Chapter 11 Farewell
Soon, the news spread in the class that Song Jiawen was transferring to City No. [-] Middle School.

What we didn't let everyone know so early was that the second class monitor met Song Jiawen's uncle when he passed the principal's office. Because some classmates in the class were once students of Xie Yanhai, and he sometimes gave things to Song Jiawen, so most of them Everyone knows Xie Yanhai.

The squad leader happened to hear Xie Yanhai discussing with the principal the procedures for Song Jiawen to transfer to the No. [-] Middle School in the city.

The monitor was shocked when he heard this, and turned to look for the class teacher.

As soon as he left with his front foot, Jiang Yan came with his back foot.

"Principal, can you allow me and Song Jiawen to transfer to City No. [-] Middle School together?"

After Jiang Yan politely knocked on the door and entered, he spoke bluntly to Principal Wang.

Xie Yanhai and Principal Wang were both stunned. They looked at Jiang Yan with complicated eyes. Could this child be...
Jiang Yan had a headache when he saw the look in their eyes. No, can you stop thinking wrongly? He is very pure, okay?I didn't mean to blaspheme the boss.

"Uncle should also know that I grew up in Yunzhou, and I am very familiar with it. Although I was not in the No. [-] Middle School before I transferred, I was from the nearby Experimental Middle School and I am also very familiar with the No. [-] Middle School. There are still more than four months. The college entrance examination, Jia Jia will definitely have a lot of discomfort when he first arrives there, but it will be different with me accompanying him, not to mention that with my current results, No. [-] Middle School should accept it, right?"

Principal Wang said in his heart that they might accept him, but the key is that we don’t want to let them go.

It's painful enough to let go of a No. 1, but let go of a top [-] person in grade?

Although Jianghai Middle School is a township middle school, it is second only to the county middle school in the entire county and ranks first among all township middle schools. The top [-] students in the grade are the school's key training targets, and the top [-] are all possible. Bring honor to the school.

So how could Principal Wang be willing to let them go at once?

Let’s not talk about No. 1 Song Jiawen. This child is too evil in studies, and due to family reasons, she has to transfer. Principal Wang also sincerely hopes that she will transfer.

But Jiang Yan
He thought for a while, coughed slightly and said, "Jiang Yan."

"This is a good idea. Jiang Yan and Jia Jia have grown up together. I can rest assured that they want to go to the city together."

Before Principal Wang could speak to persuade Jiang Yan, Xie Yanhai slapped his thigh and turned to Principal Wang to finalize the decision, "Old Wang, I'll leave this to you. Add Jiang Yan's name and let him and Jia Jia move away together. "

Principal Wang opened his mouth and said, "Thank you."

"By the way, Jiang Yan, how are your grades?"

"Average, top twenty in grade."

"The first twenty are still called average? That's quite modest."

"Hehe, he may be a little better than others, but he can't compare with Song Jiawen."

"How reluctant are you to compare with her?"


"His grades should be fine, right Lao Wang?"

No, is this something you have no problem with?There's something wrong with me.

But Xie Yanhai was already urging him to call No. [-] Middle School, and he was mumbling, "That kid Jia Jia has been introverted since he was a child, but he is tall and eye-catching. Now that he has suddenly arrived at a new school, what if he gets picked up by some bad guys again?" What to do about student violence on campus? With Jiang Yan following you, at least your personal safety will be guaranteed, right?"

Principal Wang: "."

You even brought up campus violence. If I didn't agree, would I be harming Song Jiawen?
Principal Wang was helpless. After saying hello to No. [-] Middle School and completing the transfer procedures, he remembered to inform Teacher Yu.

Teacher Yu:.
He wiped his face and said depressedly, "Why didn't you wait until people left before telling me?"

That's too much. Taking away two of his most precious students from him at once.

Teacher Yu stopped sitting in his chair and squatted in front of Principal Wang's desk, sighing.

But Principal Wang felt uncomfortable with this. After so many years of teaching, Song Jiawen may be the only gifted learning seed he has encountered in his life. He used to represent his school in the county to participate in various subject competitions, and every time he won the top prize in the county. First time back.

For this reason, the two high schools in the county have come to recruit people countless times.

In the end, he was not poached by the county, but was poached by the city.

He advised the teacher and himself, "With Song Jiawen's IQ, her height is more than this. We should not delay her in this small town for our own sake. It is best for her to go to No. [-] Middle School." s Choice."

Teacher Yu didn't know that going to No. [-] Middle School was a better choice for her, but he was just heartbroken.

Then he said in a muffled voice, "Forget it about Song Jiawen, she had other reasons to leave, but why did Jiang Yan go with her?"

Since this kid entered his class, the grades of those naughty boys in the back row who didn't like to study have all improved. He also hopes that the average grade of the class before the college entrance examination can reach a higher level.

Now it's better, just take away the engine in his squad.

When he thought of this, Teacher Yu wanted to jump out of the principal's office.

"Jiang said he was," Principal Wang thought for a moment, and used a more appropriate word, "to be a bodyguard for Song Jiawen to prevent her from being bullied on campus."

When the teacher returned to the classroom, he happened to see Song Jiawen and Jiang Yan just packing their things and leaving. The students were a little reluctant to leave, but they acted very calmly.Looking at the two beloved disciples who were about to leave, Teacher Yu's heart ached again.

Song Jiawen said to Yang Dan and others, "I will write to you after I stabilize in the city. If there are new types of test papers, I will find a way to get a copy and send it to you."

Teacher Yu became more energetic after hearing this sentence. The resources of City No. [-] Middle School are not comparable to those of Jianghai Middle School, and they may not even be able to get the papers for normal practice.

If Song Jiawen could send over the papers she had done, it would undoubtedly be a great help to the students.

"You don't need to get a special copy, just send the ones you've made that you don't need."

Teacher Yu said with a smile that he did not want to see Song Jiawen's problem-solving steps, although in many cases her problem-solving steps were more detailed and clear than the standard answers.

Jiang Yan and his brother put their arms around Lao Yu's shoulders and said, "Lao Yu, thank you for taking care of you for more than half a year. Don't worry. Even if Song Jiawen and I transfer to No. [-] Middle School, we will still be your students after passing the exam. This will always be Nothing will change. We, brothers and father, will keep in touch in the future."

The sadness in Lao Yu's heart disappeared immediately.

He said angrily, "When the college entrance examination is over, you two remember to come back and take your graduation photos. The graduation photos of our second class will be taken after you two come back."

Song Jiawen walked to the door of the classroom, suddenly rushed back and bowed deeply to Lao Yu.

Lao Yu's eyes instantly became wet, "If you are a good boy, you will definitely be better."

Lao Yu taught her mathematics from the first year of high school, and served as the class teacher from the second to the third year of high school. As a teacher, he took great care of her. Although it was because of her grades, Lao Yu also trusted her unconditionally in other aspects.

Not only her, he treats all the classmates in the class with a fair and just attitude.

Just like when Jiang Yan switched from liberal arts to science, every science class teacher rejected him. In the end, Lao Yu accepted him after talking to Jiang Yan.

Therefore, a picky person like Jiang Yan always thinks that the old man is a teacher worthy of respect.

Song Jiawen doesn't care much about who deserves respect, but she knows which teachers are really good to her, like Principal Wang, Teacher Yu, and Teacher Xue
The two walked out of the classroom. At some point in the corridor at the door, Teacher Xue and teachers from other subjects such as Chinese and Culture stood.

Song Jiawen was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that her teachers would see her off collectively when she left.

She was not good at words and pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.


Song Jiawen walked over and hugged Teacher Xue. She always made her feel very warm, which made her extremely sentimental.

Teacher Xue hugged her tightly with red eyes, "Okay, you must be good in the future."

What a good child, why do you have parents like that?
Other teachers also know a little bit about what happened, but it’s okay not to know. Song Xiaoli’s big mouth has been spreading the news since she arrived at school, and then spread it to ten, and then to hundreds of people. There are only a few classes in the entire senior year, plus Song Jiawen It was so famous that everyone heard about it in less than a day.

Most of the teachers felt sympathy and pity for Song Jiawen. Of course, there were some who had a dark psychology and thought that Song Jiawen had an unpleasant personality and that's why her parents didn't like her.

Of course, this is a very small number, and they only dare to think in their hearts, but dare not say it out loud.

Song Jiawen is the favorite of most teachers in the school.

"Don't slack off when you get to No. [-] Middle School. Do you want to take Oxford with you? Make time to read it again after you get there."

Song Jiawen immediately withdrew from Teacher Xue's arms and said calmly, "No, I have remembered it all. Don't you still believe my memory?"

Jiang Yan twitched his mouth when he heard it. Song Jiawen was a pervert, but Teacher Xue was a talent. After finding that the vocabulary in high school could not satisfy Song Jiawen's memory, he brought her a thick English Oxford dictionary from the university. She carries.

In two months, Song Jiawen memorized 80.00% of the words in the dictionary.

Teachers from other subjects were inspired when they saw this, and they all went to get professional course books from their own universities and gave them to Song Jiawen
So for a while, Song Jiawen's desk was filled with "Introduction to Advanced Mathematics", "Introduction to Calculus", "Mechanics", "Optics" and other books that made people feel numb even if they couldn't understand them.

But she watched it for four months.

During this period, she took the school's normal exams as usual and got almost full marks in other subjects except Chinese.

So the teachers are happy to let her read these books. As long as she is interested and can understand them, then she can read them.The resources in their small place were limited and they could not provide her with better conditions, but they were afraid of delaying her IQ development, so they brought her all the professional books they had at home to read.

Jiang Yan seriously doubted that this guy was brought up by these teachers. He might be able to graduate in less than two years after entering university.

"Jiang Yan, take good care of Jia Jia and don't let anyone bully her."

Jiang Yan reassured Teacher Xue again and again.

After saying goodbye to all the teachers, the two went downstairs.

"Song Jiawen, wait a minute."

As soon as the two of them walked downstairs, the school's art teacher ran over and stopped her, "Here is this number. If you want to sell the painting, you can call him and he will accept it."

(End of this chapter)

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