Chapter 25: I am sick. Should I go to court?
The old emperor took a deep breath and kept admonishing himself in his heart: be patient.

Su's ability can benefit people all over the world and save people all over the world. Just her superb arithmetic, if her method can be taught, it will be a great achievement.

The surroundings were eerily quiet. The Su family watched the Minister of Civil Affairs being carried away, and carefully looked at the old emperor above them, "Your Majesty, is this concubine's identity correct?"

【Why are you not talking anymore? 】

[Am I taking it too long? 】

[It seems that it is still hasty. It should be postponed for a while, so it is better to calculate it again. 】

"Your Majesty!" Zhongshu Ling shouted in a high voice, "The Concubine's arithmetic speed is beyond our ability to match!"

If this dragged on any longer, his old bones wouldn't be able to bear it any longer. Zhongshu Ling signaled the old emperor to issue an imperial edict as soon as possible.

The old emperor suppressed his anger and said, "I didn't expect the Crown Princess to be so proficient in arithmetic!"

Zhongshu Ling immediately agreed, "Yes, Your Majesty! Such a talented person is a blessing to our country and should be reused."

The old emperor nodded with satisfaction, "Liu Qing's words are exactly what I think."

Su Juan: "???"

【? 】

[Could it be that the old emperor himself didn’t even know the answer to the question he asked? 】

[What’s going on with Mr. Liu, blindfolded and bragging? 】

Su Juan was confused, [No way, these two people wouldn't have their brains kicked by a donkey, right? 】

The eunuch on the side looked suspiciously, staring at the rice paper on the old emperor's desk with the words "person seven, price 53" written on it, but after all, he had gone through many ups and downs, so he still had this kind of vision.

Your Majesty intends to promote this royal concubine.

It seems that His Majesty attaches great importance to Prince Jing's Mansion. As the candidate for the crown prince, Prince Jing has a great chance of winning.

The emperor coughed lightly and said, "Liu Qing, I vaguely remember that the position of Yuanwai Lang of the Department of Household Affairs Branch is still vacant?"

Zhongshu Ling: "Return to Your Majesty, it is still empty."

Su Juan blinked, [What are you doing? 】

The emperor asked again, "Do you think it is appropriate for the Su family to appoint this foreign minister?"

Zhongshu Ling: "I think it's perfect."

Su Juan: [What the hell? 】

The emperor nodded with satisfaction, "In this case, I will issue an order immediately."

Su Juan was completely confused, [No? ? ? 】

[You guys are just talking nonsense there, don’t you need to ask my opinion? 】

[Are my opinions not opinions? ! 】

The emperor then glanced at her perfunctorily and narrowed his eyes slightly, "Prince Concubine, you should have no objections, right?"

Su Juan: "Return to Your Majesty, I have no objections."

Su Juan cursed: [Am I qualified to object? ! 】

[The pie in the sky gave me a headache. 】

The emperor was quite satisfied with the Su family's reaction, "Very good."

[You didn’t do anything, so you picked up a sixth-grade official for nothing? 】

The Su family sighed, [Was the old emperor so careless in doing things? No wonder he finally chose a prince with a violent personality. It turned out that there were traces to follow! 】

After hearing what Su Juan thought, the old emperor disagreed with her and immediately drafted the imperial edict. As soon as the national seal was sealed, the imperial edict was handed over to the eunuch to leave the palace and go to Prince Jing's Mansion. It could no longer be changed.

The Su family had a subtle feeling, as if they had fallen into a pit dug by the old emperor.

[It’s not a bad thing to get an official position for nothing, but why do I feel like I’ve been cheated? 】

The eyes of the old emperor and Zhongshu Ling suddenly fell on her, and they didn't react until it was too late.

[What good will it do to the old emperor to put a sixth-grade official on me? 】Su Juan couldn't understand.

The smile in the old emperor's eyes was unpredictable. It would be best if he didn't understand. "Su Qing, starting from tomorrow, you will come to court with all the civil and military officials. Don't sleep too late."

The old emperor has even changed his title now and is waiting for the morning court meeting tomorrow.

When Su Yuan heard this, her eyes widened, this is so awesome!
【Go to court! ? 】

[I'm sick. Should I go to court? 】

The Su family became anxious immediately, "Your Majesty, concubine, Wei Chen vaguely remembers that only officials of the fourth rank and above are required to participate in the morning dynasty. Wei Chen is just a minor official of the sixth rank."

The old emperor pretended to be dumbfounded, "Really?"

He looked at Zhongshu Ling and said, "Liu Qing, why do I remember that officials from the sixth rank and above are required to participate in the morning court?"

Zhongshu Ling responded, "Your Majesty, I also remember that it is from the sixth rank or above."

The old emperor squinted his eyes and looked at Su Juan, "Su Qing, did you hear clearly?"

[Damn it, these two people are deliberately targeting each other, right? ? 】

The old emperor cleared his throat and his eyes became dim and unclear, "Is it because Su Qing doesn't want to go to the morning court?"

Su Juan laughed twice and said, "Your Majesty, I am naturally willing to do so. It is my honor to be able to attend the court meeting with all the officials and listen to your Majesty's words."

The old emperor pricked up his ears suspiciously.
【I definitely don’t want to! 】

[Who is a good person who has a good life where he can sleep until three hours in the sun? Come and suffer in court with you, a bad old man! ? 】

[It’s so unreasonable. There are so many idle people and you don’t use them. Why do you want me, a housewife, to do? 】

[The old emperor lacks great virtue! 】

Zhongshu Ling coughed twice, trying to drown out Su Juan's voice.

The old emperor had solved a major worry in his heart and was in a good mood. He waved his hand and let the two of them retreat.

At this time, the appointment edict had been sent to Prince Jing's Mansion, appointing Su Jian as Yuan Wai Lang of the Department of Household Affairs. From the sixth rank, he was required to attend court meetings on time every day.

Princess Jing was stunned and looked at King Jing, "This"

King Jing was also a little surprised. He only guessed that His Majesty would leave the Su family behind, but he did not expect that it would be done in this way. There had not been a female official in the Jin Dynasty for decades. Now, I am afraid there will be some discussion in the capital. .

Song Qianfan overturned the table in anger!
"What a great member of the Communist Party of China!"

"What does Meihe do for food? Didn't I ask him to recommend his own people?"

Li An was silent for a moment, "Back to the Master, Mei Shangshu fainted in the palace and was carried back to the mansion."

"According to people in the palace, Mei Shangshu said something wrong, which made the Holy Heart displeased. He was made to kneel in the imperial study room for several hours before he fainted and was sent back to the palace."

Song Qianfan was furious now. It was a good opportunity to let Su Juan mess up the situation again.

"If a woman doesn't stay at home to take care of her husband and raise children, and goes out to show off, what on earth do you think, Your Majesty!"

First he forced this woman on him, and now he did this again. Did he want the whole capital to laugh at him? ?
On the same day, the news spread throughout the capital. King Su's concubine, Su Shi, received a personal edict from His Majesty and was appointed to the position of Wailang, a member of the Ministry of Household Affairs, from the sixth rank.

This is the first time in decades that a woman is an official, and she is a married woman!

Suddenly there was a storm in Beijing.

I know, I guessed that the emperor wanted to keep Su Juan in front of him and watch him every day.

I don't know, but there are going to be some new changes in the capital. This happened only when the former emperor and the empress were in power.

Among them, the most surprised one was Liu Miaoqing.

She didn't expect that her father would actually recommend Su Juan.

She clenched the pen in her hand, her thoughts confused.

In this way, will I have the opportunity in the future to earn an official position, enter the temple, serve His Majesty, and do things for the people of the world?
 Do you guys have any recommendation tickets or monthly tickets?

  I beg here (ω)
(End of this chapter)

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