After my inner voice was exposed, I made the tyrant cry anxiously

Chapter 232: Will I leave the chapter and return to the original world?

The King of Han has been guarding the border for many years. If he goes back at this time, he can take precautions.

Shen Ruhui said to Su Juan, "In this way, Your Highness can rest assured."

But the Su family remembered that it was at this time that Chu Guang officially sent troops to attack the Chu State. The Chu State later asked for help from the Jin State. However, in the Jin Dynasty at that time, the old emperor was dead and Song Qianfan was in power. He did not care about the Chu State's request for help. The ministers who could be used in the court were either killed or resigned and ran away. They were left with nothing but food and wine to protect themselves.

In less than two years, the Chu State was defeated. The Southern State expanded its troops and turned to attack Jin.

At that time, the King of Han was dead, and Duke Ping also died on the road to exile. The Southern Kingdom was coming fiercely, and the Jin army's defense plans were stolen.

There is no way to stop the Southern offensive.

Seeing Su Juan's expression, thinking that she had been wary of this person since Chu Guang first came to Jin, Shen Ruhui asked, "Your Highness is still worried?"

Su Juan: "Chu has mines and rich financial resources, but its troops and horses have never been as good as those of the Southern Kingdom. Chu Guang is also warlike and has many capable soldiers. This attack on Chu should be to plunder financial resources. If he succeeds, he will surely Will go south to attack Jin and Qi."

At that time, the world will be in chaos and the people will have no life.

Shen Ruhui looked at Su Juan and felt that she was now looking more and more like a prince of a country, worrying about the people of the world.

"His Highness will be canonized soon. If you are worried, you might as well wait until after the canonization ceremony before discussing it."

Su Juan nodded. Now that many hidden dangers have been eliminated, there is probably no need to worry so much. Even if he wanted to do something, the Chu State had not yet asked for help, so nothing could be done.

During this period of time, she has been paying attention to the system. The collection progress displayed on the day's page is almost full, but she doesn't know when the system will be repaired.

As she lived her life, sometimes she even thought she was from here, but sometimes she would wake up.

On New Year's Eve, urgent news came from the border. The southern country sent troops to attack the Chu country, and the war was already ignited.

Xuzhou is close to Chu, so it is somewhat affected, but the capital is far away, so the flavor of the New Year is still quite strong, but if there is a war, the king will inevitably be worried.

On the day of the crowning ceremony for the crown princess, all the etiquette were complicated, and the Su family members did not dare to slack off.

All the officials went to the table to celebrate, but they all felt like a dream. Previously, King Han, King Heng and King Jing were arguing. Now, one of them has been deprived of the title of prince and can no longer return to the capital. One of his own sons has rebelled and been implicated. He was demoted back to his fiefdom, and one of them invited himself to guard the border.

The merchant's daughter who was loved and hated back then has now become the current crown prince.

Things are so fickle.

It was night, Su Juan was looking at the booklet sent by the old emperor, and the sound of electricity rang in her ears, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice.

"Ding! The system has been repaired, number 888 is at your service!"

Su Juan's heart skipped a beat. Has the system been repaired?

"Will the host leave and return to the original world?"

Su Juan was stunned for a moment, [Can I leave? 】

[Mission completed? 】

"The war has just started and the task has not yet been completed. You have triggered the hidden line of life. According to regulations, the triggered hidden line task also needs to be completed. You have completed 80%."

"But since it was a system failure that caused you trouble, we will compensate you according to the original agreement and send you away safely."

"Would the host leave now and return to the original world, or should he stay to complete the mission?"

Su Juan frowned, are you leaving now?

[If I leave now, will what happens next be like what I experienced before? 】

"After the host leaves, we will reset the mission progress and arrange for a new host to restart the world until the mission of world peace is achieved. Please rest assured, host."

[In other words, once I leave, everything in this world will be reset to its original state, waiting for the next person to appear? 】

"Yes." Su Juan was stunned for a moment, thinking of Liu Miaoqing. She had finally joined the officialdom and reached her current position.

Song Qianhang was born in a young age and had just overturned the case for the Pei family. Liu Xuan had just entered the official position and had not yet had time to truly demonstrate his talents.

Xie Xun just joined the army

[I have worked hard to fight until now, and they have worked hard to get to where they are now. Can they be wiped out with just a restart? 】

Sensing the Su family's dissatisfaction, the system explained: "Host, please rest assured that the previously promised rewards will be used as compensation for the system failure and will be distributed as soon as you leave the world."

At this time, the system did not understand Su Juan's dissatisfaction at all, thinking that she was worried about her reward.

But the Su family is really dissatisfied. Although the world can continue only when the task is completed, everyone is a living person. Why can everything be wiped out with just a restart?

[Then what if I stay and continue to complete the task? 】

"The compensation remains unchanged, and the system will issue additional compensation to you."

Su Juan breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn't too bad, [Then please help me solve the problem first, why can almost everyone hear what I am thinking? 】

The system paused obviously, "This is a problem caused by a system failure. We can help you fix it now. Please rest assured, host."

[That won’t work. I still like this glitch problem. Just help me adjust it so that I can control it freely. 】

She squinted her eyes. She thought it was troublesome before because she couldn't control it. If she could control it well, she wouldn't have to talk to others.

Those old guys can't help themselves.

Su Juan felt happy just thinking about it.

"Okay, No. 888 will repair it for you now."

Su Juan went to court that day with a happy face. It was great that the system was back, and she felt that her walking steps had become easier.

Liu Miaoqing saw the smile that couldn't be hidden on her face, "Ahjuan, what's wrong with you, you're smiling like this?"

Su Juan narrowed her eyes, "It's nothing."

[The newly appointed Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs is quite handsome and makes people feel good just looking at him. 】

Everyone's ears immediately pricked up. After a long time, they could finally hear Su Juan's thoughts again!

Sometimes I really miss the time when she was still a member of the Communist Party of China. Those melons came one after another. The last one was not finished, and the next one was brought to her mouth.

The Minister of the Ministry of Personnel was just sent back from abroad to take over. He has been away from Beijing for the past few years. When he heard this, he was a little confused.

[I heard that when he was young, he was particularly popular with girls. From time to time, he would help one or two girls with sprained feet while walking. Later, the sprained feet of the girls came to their doorsteps. It was because of this that his wife divorced him. 】

Everyone's eyes widened. The girl's sprained foot reached the door of her house. How could such a good thing happen? ?

This Minister of Rites was really blessed when he was young.

The Minister of the Ministry of Personnel greeted the envious eyes from all directions, smiled and sighed, it was just the glory of the past, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning.

[Now I am older, but my charm is still there. I heard that a few days ago, Widow Zhang from East City and Widow Li from West Street fought over him! 】

Official Book of the Ministry of Personnel: "."

Everyone was shocked that this happened! ?

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