Chapter 14 Bajie Class [-]

"We finally have a beauty in our class."

"This handsome guy is not bad looking either."

"Okay, the school beauties are finally going to be replaced. Tell them that Class [-] will be rampant again."

"This sister can outshine Deng Tao."

After figuring out the reason for everyone's applause, Teacher Gao couldn't laugh or cry, they were a bunch of naughty kids.

He pretended to reprimand with a straight face, "The college entrance examination is about to begin, where are your concerns? Xiao Qi, Yu Hang, you two go downstairs to help the new classmates move a desk."

There was only one empty table and chair in the last row against the wall on the left, and another one needed to be moved to accommodate them both.

Jiang Yan handed the backpack to Song Jiawen, smiled and said to the two boys who stood up, "I'll move it with you."

He was already good at getting things done, and he became familiar with the two of them by the time he walked downstairs.

After coming back, they put the tables together and he and Song Jiawen became tablemates.

The group of people carefully observed the two new transfer students. Jiang Yan smiled whenever he spoke, and they seemed to be relatively easy to get in touch with.But Song Jiawen's delicate eyebrows can be seen as relatively deserted, and she doesn't like to talk much.

In fact, from the time she entered the classroom until now, she had not said a word. Jiang Yan was the one who introduced herself.

Everyone knew that the two came from the same school, but the school they transferred to was a township middle school.

After settling their desks and bags, the two of them had to go through the accommodation procedures.

Xiao Qi and a tall and thin girl sitting in front of Song Jiawen offered to take them there.

After a few people left, Yu Hang muttered to his deskmate, "Why does Jiang Yan look so familiar to me?"

His deskmate replied while doing the questions, "The name is quite familiar too."

Jiang Yan has the same name as the guy who got expelled from Experimental Middle School after a fight.

But it should be the same name, because this person came from a rural middle school, and his personality is completely different. The one from the experimental middle school is famous for being violent and fond of fighting.

But this one looks like he has a good temper.

There are not many dormitory students in No. [-] Middle School in the city. The girl who took Song Jiawen to go through the accommodation procedures was named Wang Xiaole. She took the initiative to tell the dormitory teacher that Song Jiawen should be assigned to her dormitory.

"We finally have four people in our dormitory including you. By the way, Song Jiawen, the study committee member is in our dormitory. If you don't understand your studies in the future, you can go to her. Apart from the monitor, she has the best grades in our class, especially It’s English, and she often gets 140, isn’t she perverted?”

Song Jiawen didn't know how to answer this question, because her usual English test score was 150, which was a perfect score.

Of course, she also knew that the test papers in town might not be at the same level of difficulty as those in the city, so their 140 was probably more valuable than her 150.

Wang Xiaole was very enthusiastic. He helped Song Jiawen deliver things to the dormitory, and helped her make the bed. After everything was almost done, he walked with her to the classroom.

"Do you know why those boys just applauded you so hard?"

This girl was a talkative person. Even though Song Jiawen didn't answer her a few words, she still spoke with great interest.

"The eldest senior in our class is the grade director, and our class's grades are also first in the whole grade. At least three of the top ten in every exam are in our class. However, our class is generally not very good-looking."

Wang Xiaole was being subtle when he said he was not good-looking. Class [-], which ranked second in the grade and was their bitter rival, directly called them Class [-] Bajie.

It was also a coincidence that the monitor and study committee member of the first class were both named Zhu.

And this time the school belle and school idol are both in Class [-], and their results are also good.

In comparison, the looks of their group are indeed just a coincidence.

It happens to be very ordinary.

"But it's different now that you're here. Song Jiawen, I can guarantee that our classmates will now privately regard you as the face of our class." Song Jiawen didn't care much about this, it was just superficial, she didn't Take it to heart.

The two returned to the classroom, and there were still 10 minutes before the first class in the afternoon.

Jiang Yan had come back and was sitting at his desk immersed in doing questions. Song Jiawen walked over and he stood up to let her in.

"This is the test paper given by Teacher Gao. I looked at the mathematics. It is indeed more difficult than Jianghai Middle School. There are also some new question types that I have not seen before. Do you want to do a set to try?"

In Jianghai Middle School, under normal circumstances, Song Jiawen no longer takes the usual practice papers because it is not necessary.

Unless some teachers want to see her steps to solve the problem, then she will do it.

But now that we’re here, let’s start from scratch.

After all, they came from the countryside, and their grades were mediocre but not high in gold.

When Jiang Yan said these words, his voice was very low, only enough for Song Jiawen to hear.

Song Jiawen glanced at the math test paper in his hand. He had already done one part of it, but got three questions wrong.

However, Song Jiawen didn't point it out to him. She took the pen and lowered her head to write.

In the first 10 minutes of class, she finished the last two sides of this paper.

The previous steps were all basic, but she didn’t do them.

On the other hand, Jiang Yan only finished the second chapter, and the major topics in the third and fourth chapters were not touched upon.

He glanced at Song Jiawen's test paper and sighed helplessly.

This pervert.
In one afternoon, the entire third grade of high school knew that a beautiful girl had transferred from Bajie's class, and her appearance was better than that of the school beauty Deng Tao.

Therefore, there was an endless stream of people who came to class [-] during the break to look at Song Jiawen's face.

Song Jiawen was unmoved by this, while Jiang Yan focused entirely on the test papers and took advantage of the break to finish all three test papers given by Teacher Gao.

Then before the last self-study class, he went to the office to ask Teacher Gao for their previous practice papers.

They had already finished those papers, and the remaining ones were of no use. Jiang Yan wanted them all, so Teacher Gao gave them to him.

Teacher Gao was very pleased when he gave it to him. This child is very dedicated to learning.No matter what your grades are, at least you have a serious attitude toward learning.

So during the last self-study class in the afternoon, Song Jiawen saw Jiang Yan walking in with a thick stack of test papers.

"I asked Teacher Gao for about three to four copies of each set. You pick out the difficult ones and make them, then send them to Lao Yu."

After all, it is the No. [-] Middle School in the city. The review materials are much more comprehensive than Jianghai Middle School. If these test papers are sent to them, they can do it for at least a week. The most important thing is that they can be exposed to many new question types and can slightly improve their level. .

So in the last self-study class, Song Jiawen picked through the difficult questions in this stack of papers.

When the bell rang, she had already finished the questions and started to help Jiang Yan correct the papers.

"Jiang Yan, let's go eat."

Xiao Qi sat in the last row in the middle, just across the aisle from Jiang Yan.Throughout the afternoon, he witnessed with his own eyes the miraculous process of solving questions for these two transfer students.

Jiang Yan took each test paper seriously, with a decent speed and a conscientious attitude.

But Song Jiawen.
To be honest, Xiao Qi didn't understand the rules of how she answered the questions. It would take up to 10 minutes for each test paper to be in her hands, and she would change it after completing a part of the questions. During the break, she added self-study classes, and she almost finished reading a dozen test papers.

Yes. After reading through it, Xiao Qi felt that he couldn't think of any other word to describe it except this word.

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(End of this chapter)

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