20 show off
"Jia Jia, please eat some fruit first. Is there anything special you want to eat at night? I will ask my aunt to prepare it now."

"Anything is fine, I'm not picky about food, aunt."

The more Shi Peixia looked at Song Jiawen, the more satisfied she became. She was beautiful, well-behaved, and very smart. It would be great if this was her granddaughter.

I really envy my eldest sister.

Shi Peixia went to the kitchen to tell the nanny to prepare dinner. Song Jiawen sat alone in the spacious living room. She didn't look around, she just sat in front of the coffee table and ate fruit.

I called my uncle a few days ago, but I didn't hear him say that my aunt was going to school to find her. He didn't even mention her.

Therefore, my uncle must have rejected my aunt at that time, because he knew her character and knew that she did not like to go to other people's homes.

But it's actually okay, mainly because she doesn't dislike her aunt.

At this time, there were voices outside the door, and then two people opened the ajar door and walked in.

"Huh? Who are you?"

The first person walking in front was an eighteen or nineteen-year-old boy with a handsome face and well-dressed casual clothes.As soon as he came in, he saw Song Jiawen sitting on the sofa in the living room. At first he was surprised by her outstanding appearance, but then he searched his memory and couldn't find such a person in his family or relatives or friends.

The girl following him was also looking at Song Jiawen curiously. She noticed the blue and white uniform of No. [-] Middle School on her and was stunned. "From No. [-] Middle School? Are you a student of No. [-] Middle School?"

Song Jiawen nodded politely to the two of them, "Yes, one."

Unexpectedly, the boy frowned when he heard the words "一中", and then asked in a more aggressive tone than before, "Who are you? Why are you at my house? Who brought you here?"

Song Jiawen looked up at him, not knowing which one to answer first when faced with his three questions.But she noticed that he said the word "my family", so... this is her aunt's grandson?

"I brought her here, what's the matter?"

Fortunately, she didn't need to speak, as her aunt came over from the kitchen.

The old lady changed her amiable attitude towards her just now and looked at the boy with a stern face and even a bit sternly, "Yang Yi, is this your attitude towards guests? Who taught you? Where is your usual self-righteous upbringing? Where are you going? Already?"

Yang Yi's face suddenly turned pale, "Grandma."

Shi Peixia glanced at the girl who was following her grandson. A hint of displeasure flashed in her eyes, but she quickly covered it up.

After all, she was worried about the presence of outsiders, so Shi Peixia saved face for Yang Yi. She softened her tone and introduced him, "This is your cousin Jia Jia, my eldest sister, your aunt's granddaughter. I finally managed to get her here today." She picked it up, and you want to drive it away as soon as you come back?"

Yang Yi's expression changed and he looked at Song Jiawen in surprise. She turned out to be Shi Peirong's granddaughter.

As for the aunt he had never met before, although she was in the countryside, he knew how important she was in the hearts of the Shi family and the Yang family.

Not to mention others, his grandmother Shi Peixia was raised by Shi Peirong when she was a child. In her heart, this eldest sister is more important than the two brothers of the Shi family.

So if he really kicked Song Jiawen out accidentally just now, he would never enter his grandma's house again.

"Grandma, I didn't know this was my aunt's cousin, I'm sorry!"

The last three words Yang Yi said to Song Jiawen.

Song Jiawen was about to say it didn't matter, but before she could speak, she was interrupted by the girl next to Yang Yi, "Yang Yi, I'm going home first. Let's discuss that question at night. Goodbye, Grandma Yang."

Shi Peixia nodded lightly and said nothing.

Before the girl turned and left, she glanced at Song Jiawen vaguely.When she walked out of the Yang family villa and disappeared completely, Shi Peixia did not avoid Song Jiawen because she did not regard her as an outsider. She said to Yang Yi straightforwardly, "I told you before that I have no objection to you and Fan Jingjing." Make friends, but this child is not pure-minded. When you are dealing with her, you have to be careful not to be led by her. But what is the result? Every time you can be easily affected by her emotions, you can be like a knife in her hand.

Yang Yi, don’t be dissatisfied when I say this. Let’s just talk about today’s matter. If she hadn’t emphasized to you that Jia Jia is from No. [-] Middle School, would you have treated Jia Jia coldly?

There are also conflicts with No. [-] Middle School. What conflicts do you have with No. [-] Middle School?It's not because of her. "

After all, he is his grandson. Although he was raised crookedly by his mother when he was a child, Shi Peixia still wants to correct him if he can, otherwise she would not have the patience to reason with him now.


Yang Yi frowned and didn't know what to say. He knew that his grandma was teaching him, but he just didn't understand why she had such a big opinion against Fan Jingjing.

The two of them were classmates and neighbors and had always had a good relationship, but grandma always said that Fan Jingjing had many thoughts and was not simple, so she asked him to have multiple thoughts when getting along with her.

In other words, if you are on guard against her, then what kind of friends can you make?How about just one shot and two shots?

As for the conflict with No. [-] Middle School
He hated No. [-] Middle School, and it was indeed because of Fan Jingjing at first, but later he heard several teachers say bad things about No. [-] Middle School, and the conflict between Experimental Middle School and No. [-] Middle School had been going on for a long time, which itself had little to do with Fan Jingjing. .

But grandma, she
"never mind,"

Shi Peixia saw that Yang Yi couldn't listen to her words, so she waved her hand helplessly and let him go upstairs.

"Come on Jia Jia, aunt will take you to the room."

Before picking her up at No. [-] Middle School, Shi Peixia had already arranged a guest room for her. It was a sunny and spacious room with a separate bathroom. All the furnishings in it were new, and even the curtains were replaced. Pink, if not for the lack of time, she might even have painted the walls pink.

It's soft and tender, just like her, how nice it is.

Song Jiawen has a hard time describing this color.

Forget it, as long as my aunt likes it.

"This will be your room from now on. No matter when you come, my aunt will keep it for you."

Not far away was Yang Yi's room. When he passed by the door and heard his grandma's words, his eyebrows skipped a beat. He really didn't understand why his grandma liked her so much.

After a while, the old man of the Yang family came back.

"Look at the fish I caught. This is the biggest one, I caught it."

Mr. Yang grabbed a big fish from the bucket and showed it off to Shi Peixia, "Isn't it awesome?"

"Yes, yes, you are amazing, you are the best."

Shi Peixia's compliment was a bit perfunctory, and Mr. Yang was very dissatisfied. He pointed at the middle-aged man Mi Tai behind him and said, "The second one only caught such a small fish after squatting for a long time. He is far behind me."

Yang Laoer nodded in agreement, "That's right. I'm not as patient as my uncle, so I only caught one small one."

The two of them were talking to themselves, and it took a while before they noticed Song Jiawen standing behind Shi Peixia.

"Huh? This girl is the granddaughter of eldest sister and Lao Xie?"

With just one glance, Mr. Yang recognized Song Jiawen's identity, because when Mr. Xie was still alive, he had proudly showed off his little granddaughter to him.

(End of this chapter)

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