Chapter 38 Monthly Exam

On Wednesday, March 29th, this month’s monthly exam begins.

This time it was math in the morning on the first day and comprehensive science in the afternoon; Chinese in the morning and English in the afternoon on the second day.

Because of the last quiz, many teachers paid attention to Song Jiawen in this monthly exam, especially the head teacher of Class [-].

Although the first graders in the past were always in Class [-], their average scores are comparable to those in Class [-] and Class [-].

But he also knew that that was before, and now there are two more Song Jiawen and Jiang Yan in the class. Because of Song Jiawen's outstanding performance, Jiang Yan seemed much mediocre in comparison.But he also learned about Xia Jiang Yan's grades in the last quiz. He was good at Chinese, Mathematics and Science, only English was worse.But even so, in the last quiz, he was in the middle and upper reaches of Class [-].

It will definitely not lower the average score.

Plus the top-notch Song Jiawen.
The head teacher of Class [-] had a hunch that this time they might distance themselves from Class [-].

"Old Li, what are you thinking about? I've been calling you for a long time."

In the first math test, the head teacher of Class [-] was supervising the exam in Class [-], and his co-teacher was Teacher Wang of Physics from their class.

The two have a good relationship, and the head teacher of Class [-] did not hide it from him, "Oh, I regret it."

With just three words, Teacher Wang knew what he meant.

He also regretted that he should have persuaded Lao Li to send Song Jiawen to Class [-]. Look at how proud the physics teacher in Class [-] is now. Song Jiawen got everything right every time in the competition papers he used to practice, and the steps to solve the problems were better than the standard answers. Still standard.

He couldn't help but make a photocopy and show it to his classmates.

With this idea, if I go to the province to participate in a competition, I might actually get a medal this time.

Oh, what a pity, why aren't you in his class?

"You should think so. Fortunately, this child came to our school. If she can surpass Zhu Zhen in this monthly exam, this year's city champion, maybe we can win back."

The head teacher of Class [-] was shocked when he heard this. Yes, he was too small. He only thought about his own one-third of an acre and forgot about the despicable and shameless Experimental Middle School outside.

So no matter which class Song Jiawen was in, she was studying for No. [-] Middle School in the city.

In Class [-], two teachers, English and Chinese, are in charge of the math test today.

During the inspection of the examination room, when the two teachers passed Song Jiawen's seat, they couldn't help but stop for a few minutes. When they met on the podium, they put their heads together and whispered, "The handwriting is so beautiful."

"Yeah, that roll of noodles will get full marks at a glance."

"Full marks? She did everything right? Do you understand?"

The Chinese teacher glanced at the English teacher and said, "I'm talking about roll noodles. You're not good at Chinese. You can't understand a word."

The English teacher pulled back his head expressionlessly and snorted, "Tch, you're talking as if you're very good at English."

The Chinese teacher remained silent. Her English was indeed not very good.

Half an hour before the end of the exam, Song Jiawen handed in the paper.

A class of classmates were all numb when they saw her leaving. The last quiz was half an hour early, and this monthly exam is also half an hour early. How awesome!

The exam ended half an hour later, and the invigilator took away the test papers. The students walked out of the classroom tiredly, each one whispering that this math test was more difficult than the last mock test.

Zhu Jin asked Zhu Zhen to check the answers. After the discussion, she looked excited. She actually got one of the last two big questions right, and only half of the other one was written because she didn't have enough time.

She has a good foundation in mathematics and has a high accuracy rate at the beginning, but she always gets stuck on the last two difficult questions in every exam.

The papers in this monthly exam were difficult, but she actually got one right.

"It seems that listening to Gawen's lectures during this period is very effective."

Zhu Zhen felt the same way. He didn't ask Song Jiawen much about mathematics, but he discussed physics with her many times, and he was impressed every time.

"She handed in her paper in advance. She should have gone to the cafeteria." The two of them saw Jiang Yan and Xiao Qi walking towards the cafeteria and hurried to follow them.

On the way, Zhu Jin couldn't help but check the answers with Jiang Yan again, only to find that this guy also answered the last big question, and he got it right, because Zhu Zhen was right next to him, and his answer was the same as Zhu Zhen's.

Not surprisingly, Zhu Zhen got perfect marks in the math competition.

After all, it was normal for him to get perfect scores on his math test.

Several people walked into the canteen and found Song Jiawen easily. She had already prepared the dishes and was sitting at her seat waiting for them.

I don’t know when it started, but it became a habit for several people to eat together.

But Wang Xiaole is not here today. She had a high fever and was picked up by her parents yesterday. If she doesn't come back today, it means her fever has not gone away.

Originally, Wang Xiaole didn't want to go home. He just had a fever and took some antipyretic medicine to survive. However, Meng Qing went directly to Teacher Gao and said that Wang Xiaole's insistence on staying in the dormitory might infect them.

It is the critical period of the senior year of high school, and everyone is more careful. No one wants to get sick at this time.

Teacher Gao also attached great importance to this and personally took Wang Xiaole to the infirmary. After some measurements and examinations, the school doctor suggested that she go home and rest.

As a result, she would have to miss this monthly exam.

Wang Xiaole left with tears in his eyes.


After the exam was over, the teachers were not in a hurry to leave. They all looked at the head teacher of Class [-].

The papers for the monthly exams must be graded by each other. Those from class one will be given to class three, those from class three will be given to class one, and so on.

"Look at what I do?"

The head teacher of Class Three asked questions knowingly. He is still a little bitter now and still regrets not asking Song Jiawen to come to Class Three.

"Okay, stop pretending and find Song Jiawen's test paper."

It's not a mock test, and names don't need to be sealed. Teachers will sometimes mark the test with good scores first.

Mathematics teachers from several other classes came over and simply pushed the third class teacher out of the way and started looking for test papers themselves.

Teacher Gao sat in his seat with a leisurely expression, holding a thermos cup. He was not worried at all about how Song Jiawen did in the exam. Through observation during this period, her mathematics was no worse than Zhu Zhen's.

It can be said that she can take as many tests as the perfect score, and 150 is not her upper limit at all.

Sure enough, after finding the test paper, several teachers quickly checked the answers, and they got full marks!

"Oh, this is really true. Who would have thought that Director Zhai would be able to pick up a treasure when he returned to the countryside."

"It's really weird. With such excellent grades, why didn't she go to the county middle school?"

"I've never heard of Yunfeng County talking about it."

"If Yunfeng County says so, will our No. [-] Middle School still get a turn?"

That's true, that bitch doesn't even show shame when he grabs people.

Listening to everyone's discussion, Teacher Gao remained silent. He had learned the details specifically. Because Song Jiawen did not want to go to the county middle school, she would be suppressed by the county even if she participated in any competition.

There are several competitions in Yunzhou City every year, and all those who come to participate are the top students from each county. However, Yunfeng County never reports Song Jiawen's name. Even though they know that she may get a ranking if she participates, they still suppress her. Go down.

Not only that, even Jianghai Middle School was implicated.

The vicious competition in the county is sometimes even more disgusting than in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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