Chapter 54 Killing two birds with one stone

Song Xiwen's memories came to an abrupt end when the private room door was pushed open.

Her consciousness returned, she shuddered violently, then mechanically picked up the teapot on the table, poured herself a cup of tea, and drank it in one gulp.

Song Jiawen looked at her without blinking.

Zhou Youming noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere in the private room. He looked at his wife and then his sister-in-law. Did they quarrel just now?

Zhou Youming doesn't think it's a bad thing if there's a quarrel. After all, my sister-in-law is too cold-blooded and won't say a word to you when she's unhappy.

Song Jiawen didn't look at Zhou Youming, but she knew that in front of her brother-in-law, her good sister would definitely not say a word.

In fact, from the beginning to now, Song Xiwen has not said a single useful word, but fortunately, her expression and reaction have said everything.

Secrets seem to be revealed at any moment.

But Song Jiawen was extremely calm at this time, without any excitement or anger that revealed her identity, and she was as calm as an old man who had experienced the vicissitudes of life.

After all, if she is not Song Jiawen, but another unknown identity, I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

On the way back to school, Haohao fell asleep soon after.

Without his childlike words, the car was so quiet that everyone's breathing could be heard.

When she arrived at school, Song Jiawen opened the car door without saying a word and left without even saying goodbye.

"Did you two quarrel just now?"

Zhou Youming didn't care about Song Jiawen's attitude. After all, he sincerely regarded her as his sister.

Song Xiwen turned to look out the window, not wanting to say a word.

The development of the matter has long been out of her control, and she doesn't know how to deal with it now.

Tell the truth?Or continue to hide it?

It was only eight o'clock when Song Jiawen returned to school, and the evening self-study was not over yet.

"Coming back so soon?"

Jiang Yan raised his head from the pile of test papers and said in surprise, "I thought your sister would ask you to stay at her house for a night. What? You're not pretending anymore?"

After hearing the last three words, Song Jiawen paused as she walked inside.

"No, I'm still pretending. I don't know what the point of holding on is."

Speaking of this, she looked a little depressed, and her usually cold face showed a hint of irritation.

When Jiang Yan saw something was wrong, he approached her and whispered, "What happened?"

Song Jiawen glanced at him sideways, leaned against the wall, and asked without answering, "Did you go play ball again after school in the afternoon?"

It was Jiang Yan's habit to play ball to vent his energy while studying like crazy.

This is actually a good habit, if he doesn't sweat.

The accommodation is not convenient for taking a shower at any time.

Jiang Yan knew that she disliked the smell of sweat on his body, but the problem was that it had been more than an hour. Can you still smell it with a dog's nose?
He pulled up his collar and lowered his head to sniff inside. There was no smell!
When Song Jiawen saw his action, she curled her lips and didn't want to talk to him at all.After returning to the dormitory after evening self-study, before Song Jiawen could go to fetch water, Wang Xiaole and Zhu Jin had already filled up her hot water bottle, and they also made three buckets of instant noodles.

Eat dinner early. If you don’t eat something to cushion your bed after the evening self-study, you won’t have the energy to study for another hour when the lights go out.

Song Jiawen originally didn't study at night, but the difficulty of the physics competition papers has recently increased, so she followed them to do a few questions, and occasionally explained to them the problems they encountered.

Meng Qing has been very honest recently. After all, when Song Jiawen lectured Zhu Jin and the others, although she didn't join in, her ears were still open. Several times, she became able to do the questions that she didn't know how to do originally.

This made her find Song Jiawen more pleasing to the eye, and she felt embarrassed to be weird anymore.

Of course, she wouldn't dare to do it in a one-to-three situation.

The atmosphere in the dormitory was quite good. Zhu Jin peeled an orange and placed it on Song Jiawen's left hand side. The sweet and sour smell of the orange not only diluted the strong smell of instant noodles in the dormitory, but also calmed her irritable heart and slowly calmed her down.

April 25th, monthly prison visit.

Jiang Yan's third uncle also wanted to get some money from Jiang Yan's father, so he was very active every time he visited.

This time he also wanted to take Jiang Yan with him as usual, although the boy had used being nervous about studying as an excuse not to visit his father in the past year.But his third uncle thinks whether he goes or not has nothing to do with whether he wants to call him or not.

He told him that he had fulfilled his responsibility as an uncle. As for him not going, that was his business and had nothing to do with him as the third uncle.

But when he rushed to school to find Jiang Yan, he was told by the teacher that he had transferred to another school and was no longer in Jianghai.

Uncle Jiang was dumbfounded on the spot, but faced with the teacher's strange look, he was too embarrassed to ask any more questions and hurriedly turned around and went home.

"What? He transferred to Yunzhou?"

Jiang Yan's grandmother, Mrs. Jiang, was also a little surprised after hearing this. She asked Uncle Jiang, "Who transferred it to him? When did it transfer him?"

How did Uncle Jiang know? When he went to school to find him, he claimed to be his uncle. The teacher looked at him strangely, clearly saying that he was still his uncle. He didn't even know that his nephew had transferred to another school.

He didn't dare to ask any unnecessary questions.

But it's not difficult to guess who transferred him away, but both mother and son were a little strange. Uncle Jiang asked Mrs. Jiang, "Mom, didn't you say before that Jiang Yan didn't want to take care of him? The tuition fees were unfavorable at that time. Suo, but why did you go to the countryside and transfer to another school for him?"

Mrs. Jiang understands this very well, "Isn't she his biological mother after all? In the past, your eldest brother could ignore this son. After all, compared to her mother, Jiang Yan is still close to your eldest brother. But now your eldest brother Didn't something happen? Women are soft-hearted. They must not want to see their sons suffering in the countryside, and they couldn't get over that hurdle, so they just took Jiang Yan to their side to raise him. It's normal."

When Uncle Jiang thought about it, this was indeed the case, but...
"But didn't they agree that Jiang Yan would be my brother when they divorced? He couldn't just take him away like that, right? Should I go and take him back?"

"Fuck it, you take it, are you stupid?"

Mrs. Jiang glared at her third son, hating that iron was not enough, "There was no sign of anything happening to your eldest brother. Not only did he not leave any money for us, but he also gave up a son to raise for me. Your father and I are both so old. He can't farm and has no pension. How can we support him? Do we rely on you and your second brother? Go back and ask your wife and your second sister-in-law. Do they agree?

Now that you have finally gotten rid of this dragster, you still want to take it back. Is your brain flooded? "

That's the truth, but after all, Jiang Yan is the eldest son and grandson of the Jiang family.

Mrs. Jiang has no shortage of grandchildren. Compared to Jiang Yan, her eldest grandson, she is not as close to her as her third son's grandson.

But what the third son said makes sense. As the eldest son and grandson, he cannot be thrown away.

"Let his mother take care of him now, and you can get him back after he graduates from college. He will also be working by then and can earn money to support himself. You can also let him take care of us in our old age instead of your elder brother. It kills two birds with one stone. "

 Good morning, first update today!
(End of this chapter)

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