Chapter 5 Uncle, take it easy

"Third brother, what do you mean by this?"

Saying this in front of her mother-in-law's family was clearly disrespectful to her. Song Shuqin stared at her not-so-large eyes and said sharply, "When I told my third sister-in-law, she clearly agreed. Now, What about delaying her future? Where is her future? Can it be determined now? Is there any shadow?

What are you bragging about when there is no shadow?
She is lucky to be favored by our Xiaojie. Do you really think that she will have a bright future after taking the college entrance examination and going to university?There are many people who do not do well after graduating from college. Do you need me to give you an example?
But it will be different when she goes to medical school. It is a certainty that she will enter the county hospital in the future. This is an iron rice bowl. What's wrong with that? "

Song Laosan was sitting on the small bench opposite a few people. After listening to what this idiot Song Shuqin said, he threw the lighter in his hand onto the coffee table in front of him.

He raised his head and looked at Song Shuqin, and then looked at Dean Chen aside, "Dean Chen thinks so too, right? There's no need to talk about this matter today. Please come back."

Dean Chen was stunned when he heard this, and turned to look at his wife.

Both of them were a little dissatisfied with Song Shuqin. They could see more clearly than her how important a city champion was.So you still use a condescending attitude to belittle others, even if the other person is your brother or niece, you won't be happy with it.

But they forgot that what Song Shuqin said just now made sense.

I just didn't expect Song Laosan to be so tough and hard to dismiss.

A smile appeared on Dean Chen's face. He was about to say a few words to ease the atmosphere, but his son Chen Yijie tugged on his sleeve and whispered uneasily, "Dad, I'm going to add more."

Although he deliberately lowered his voice, everyone in the room could hear these words.

This made Song Shuqin's already ugly face even more ugly.

She gritted her teeth and glared at her third brother bitterly. She knew that this brother had never regarded her as his own sister. He had liked to fight against her since she was a child and did not want her to get better.

She had promised her eldest brother and sister-in-law that this would be 100% achievable, but now they want to go back on their word?

Where does this put her face?
Dean Chen's face was a little stiff, but only for a moment, and then he smiled calmly and said to Song Laosan, "Brother Song, you are serious. Why are you angry with your own sister? You don't have Shuqin's temper." I don’t know, so she just talked about it. In fact, she felt very sorry for Gaga. She used to always tell our family that Gaga was beautiful, smart, and good at everything. If this child gets married in the future, I can guarantee that she will be the best at everything. Shuqin is the one who loves her."

"Yes, Third Brother Song, I will also treat Jia Jia as my biological daughter."

Dean Chen and his wife are very good at livening up the atmosphere and speaking beautifully. They can resolve the awkward atmosphere in a few words and talk about his commitment to the Song family calmly.

Song Xiwen graduated from college, and her husband worked as an instructor at a military academy in Yunzhou. The two of them basically didn't need his help in arranging anything.

Although Song Laosan and his wife live in a rural area, they used to do business in Yunzhou, and now they deliver goods to the city every month. They have their own connections. Just looking at the facilities at his home, you can tell that they are living a pretty good life. .

Mainly the two sons of the eldest and second son of the Song family. Mrs. Song eagerly hoped that he would find good jobs for those two people in the county.

Dean Chen had never had any contact with Song Laosan before. He only knew about his two daughters and no sons, so he thought that he would just help his two nephews arrange work like Song Shuqin said.

This is the condition.

But when I saw him today, I didn’t think so.

It can be seen from Song Laosan's attitude towards Mrs. Song and Song Shuqin that he doesn't think much of the other two brothers and nephews. The only one he cares about is his eldest daughter.

But then he didn't have any demands to make to them.

It's really strange, my little daughter is so good, why is she willing to give up?
But this has nothing to do with them. As long as they let go and let Song Jiawen get engaged to his son and get married after graduating from medical school, that will be fine.

He doesn't care about other things.

On the other hand, Xie Jingying did not pick up Song Jiawen when she arrived at her brother's house.

"People have gone back. Did they go astray?"

Just now, 5 minutes ago, Li Yun received a call from her friend, saying that a group of people came to her aunt's house.

Among them is her sister-in-law Jia Jia.

There were four other people who looked angry, but they looked like a family of four. They were well-dressed, and they were all carrying gifts and candies in their hands, as if they had something important to do.

Xie Yanhai became angry as soon as he heard that. Li Yun was afraid that Jia Jia would be blocked by Xie Jingying, so he quickly asked him to take people out.

As soon as the front foot left, Xie Jingying came over with the back foot.When he heard that Song Jiawen was not here, Xie Jingying didn't even put her bicycle away. She said hello to Shi Peirong, who was sitting at the door of the main room knitting, and turned around to leave.

"Mom, do you see what I said? If nothing really happened, how could she leave in such a hurry?"

Shi Peirong put down the knitting in his hand, thought for a while, and said to Li Yunde, "Call your sister again and ask her to go to the Song family to inquire and find out what's going on. If we really want to go on a blind date with Jia Jia, everyone will already be here. There’s no need to hide it anymore.”

"Okay, you wait."

Although they were separated not long ago, her good friend had already found out everything about the matter.

It can't be said that she was the one who inquired. It was the Jiang family boy who climbed over the wall to eavesdrop, and happened to meet him when he jumped out.

As soon as she asked, the Jiang family boys all spat it out like beans.

Li Yun's face turned livid after hearing this. He put down the phone and gritted his teeth and said to Shi Peirong, "Song Jianqiu is talking to that dean about getting Jia Jia engaged, and then go to the county to attend a medical school."

She was stunned before she finished speaking. Shi Peirong also thought of that. She patted the lint on her body calmly, stood up and said to Li Yun, "Let's go to Jianglin Village."

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were preparing to set off, while Xie Yanhai and Song Jiawen met Jiang Yan at the entrance of the village.

Jianglin Village belongs to Jianghai Town, and it takes up to 10 minutes to ride a bicycle from the village to the town.

Jiang Yan actually only listened to the Song family for a few minutes before climbing over the wall and coming out. The development of things was similar to that in the previous life, so there was no need to waste time inside.

Before that, he called three people.

At this time, the three people were picked up at the head of the village.

It was just the right time for Song Jiawen to come back, just as he expected.

"I have informed Principal Wang and the others that they will come over before going to your house. You should take your uncle there first."

Song Jiawen was a little surprised when she heard that he had informed the principal and teachers, but then she understood.

But Xie Yanhai didn't know. So far, he only knew that the Song family had arranged a blind date for Jia Jia that he couldn't refuse.

He was already very angry just because of this. Is there anything else going on?
"Boy Jiang, tell me clearly why you want Principal Wang to come here?"

Song Jiawen also looked at Jiang Yan with a puzzled expression.

"Song Jiawen will not take the college entrance examination. Of course the principal and teachers must know."

"Don't take the college entrance examination? Why not take the college entrance examination?"

"The family she's dating is going to arrange for her to go to a medical school in the county. With her grades, she can go to a secondary technical secondary school, but she still needs to make arrangements? Does she need to take the college entrance examination?"

Xie Yanhai was shocked for a moment, and then his anger began to bubble up again.

"Uncle, calm down!"

Song Jiawen saw Xie Yanhai rolling up his sleeves and hurriedly stepped forward to hold him, "It's not worth it for you to fight with such a person. Can we talk it over with you? If something happens to you because of your fight, what should I do?"

Xie Yanhai turned to look at his niece, his eyes slightly red.

He forgot that the other party was the director of the county hospital. If he really beat the other party, it would be a bad thing.

The Song family is cold-blooded and ruthless to Jia Jia. Without him, who would protect her?
After taking a few deep breaths, Xie Yanhai suppressed the anger in his chest, patted Jia Jia's hand, and said comfortingly, "Don't be afraid, uncle won't fight against them. Don't worry, uncle will always protect you."

Why can't I touch someone named Chen? Can't I touch someone named Song?
Jiang Yan watched Xie Yanhai and Song Jiawen walk away blankly. His eyes fell on the other party's sleeves that had been rolled up but not put down, and he fell into silence.

He didn't expect that the gentle Uncle Xie was actually so aggressive and would not fight against the Chen family, so he would definitely fight against Song Laosan, otherwise wouldn't his sleeves be rolled out in vain?
Jiang Yan felt a little pity that he had to wait for Principal Wang and the others here and could not rush to watch the fun.

I hope Uncle Xie will take it easy and wait until he passes before taking action.

(End of this chapter)

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