The night is getting dark, and murderous intentions are hidden everywhere in the supposedly silent capital.

Song Qianfan rode a fast horse to the imperial city, and joined forces with Yu Ting, the deputy commander of the imperial army, to control the imperial city. Then he led his men to force the harem, intending to kill the queen and the harem concubines first.

As long as the queen dies, Princess Jinyang and the King of Han in Beijing can be established to conspire against each other, so that he can move troops to Huaizhou logically.

But when he and Yu Ting arrived, the entire palace was empty, the queen was nowhere to be seen, and not a single concubine in the harem was found.

Song Qianfan was so angry that he burst into flames. The people below captured the palace servants and tortured them severely.

Many people in the palace were afraid of death, so they confessed in a few sentences: The queen noticed something was wrong with the imperial guards in the palace, and she had already hid it with many of her family members, but she didn't know where they were hiding.

At this time, people from outside came to report. Not long ago, in the name of reminiscing about the past, the queen ordered all the female relatives of the military commanders who stayed in the palaces in the capital to be invited into the palace. No one was found in the palace of King Han. King Han They were nowhere to be found, and all their men were lost.

A whole night passed, and there were many palace people who defected in the face of the battle. They helped to find someone in the imperial city, but they could not find the queen, let alone where the hidden secret room was. They were running around like headless flies. .

Song Qianfan's eyes were slightly angry, "You haven't found anyone yet?"

"No." Yu Ting's eyes were dark. Throughout the night, he led his people to search everywhere in the palace. They searched all over the imperial city for places where people could hide, but they couldn't find the queen, let alone anything. A secret room or secret passage.

At this moment, an older palace man on the side said, "His Royal Highness King Jing may know the entrance to the tunnel."

The other palace people were prostrate on the ground. No one thought that Prince Jing would rebel, and they didn't know whether it was King Jing or himself who was behind this.

Yu Ting looked at Song Qianfan, things had reached this point and they could not stop anymore.

Song Qianfan said in a deep voice, "You should be careful here, not even a single insect can be released from the palace!"

After he gave the instructions, he took his people and left the palace to Prince Jing's Mansion.

At this time, King Jing and his wife had already learned that their son had joined forces with Yu Ting to rebel. King Jing was so angry that he almost fainted. He picked up the sword that he knew how to use when he was young and rushed outside!

Princess Jing was anxious, "Your Majesty! What are you going to do!?"

Jing Wang: "I am going to kill that treacherous and treacherous son with my own hands!"

After hearing this, Princess Jing hurriedly ran over to stop her husband, grabbing her husband and preventing him from leaving. Her eyes flickered, "My lord, Fan'er, this is also for you. Now that things have reached this point, we can only succeed or fail. That's Our biological son!"

If they fail, the whole family will die. Today's emperor is no longer the same as before. He could ground his husband back then, but the knife will fall on them in the future.

If it succeeds, the husband will be able to ascend to the throne, and he will also be the queen of the world.

The son did what the husband did not dare to do for him, so why should I stop my son?

King Jing looked at his wife in disbelief, "Have you known this traitor's thoughts for a long time?"

Suddenly looking at each other, Princess Jing felt guilty and looked away, "My lord, he is also devoted to you."

"The emperor has been unkind to us. If he can put you under house arrest today, there's no guarantee he won't kill us tomorrow!"

What the son said made sense. The emperor had no heirs and wanted to choose someone to adopt him. But his own family had never considered his younger brother who had the same mother and father. How could people not be disappointed?

"As long as Fan'er and Ting'er succeed, you will be the emperor and I will be the emperor."

"Bang!" With a sound, King Jing slapped his wife. His eyes were red, "I really didn't expect that my wife who has been sleeping with me for decades is actually a poisonous snake!"

He clenched the sword in his hand tightly, feeling furious and out of breath.

Half of Princess Jing's face was red and swollen, which showed how hard the slap was. "Today I will definitely kill this traitor and give an explanation to the world!"

At this moment, Song Qianfan came in with someone from outside, his voice cold and filled with chills, "Who do you want to kill, father?"

He stood in the courtyard and watched coldly.

When King Jing saw Song Qianfan, his blood surged. He immediately drew out his sword and threw away the scabbard, "You traitor! I will deal with you today with my own hands!"

But before he could raise his sword, several people behind Song Qianfan stepped forward, knocked the sword out of King Jing's hand in a few strokes, and controlled the man.

Song Qianfan walked up to him, her cold eyes slightly angry, "Father, you can adopt the son who was a rebel in the Dingbei Army as your own son, but treat me as a rebellious son?"

"It's the same as being against it, why can't I be against it!?"

"Shut up!" King Jing's face turned livid, "The Dingbei Army did not rebel, unlike you! Even if you really win the world, you will still bear the infamy of the people all over the world!"

"As long as I succeed, I will write the history of the world. I won this world in response to the situation. When will the reverse happen?"

Song Qianfan sneered and took the knife from the subordinate next to him, "Father, you should tell me where the entrance to the secret passage in the palace is. Otherwise, don't blame your son for being cruel today."

The blade of the sword flashed with cold light twice, but King Jing did not show any intention of flinching. At this moment, he knew clearly in his heart that the son in front of him could still come to see him, but it was only for the tunnel in the palace that could hide people.

"I don't know what the secret is. If you still think about the relationship between father and son, I advise you to stop as soon as possible, and you can still turn around."

Song Qianfan sneered and waved his hand, and saw two people outside escorting the tied Song Qianhang in. A big knife was placed on Song Qianhang's neck.

"If my father refuses to tell me, I'm afraid you and your brother will have to answer here today."

King Jing's pupils suddenly tightened, "When did you become like this!"

Even Princess Jing was stunned, "Fan'er, what are you doing? These are your father and your brother!"

Song Qianfan's eyes mocked, "Brother?"

"He deserves it too!"

Song Qianhang was covered in wounds and looked at Song Qianfan coldly, "Even your father treats me like this, are you still a human being?"

Song Qianfan found it funny, "You two have a deep affection as father and son."

He stepped forward to take the knife, put it on Song Qianhang's neck, and looked at King Jing in front of him, "Father, I don't have much patience. If you don't tell me where the entrance to the secret passage in the palace is, I will kill him first." he."

King Jing's eyes were forbearing, as if he was making a decision.

Princess Jing on the side shook her husband's arm and urged, "My lord, just tell Fan'er, we are all a family, why should we make such an ugly fuss for outsiders?"

Song Qianhang's tight thin lips moved, "Mother, concubine, he has made a big mistake. We must not help him do it."

King Jing realized at this moment that since he became a father, he has never really understood the son in front of him and has no idea of ​​his true ambition.

He looked at Song Qianhang with a determined look in his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Hang'er, your father is unyielding, and your father cannot be a disloyal and unjust person. If you die, your father will go down and make amends to you. "

Song Qianhang curled the corners of his bloody mouth and said, "My son is not afraid of death."

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