Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 17 Don’t hold the class back

Chapter 17 Don’t hold the class back
Jiang Yan's house was on the third floor, with very good lighting. The house was not as small as he said. It had two bedrooms and one living room, and the kitchen and bathroom were not large, but it was more than enough to accommodate a family of three at that time.

"When there are no classes on the weekend, we will come over and clean it up."

After all, it is a nest. Putting aside the discomfort in my heart, it is actually very comfortable to live here.

After the two looked at the house, Jiang Yan stuffed the key into a small hole under the milk box next to the door.

While waiting at the bus stop, he took out his English notes and looked through them carefully as usual. As for what happened to him just now, he never mentioned it again.

If he didn't mention it, Song Jiawen certainly wouldn't ask.

Everyone has secrets, just like her. She always feels that she is not from the Song family, and is always called Xiaosi in her dreams.
Song Jiawen rubbed her eyebrows and felt a little headache. When will she be able to sort out this fog?

"what happened to you?"

Although he was reading his notes carefully, Jiang Yan still noticed Song Jiawen's expression from the corner of his eye. She was very irritable!


After a pause, Song Jiawen turned to look at Jiang Yan. He had said before that her sister was very fake to her. She didn't know how Jiang Yan could tell. After all, most people thought her sister loved her very much.

"Tell me, is there anything my sister is hiding from me?"

Jiang Yan opened his mouth slightly in surprise, "What did you remember?"

Song Jiawen narrowed her eyes, "What do you mean?"

That is, I didn't remember it.

Jiang Yan didn't know whether he was lucky or regretful, but it was a pity that he didn't know much about his previous life, only a rough idea.

But how to tell her?
"I just feel that you are not like the Song family. Your parents' attitude towards you is also strange. It is impossible for anyone to be partial to you. So, is it possible that you are not the biological child of Mr. and Mrs. Song?"

What did Song Jiawen think he knew, that's all?
She turned away indifferently and stopped talking.

Seeing that she was a little disappointed, Jiang Yan came up with an idea, "How about you go find your sister and ask?"

Judging from the information that has been revealed in her past life, Song Xiwen knows the most details about Song Jiawen's life experience.

But Jiang Yan also knew that the woman had a deep scheming mind and had hidden it for so many years. How could she easily tell the truth after just a few questions?

It's just that Song Jiawen is obviously suspicious of something now. Instead of struggling in her heart, it's better to go and find out.Even if Song Xiwen didn't say anything in the end, as long as she did something bad, some flaws would eventually be revealed.

"My parents and my sister do have a problem with their attitude towards me, but my grandma and uncle..."

If she was not her mother's biological child, how could her grandmother and uncle be so kind to her?
They were the two warmest lights in her 17-year life, and if possible, she would never want to have any doubts about them.

This also left Jiang Yan speechless, but after holding it in for a while, he still said, "But what if they don't know?"

Shi Peirong and Xie Yanhai did not know that Song Jiawen was not their biological child. There is no doubt about this.

Not only did Shi Peirong and Xie Yanhai not know about it, but no one else in the Song family knew about it either, except Song Laosan, his wife and Song Xiwen.

This can lead to a doubt, that is, Xie Jingying really gave birth to a daughter 17 years ago. After all, such a big thing as giving birth cannot be faked.

So the question is, where is Xie Jingying’s second daughter?Where did Song Xiwen's real sister go?

Jiang Yan now regrets that in his previous life, he only immersed himself in work every day and was deaf to other things, so much so that now he can't even find a clue for Song Jiawen.

"The car is here."

The two got in the car, and Song Jiawen stopped talking about the matter. Anyway, nothing could be accomplished by the discussion, and it was a waste of time.

Jiang Yan took out his notes and continued reading. He had to hurry up and try to shorten the distance between him and Song Jiawen before the college entrance examination. "correct,"

Song Jiawen thought of something, "Do you want to buy a small desk lamp?"

"Buy a small desk lamp?"

Jiang Yan didn't understand what she meant, "Why do you want to buy a small desk lamp?"

Song Jiawen tilted her head, "Last night I saw Zhu Jin and Wang Xiaole lying on the bedside reading after turning off the lights, with a small lamp above them."

Jiang Yan understood. He had thought about this problem before, but there were more than a dozen people living in a dormitory at Jianghai Middle School. If you turned on the lights, some people would think you were disturbing his sleep.

There are not many people in the dormitory here, but the boys are not as hardworking as the girls, and no one still has to study after turning off the lights.

So install a desk lamp
"You can put a curtain on your bed."

Song Jiawen saw his confusion and suggested, "That's what Wang Xiaole and the others do."

"Okay, then I'll buy one."

Jiang Yan didn't hesitate for too long. After all, time was limited now and he had to seize all the time to improve his grades.

After school in the afternoon, Jiang Yan asked Xiao Qi and Yu Hang to go out to eat together.

The 100 yuan has to be spent today, and he still remembers this.

During the meal, he mentioned that he wanted to buy a small desk lamp and asked Xiao Qi if he would read a book after turning off the lights, would it affect them?

He now lives with Xiao Qi.

"Damn! Why are you trying so hard?"

Xiao Qi couldn't help but sigh. Although they didn't get along for a long time, in the past two days, in his eyes, Jiang Yan did not only memorize English but also do papers, racing against time and non-stop.

Now it feels like there is not enough time during the day, so it is squeezed in at night?
Yu Hang didn't live on campus, but he heard that Zhu Jin and the others would do the same thing at night. After turning off the lights, they would read or study for an hour or so before going to bed.

What about Song Jiawen?

He looked up at the girl who was eating quietly next to Jiang Yan. She was polite and looked very well-behaved.

In addition to speaking less, Song Jiawen feels very low-key, not at all like a beautiful woman with a gorgeous face.

But when you get closer and take a closer look at her face, you can see that her white and glowing skin has no flaws at all, and her delicate eyebrows are misty and blurry. She is indeed incredibly beautiful.

It is said that Song Jiawen is prettier than Deng Tao, but in Yu Hang's opinion, the two cannot be compared together, then they are not on the same level.

"If you want to buy it, just buy it. It's only a few days before the college entrance examination anyway. Everyone can understand."

After Xiao Qi finished speaking, he raised his hand and patted Jiang Yan on the shoulder, and persuaded him, "Brother, our class is number one in the third year of high school. I understand that you want to catch up with the big army, but at the same time, you have to do what you can, and work hard." Yihehe, do you understand?"

Jiang Yan still doesn't know what level he is in the class, but after hearing Xiao Qi say this, he feels that Class [-] is very powerful.

After all, Zhu Jin warned Song Jiawen this morning, asking her to work hard so as not to hold the class back during the exam and lower everyone's average score.

Of course, he knew in his heart that it was impossible for Song Jiawen to hold the class back, but it was possible for him.

Small desk lamps were sold at the canteen at the school gate. Jiang Yan bought one and hung it on the bedside that night to study until twelve o'clock.
 I forgot to time this chapter, please vote, folks!

(End of this chapter)

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