that you even have to mix wine with water?

Su Juan sighed inwardly, "Oh, back then I laughed at Nie Yunguang for adding water to the wine, but now I realize firsthand that he did it out of necessity." 】

Everyone twitched at the corners of their mouths. It doesn't matter. It's understandable. They forced a smile and said, "Your Highness, this wine is not bad. I will drink it and it will be very refreshing and quench my thirst!"

Xie Xun didn't notice. He could hardly taste the wine. Wasn't it quenching his thirst?

Su Juan was moved and said, "You all like it so much. When I leave later that night, I will have someone prepare it. You can all take one or two jars back to drink."

Everyone declined politely, "Your Highness, you're welcome. We still have wine in the house."

They don't want this water.

Su Juan: "It doesn't matter. The longer the wine is kept, the more fragrant and mellow the taste will be."

[Buried under a peach tree for decades, maybe it can even be made into peach blossom wine! 】

Everyone: "." They were stunned. Even if the Jade Emperor comes today, this is still water.

Mei Ying's face was full of disdain, what is this? Isn't it just water? It sounds like some royal wine. Are these people all sycophants? How can they be photographed?

Su Juan sighed, "It seems that everyone dislikes me. Oh, I knew it." 】

Academician Yuan was the first to speak, "Since Your Highness has spoken, I would like to ask for two jars back. Thank you very much, Your Highness." Even if the Su family is not as good as before, after all, the friendship between the two is still there.

Seeing this, other people also spoke one after another, and some even wanted to ask for the three altars.

Xie Xun had never seen such a ridiculous thing in his life. There were just a few jars of water, and several people were vying for them, as if they were regretful that they would be gone if they were too late.

Mei Ying pouted, she didn't want to carry two jars of water home to occupy the ground.

Liu Xuan and Liu Miaoqing didn't speak during the whole process, watching quietly.

Liu Xuan really thought that the Su family was down and out, and he was not willing to spend money from the Duke's government. He didn't eat much when picking up the food, because he didn't want to burden the Su family.

Liu Miaoqing really didn't expect Su Juan to be so capable.

The guests present looked at the two people who were motionless and didn't even speak, and sighed in their hearts, what kind of friendship, seeing Princess Jinyang now is not as good as before, they didn't even eat more than two dishes, and they didn't even say a few words.

And this Prince Xie, his disgust is almost written on his face.

Princess Jinyang is really pitiful. She still treats so many people as close friends.

When the banquet dispersed, these guests politely moved away several jars of wine. Su Juan smiled and saw each other off. She was still looking at each other from a distance until they were put on the carriage.

The people in the carriage looked at the wine jar that occupied half of the carriage, and they really wanted to cry. They didn't say it was such a big jar just now!

Even if you want to throw it away, you have to return it to the house and dispose of it.

They vaguely heard Su Juan's thoughts outside.

[I have become like this now. My colleagues who were good friends with me in the past are no longer here, but these adults are still willing to give me this face. They are all good people. 】

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. 】

[If I stand up in the future, I will treat you well! 】

The guests in the carriage sighed, it was not in vain that they had gone to such great lengths to praise her today, but it was a pity. I didn't know if the princess could stand up again.

However, how good the Minister of the Ministry of Finance and the Minister of the Ministry of Justice used to be with Princess Jinyang in the past, and the Marquis of Wu Yuan, who used to think all day long about how to marry Su Juan back to his grandson. Today, none of them actually not coming.

People's hearts are like this, and the walls fall down and everyone pushes them away.

It is estimated that after today, this Princess Jinyang should also understand that the people she has made friends with in the past are all people who are in favor of others.

But I never noticed this before, but I can really pretend!

At this time, Mo Shangshu, who was following the trend, was sending a birthday gift to the princess's house with his cronies, and he did not forget to give a few words of advice, "Although Xiao Su won't let me go, it is her birthday after all. You can send this birthday gift to me on my behalf." Be careful when you go and don't let others see you."

This child is really honest. He is afraid that his current situation will harm others, so he won't even let them go to his birthday party.

I don’t know what your majesty was thinking. Su Juan spent all her private property to solve the urgent needs of the Jin Dynasty. How could such a caring granddaughter have the heart to wrong her.

If this was his granddaughter, he would hold it in the palm of his hand.

Your Majesty is serious. Alas, it’s okay not to mention it.

Mo Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue felt unlucky for the Su family.


The chamberlain rushed to fetch the imperial doctor.

The old emperor rubbed his nose and wondered: Why do you keep sneezing today?

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