Chapter 46 The Black Sheep
Deng Tao did not go home after leaving school. She called her father at the school gate and then went into a beverage shop.

There was a paper in front of him, but Deng Tao held the pen for a long time without writing a single word.

She didn't expect that things would get serious this time. She thought that as long as her painting was shortlisted, even if Teacher Fang had doubts about her, he would not do anything to her without evidence.

But she underestimated how much Teacher Fang valued Song Jiawen, and she didn't expect that she would be discovered even after she went around to the woods behind the cafeteria where few people went.


That ugly guy. Do you have a crush on me?It's obviously to harm me!

Deng Tao now hates that boy as much as she hates Song Jiawen.

Primary Four
Song Jiawen must be Song Qingping's new disciple.

Deng Tao found the word "小四" in cursive script in the lower right corner of the participating painting. The font and strokes were exactly the same as the signature on the bee and peony picture in the Landscape Gallery.

The moment I saw it, jealousy began to grow in my heart.

She had missed out on the Chinese painting competition in Kyoto, which directly led to her missing out on Kyoto University.Now Song Jiawen has to suppress the painting competition in the provincial capital. Why?
Deng Tao had difficulty breathing and felt that the smooth sailing he had always had was broken because of Song Jiawen.

Since she came to No. [-] Middle School, first the title of school beauty was taken away, then she made a mistake in the monthly exam, then Song Qingping refused to recommend her, and finally, even in the provincial capital's painting competition, Teacher Fang valued Song Jiawen more.

Deng Tao refused to accept it.

But now she knew in her heart that it didn't matter whether she accepted it or not, because the development of the matter was out of her control. In order to avoid her being punished by the school, or having her reputation ruined, her father had to make a decision at the school. Before asking the principal to cancel her punishment.

Father Deng came very quickly. He always responded to his only precious daughter's requests, so after receiving the call, he immediately put down what he was doing and drove to the school in less than half an hour.

The beverage shop was crowded with people, so it was not a good place to talk, so Deng Tao followed her father into the car and explained the matter clearly in a few words.

"She draws better than you?"

After hearing this, Father Deng didn't take the matter seriously. He was just surprised that someone could draw better than his daughter.

Deng Tao did not answer his father's words directly, but said vaguely, "That's it."

She didn't mention that Song Jiawen was Song Qingping's disciple. She only said that she had conflicts with her before, so when the teacher sent the painting, she did some tricks and took the painting away and tore it up.

But the art teacher refused to let her go and had to bring the matter to the principal and ask the school to punish her.

Father Deng frowned, "Your paintings have been shortlisted, and Teacher Fang still pushes you out? She doesn't want to participate in this painting competition?"

Businessmen pursue profits and use themselves to save others. Father Deng believed that Teacher Fang should seize the daughter who was shortlisted in front of him and rely on her to win a place in the painting competition to improve his and the reputation of No. [-] Middle School.

Rather than clinging to Song Jiawen who failed to participate in the competition, it seems that if she participates, she will be shortlisted or even win the award.

How ridiculous!

"Dad, now is not the time to discuss this. Think of a way. Aren't the vice principal and you classmates? Ask him to help suppress Teacher Fang and suppress this matter."

After saying that, she flattened her mouth in grievance, "I don't want to be reported to the whole school for being a country bumpkin." She thought too much. How could such behavior be reported to the whole school? He would be directly expelled.

At this time, Teacher Fang had memorized the school rules and disciplines three times with the principal, and he had only one purpose, to expel Deng Tao!
She didn't do this just to vent her anger. It was indeed in the school rules and regulations: Those who steal office items and cause heavy damage to the school will be expelled!
Deng Tao stole Song Jiawen's paintings from her, causing Song Jiawen to be unable to participate in the provincial painting competition, causing No. [-] Middle School to miss an opportunity to win awards and become famous. This is not called a major loss, so what is it?

The principal knew about Deng Tao, and he was thinking whether the punishment of expulsion was too severe. After all, there were still three months to take the college entrance examination. Although he would not be unable to take the college entrance examination, such an expulsion would definitely have an impact.

What's more, Deng Tao's grades were pretty good, so he was reluctant to let her go.

The principal spoke carefully, "Teacher Fang, do you think it would be okay if Deng Tao publicly apologized to Song Jiawen and then informed the whole school?"

It's not that he doesn't want to agree to be expelled, it's that the school's undergraduate admission rate has been low in recent years, and it has been suppressed by the Experimental Middle School. Therefore, if there is anyone in the school who can pass the undergraduate degree, the principal doesn't want to let him go.

Director Zhai is responsible for the school's school spirit and discipline. Song Jiawen is not only his hometown friend, but also someone he tried his best to get from Jianghai Middle School. Her performance in this monthly exam exceeded all the teachers' expectations.

Last week, he was still discussing Song Jiawen with the principal and vice principal. Fortunately, they recruited her to No. [-] Middle School. Otherwise, if the Experimental Middle School knew about it, they would definitely lose worse than before this year.

Unexpectedly, a few days after I finished speaking, students from my own school openly bullied this newcomer.

Director Zhai was very angry.

He and Teacher Fang agreed, "Principal, a student's grades are important, but his moral character is also very important. If this is a minor mistake, just apologize and it will be over. But stealing something is inherently serious." It's very bad, and she stole it from the teacher. Fortunately, Song Jiawen is not an art student, but what if she was? Then wouldn't Deng Tao directly ruin other people's futures?"

After all, this competition is organized by Beicheng University, and the shortlisted winners can directly apply to Beicheng University.

So what Director Zhai said was completely realistic and not an exaggeration at all.

Teacher Fang became a little discouraged the moment the principal objected. She still held the half of Song Jiawen's painting in her hand, which was incomplete and even blurred in some places.

What a perfect painting it was, she could imagine that the people at the Beicheng Painting Association must have been as amazed as she was when they first saw the painting.

But now there is nothing
Teacher Fang stared blankly at the half painting in his hand with his eyebrows lowered, feeling extremely depressed.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the principal's office, and with the principal's "come in", the vice principal pushed the door open and entered.

"Principal, I have a general understanding of this matter about classmate Deng Tao."

Teacher Fang came back from the painting and looked up at the vice-principal, his eyes so cold they could make ice.

The vice principal was stuck for a moment. He laughed dryly and said, "Teacher Fang, I can understand your cherishment of talents, but now that things are like this, should we accept the reality and find a solution that is more beneficial to the school?" What about a better solution?”

"A more beneficial and appropriate solution?" Teacher Fang sneered, "May I ask Vice Principal Wang, what is a more beneficial and appropriate solution? Save a black sheep like Deng Tao so that she can have the opportunity to harm more people. Classmate?"

 Sorry for being late again today.

  My phone was broken and I wanted to grab a mate60, but I couldn't, so I ended up buying a P60.

  Return to Suzhou tomorrow and return to normal the day after tomorrow!
  There is one more.

(End of this chapter)

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