Chapter 22 Recommendation Controversy
That night, the candlelight was brightly lit in Song Qianhang's study, and the servant was helping to grind and suppressing laughter.

Song Qianhang was cursing while copying, "What female commandments? It's all bullshit, what kind of crappy thoughts?!"

"Why would anyone let someone copy these!?"

"Brother is not a human being, he is so inhumane!"

The next day, Song Qianhang sat down to have breakfast with dark circles under his eyes and yawned several times.

King Jing glanced at him and said, "It's a good thing that you study hard, but everything must be done appropriately and don't hurt your eyes."

Princess Jing felt sorry for her son who had been studying all night. She put a bowl of hot porridge in his hand and said, "After breakfast, we will go back to the courtyard to rest for a while. We won't go to the Imperial College today."

When Song Qianhang heard this, he realized that there was such a good thing! ?

His eyes suddenly lit up. After thinking about it, he pretended to be mentally ill again, "All sons listen to their mother and concubine."

In the palace, just after leaving the court, Zhongshu Ling and several ministers were called to the imperial study.

The emperor looked through the papers presented in the past few days, either recommending some people with no merit to the Ministry of Household Affairs, or he was thinking about the position of Minister of Rites.

The Ministry of Husbandry collects the world's wealth, so it must be cautious in employing people. Even a sixth-grade official must not be careless.

Several ministers even presented reports for several days in a row, urging the old emperor to decide on the candidate for the crown prince as soon as possible.

"None of these discounts are worth reading!"

The emperor was furious, "I'm not dead yet, and everyone is getting impatient!?"

wild ambition!wild ambition!
Several ministers were driven out, leaving only Liu Ze, the Secretary of the Central Committee, and Mei He, the Minister of Civil Affairs.

The emperor's eyes fell on Zhongshu Ling. He thought that after so long, he still hadn't seen anything about him, so he immediately asked, "Do you have anyone to recommend for this Du branch?"

Although the Duzhi Yuan Wailang is only from the sixth rank, the Duzhisi is in charge of the cashier after all. In addition to being careful, the person chosen must be proficient in arithmetic and honest.

The emperor had to be cautious.

Zhongshu Ling hesitated for a moment, then the Minister of Civil Affairs on the side rushed to recommend, "Your Majesty, I have someone to recommend."

Emperor: "Who?"

Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel: "Li Quan, the head of the Criminal Department, has a son. Wei Chen has met him. Li Zhan is proficient in arithmetic. Wei Chen thinks he is a good candidate."

Zhongshu Ling frowned and said, "Shang Shu Mei, how come I remember that Li Zhan caused some trouble in the gambling house two years ago and was imprisoned by the Jingzhao Yin Mansion for several days?"

"Is Mei Shangshu confused by recommending such a gambler?"

The Minister of Civil Affairs laughed, "That was all a misunderstanding and misjudgment. I have seen Li Zhan before, and he is not a gambler."

The old emperor sneered, "Jingzhao Yin Qiuchong is not confused. Mei Qing, I think you are a little confused."

The emperor was so angry that the Minister of Civil Affairs was sweating coldly, "It's because the humble minister didn't examine carefully. The veteran minister knows his mistake. I hope your majesty can forgive the veteran minister for making the wrong recommendation."

Nowadays, people can recommend people against their will, which shows that there is no lack of self-interest behind it.

A chill flashed in the old emperor's eyes, and he looked at Zhongshu Ling, "Liu Qing, do you have anyone to recommend?"

Zhongshu Ling took a look at the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. He could recommend even a gambler like Li Zhan. This Minister of the Ministry of Personnel was really going to die.

The old emperor above was still waiting for him to speak, and Zhongshu Ling finally spoke boldly, "Your Majesty, I have a candidate for a minor minister. His talents and character are both excellent, but he is a little different from other officials. I'm afraid your Majesty may not find it suitable."

The old emperor narrowed his eyes. Zhongshu Ling's words were often convoluted, which made people uncomfortable to guess, but the best thing was that he had no objections and knew his intentions, so he was very loyal.

He asked in a deep voice, "What's different about this person?"

Zhongshu Ling: "This person is a woman."

As soon as these words came out, the old emperor somewhat guessed who it was, and he curled his lips, knowing my heart, Liu Qing.However, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel did not have such good eyesight. When he heard that it was a woman, he immediately retorted, "Master Liu, how can a woman enter the court as an official? You must be confused!"

He was proud that Liu Ze, relying on his usual sacred heart, dared to recommend a woman to be an official. He was really an old fool today.

At this time, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel was hoping that the old emperor would be furious and scold Liu Ze to avenge his hatred for being reprimanded just now.

The old emperor frowned.

Zhongshu Ling turned around to face the Minister of Civil Affairs and asked sternly, "Master Mei, why can't women enter the court as officials?"

Women have never been inferior to men, it's just that there is a lot of prejudice in this world.

The Minister of Civil Affairs sneered, "All civil and military officials in the dynasty are men, but you recommend a woman. It's ridiculous!"

The old emperor's forehead was twitching, and he wanted to call someone to drag down the official minister who was spitting shit. It was really noisy.

However, he could only sit firmly above him, pretending to be serious, and listen to the debate between the two.

Facing the sneers, Zhongshu Ling said slowly, "During the Chongde period, when the Queen of Heaven was in power, there were many women serving as officials. Don't forget that Mei Shangshu, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel at that time, is where you are now." , but she is also a woman."

The Minister of Civil Affairs said coldly, "Master Liu also said that when the Queen of Heaven was in power, it was understandable for a woman to be an official, but now it is not the Queen of Heaven who is in power."

Zhongshu Ling immediately interrupted him and raised his voice suddenly: "Master Mei's remarks, are you questioning the queen who allowed women to serve as officials in the court?!"

The Secretary of the Ministry of Personnel's pupils tightened, "Why did Mr. Liu say this?"

The old emperor was already very annoyed, "Okay!"

The cold eyes fell on him, and the official's body trembled.

The old emperor sternly said, "When the Queen of Heaven was in power, there were many talented people in our Jin Dynasty. There were few unjust and wrong cases. The people lived and worked in peace and contentment. This was a wise king. Even I often lamented that I was not as good as the Queen of Heaven."

"Mei Qing, please be careful what you say."

The cold eyes and aggravated tone made the Minister of Civil Affairs dare not speak anymore, knowing that Liu Ze had got the words out of his mouth again and suffered a big loss.

"How dare I question, Your Majesty, I made a mistake for a moment, and I know I was wrong!"

The old emperor looked at Zhongshu Ling, "Liu Qing, who are you recommending?"

Zhongshu Ling said slowly, "To the Crown Princess of the Prince's Palace, Su Juan."

The old emperor narrowed his eyes, "Oh? Why recommend the Crown Princess? Could it be that Liu Qing knows her?"

Zhongshu Ling: "It's not that I'm a minor minister, but that my daughter is familiar with the imperial concubine. I know that the imperial concubine is proficient in arithmetic and knows a thing or two about various expenditure budgets of the Ministry of Household Affairs. I think she might be able to serve as a branch secretary and a foreign minister." .”

The Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, who was kneeling beside him, was stunned for a moment. The person who recommended her was recommended to the Crown Princess.

If he had known she was the Crown Princess, why would he have wasted his time just now? Everyone was so happy!

This eldest concubine belongs to the eldest son. If she is appointed as a foreign minister, she would be more suitable than Li Zhan, an outsider.

The old emperor glanced at him, a cold light flashed across his eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "What does Mei Qing think of the person Liu Qing recommended?"

The Minister of Civil Affairs laughed twice and said, "Your Majesty, the imperial concubine is very smart and very intelligent. It would be very suitable for her to be appointed as a foreign minister."

The old emperor chuckled, Mei He changed his face so quickly that no one could achieve it.

"Come here, please summon Su, the Crown Princess of Prince Jing's Palace, to the palace for an audience."

 You vote, I vote, the family will blow up the court tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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