Chapter 103 Different Treatment
"Classmate, are you also from the physics department?"

A girl with thick-soled glasses on her nose stood up and greeted Song Jiawen.

Song Jiawen nodded, "Yes, Class [-] of the Physics Department, Song Jiawen."

"Hello Song Jiawen, my name is Liang Yujun, from Class [-] of the Physics Department."

The short girl with a round face and a slightly chubby figure smiled and waved her hands, "I'm in class two, Ding Yuanyuan."

"Sha Yali, from Class [-]." A girl with short hair, an oval face and big eyes said immediately.

After the four girls introduced each other, they were stunned. It turned out that there were four people in four classes, and none of them were in the same class.

Liang Yujun adjusted his glasses and said with determination, "They must have done it on purpose. There are few girls in the physics department, so they look even if they are separated."

The girl named Sha Yali pointed at Song Jiawen and said to the middle-aged woman who was helping her make the bed, "Mom, look at Song Jiawen. Her parents are so beautiful and she chose the physics department, and yet you keep saying that I shouldn't choose this major. "

"Is it directly related to your choice of physics if you are beautiful?"

Mother Sha sat on the bed, glanced at her daughter, and snorted, "Are you pretty or do you have a lot of hair?"

"A lot of hair?"

Liang Yujun’s mother curiously asked Sha’s mother, “Why do you have so much hair?”

Mother Sha pointed at her daughter's head and said, "Every time she does a physics question, she holds a pen in one hand and grabs her hair with the other. After finishing the question, there is a pile of hair left on the table. Her answer to emotions is to change her hair." Come on. How much hair do you think she has enough to grow like this?
After finally getting into college, I still had to take physics. I even doubted whether I would have multiple bald daughters in four years. No, I might not even be able to wait four years, and they would all be bald next year. "

"Ha ha ha ha."

The other parents in the room all laughed.

While others were talking, Song Jiawen put the things next to the remaining bed near the door, turned to Jiang Yan and whispered, "You go back and clean up first, I can do it myself."

Seeing that there were so many people in their dormitory, Jiang Yan really couldn't get in, so he put her box in front of the desk, put the quilt on the bed, and said in a low voice, "I'm leaving then? See you at the door."


Jiang Yan turned and left.

When several mothers saw that the boy who saw Song Jiawen off had left, leaving her alone to clean up, they guessed that the boy might be a second-year or third-year student responsible for receiving and guiding the new students.

Ding Yuanyuan's mother asked Song Jiawen curiously, "Classmate Song, did you come to school alone? Your parents didn't come?"

Song Jiawen turned around and replied honestly, "My uncle and aunt are both teachers. It just so happens that school is starting these few days, so it's hard to ask for leave. But I'm not alone. I came here with my classmates."

But the latter sentence was automatically ignored by several mothers. They only heard the first half and analyzed the meaning of her words. Uncle and aunt didn't have time?What about the parents?
Several mothers turned their heads and looked at each other, and they all had some guesses in their minds.

Mother Liang saw Song Jiawen spreading out the quilt and seemed to be putting it on the bed, so she hurriedly stepped forward to stop her, "The quilt that was just handed out has a bit of a smell. It happens to be sunny outside right now. Let's put it on the balcony to dry it. You give it to me, and Auntie will dry it for you."

After speaking, he snatched the quilt from her hands and turned to ask Father Liang, "Give Song Jiawen one of those mats." Father Liang quickly took out a small mat of the same military green color from the large army green bag next to him. He didn't have it here yet. After sending it over, Ding's mother came over with a rag, "Wipe it first. It's better to wipe it on the bed and put the mat on it, and then put the mat on it."

After saying that, he couldn't help but climbed onto Song Jiawen's bed. He wiped the bed clean for her with quick hands and feet, wiped the mat on the lower bed, and then took the mat handed over by Liang's father to spread it on top.

Not too big, not too small, just right.

"My dad brought four of them, just one for each person in our dormitory. Look, Ding Yuanyuan and Sha Yali's beds have been made."

Afraid of Song Jiawen's psychological burden, Liang Yujun quickly explained.

The parents moved very quickly. Song Jiawen didn't react at first. Then he saw Mama Sha coming over with a basin to wipe the tables and chairs. She hurriedly stretched out her hand to take it, "Auntie, I'll do it."

"Oh, auntie has already done it, so don't get involved anymore. Go and eat there with Yali and the others. They are all specialties of our Nancheng. Try them and see if you like it. If you like it, auntie will send it to you. .”

A warm current quietly flowed through Song Jiawen's heart. She looked at the mothers and whispered "Thank you."

"What a big deal this kid is. You guys will help aunty keep an eye on Sha Yali from now on. Whenever she pulls her hair out, tie her hands up. Let me tell you Sha Yali, don't be so playful with me. During the winter vacation If I see a hair falling out of your head when you get home, I will definitely go to the school to find your teacher to change your major."

When Mother Sha said this, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became lively again.

Several mothers joined forces and Song Jiawen's bed, desk and wardrobe were wiped clean in a short time. Mother Ding also laid a piece of cloth in her wardrobe, and they took out the clothes from the box and folded them inside.

Mother Sha also took the sheets and quilts issued by the school to her in the bathroom, washed them, and then hung them to dry on the balcony.

During the whole process, Song Jiawen only tidied her clothes and put the brushes and inks she brought with her on the desk, but did nothing else.

She felt very lucky to be assigned to this dormitory and to meet such roommates and their kind and friendly parents.

Song Jiawen was lucky, but Jiang Yan on the other side was struggling to clean the dormitory.

After sending Song Jiawen back, there was still no one in the dormitory.

He wiped his bed and table first, and didn't even think of taking the quilt to the balcony to dry in the sun. He just wiped the mat issued by the school twice more, then made the bed, put the mattress on it, and then put the quilt on top. Just throw it away.

After cleaning the table and wardrobe, lay two newspapers in the wardrobe, then take out the clothes in the box, sort them a little and throw them all in.

This would have been fine, but when he turned around and saw the messy dormitory and the somewhat dirty ground, he frowned.

Thinking that Song Jiawen wouldn't finish the job so quickly, he wanted to go to the balcony and get a broom and come back to sweep it.

But as soon as he stepped one foot onto the balcony, he was stunned. Is this a place for human beings?

He still remembered that when he sent Song Jiawen to her dormitory just now, although there were many people inside, the floor was neat, the tables and chairs were clean, and the whole dormitory looked fresh and bright.

But when he got here, he discovered that there was such a big difference between the dormitory and the dormitory!
The balcony was littered with scraps of books, shoes, trousers, cigarette butts, and yellow, sticky, unknown objects piled in two corners, emitting an indescribable smell.
He originally thought that the male dormitories of the top universities would be different from the male dormitories of third-rate universities. But he thought too much. After all, boys are the same across the country.

 One more!
(End of this chapter)

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