Chapter 572 Extra 9: Liang Yujun
"Why did it turn into cold water?"

Liang Yujun had just applied shower gel and was about to take a shower when the originally warm water in the shower suddenly turned cold.

She couldn't help but shiver when the cold water was poured on her, and she reached out to turn off the switch.

She took off the shower head and pointed it at the wall, then turned on the switch again. After waiting for a while, the water was still cold.

Could it be that the water heater is broken?

After drying for a while, Liang Yujun's body was already chilly.

Now that it was autumn, in order to prevent herself from catching a cold, she had no choice but to wrap her bubbly body in a bath towel. Then she opened the bathroom door a crack and shouted, "Liu Rui. Liu Rui."

Her husband Liu Rui came out of the bedroom and asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

"There is no hot water. Can you go to the kitchen to see if the water heater is broken?"

"Ah?" Liu Rui felt strange and muttered as he turned to the kitchen, "The new water heater has only been used for a few months? It is a big brand imported from Germany, why is it broken?"

After arriving in the kitchen, Liu Rui discovered that the water heater was turned off.

Without thinking much, he pressed the switch to turn it on, and then shouted to Liang Yujun, "How can there be hot water if you turn off the water heater? I have already turned it on, go and try."

Liang Yujun was stunned when he heard this, muttering to himself: How could I turn off the water heater in the bathroom?
Re-adjust the temperature and rinse off the bubbles on your body immediately after the hot water comes out.

At the door of the kitchen, Liu Rui felt relieved after watching the water heater come back on. Just as he was about to leave and go back to the bedroom, his mother came out of the side sleeper on the other side with a straight face.

"I turn off the water heater. I stay in it for half a day every time I take a shower. Electricity and gas are free of charge? When your wife comes out later, tell her that you must finish your showers within ten minutes from now on, otherwise you will have to use Wash in cold water.”

Liu Rui looked at his mother in shock, "She was still taking a bath inside, and you just turned off the water heater? No, Mom, how could you do this?"

When questioned by her son, Mother Liu's face was full of displeasure, "Who am I doing this for? I don't think it's easy for you to work hard in Kyoto. Of course, you should save as much as you can. Otherwise, when you have a child in the future, what will you do to support him?" ?”

"How much does this bath cost?"

"It doesn't use much at one time, but what about ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times? Do you know how much the water, electricity, and gas bills add up?"

Liu Rui wanted to say that they could afford it no matter how much money they paid. After all, both of them were Ph.D.s and their salaries were not low.

What's more, Liang Yujun's family conditions are better than his.

He is from Haishi. He was admitted to Kyoto University because of his excellent grades. He studied all the way to graduate school and Ph.D., and finally fell in love with Liang Yujun, his senior sister who had been helping him, and then started to pursue her passionately.

Now I have finally achieved success and got married.

In order to buy him a wedding house in Kyoto, his parents resolutely sold their house in Haishi, and then the old couple took their luggage to live with their son in Kyoto.

Liang Yujun has her own apartment in Kyoto, which her parents bought for her when she was a graduate student. It is not far from Kyoto University and is convenient for commuting to and from get off work.

In order to buy a larger house, Liu Rui's parents chose an address that was a little out of the way. It was already outside the Third Ring Road. It took an hour to drive to work every day, and there were times when they were stuck in traffic jams for two hours.

very inconvenient.

But they were newly married, and Liu Rui couldn't refuse his parents' kindness, so he persuaded Liang Yujun to live here for half a year. After half a year, they could move to her apartment, and then come back every weekend.

Killing two birds with one stone, this sounds like a good idea.

So Liang Yujun compromised.

After working hard for half a year with the elderly, it was actually quite good. At least she could have ready-made hot meals after get off work, so she didn't have to worry about what to have for dinner.

However, imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Every day after get off work, the meals are already prepared and waiting for them to be served and eaten directly. However, they are not her favorite dishes.

And the taste is too bland, and she loses her appetite every time she takes two bites.

But she had worked so hard to make a table, so she, a new wife, couldn't just put down her chopsticks and leave?

Her upbringing did not allow her to do this, it was too rude.

Liu Rui told his mother in private about Liang Yujun's favorite dishes, and also told his mother to add more chili pepper and salt, because Yujun had a strong taste.

However, how to cook in the following days is still how to cook, oh no, actually it has changed a bit. Although the fried dishes before were bland, there is still one dish that Liang Yujun likes to eat occasionally.

Now it is completely avoided, not even a single one.

What's even more outrageous now is that I don't even have the freedom to take a shower.

Liu Rui frowned and didn't know what to say to his wife. He wanted his mother to give in, but if he said that his mother had ten words waiting for him, he would wipe his tears and say that he worked hard to train him to go to school, and in order to give him When he bought a house, he even lost his home in Haishi.

I had no choice but to leave my hometown and come here to seek refuge with him, but now it's good that I'm still disliked by him.

Liu Rui wanted to say that you didn't consult with me when you sold the house in Haishi. In fact, I didn't want you to sell it at all.

But now that the outcome is settled, what's the use of him talking anymore?

Seeing that he couldn't explain it to his mother, he could only go back to the bedroom depressed.

Not long after, Liang Yujun returned to the bedroom after taking a shower.

"Have you checked? What happened to the water heater? It was normal when I started washing it. Why did it turn off by itself while washing it? It's still within the shelf life."


Liu Rui interrupted Liang Yujun with difficulty and said hesitantly, "Um, can you, can you take a shower faster in the future?" "Faster?"

Liang Yujun stopped applying skin care products, turned to look at Liu Rui, and said in surprise, "What do you mean? What do you mean faster?"

Liu Rui was helpless. He knew that if he didn't make it clear to Liang Yujun, her mother would definitely turn off the water heater again if it still took so long to take a bath tomorrow.

"Can you wash it off in about ten minutes?"

"ten minutes?"

Liang Yujun looked at Liu Rui with a look of disbelief on his face, "You mean I have to check the time before I take a shower? Wash your hair, face, shower gel, and rinse. All of this must be completed within ten minutes? Why? You give me My reason.”

Liu Rui looked at Liang Yujun's black hair scattered on his shoulders, and it was difficult for him to repeat the request just now.

He didn't say it, but Liang Yujun guessed it.

She asked Liu Rui with wide eyes, "It wasn't that there was a problem with the water heater just now. Your mother turned it off? Did your mother ask for ten minutes?"

Liu Rui said nothing, but silence represented acquiescence.

Liang Yujun couldn't understand it, "Don't tell me that she did this because she wanted to save money?"

Liu Rui tried to help his mother restore her image, "She's just used to being frugal."

"Is frugality the reason why she turned off the water heater without authorization and ignored her daughter-in-law who was still taking a bath? And didn't I give her living expenses this month? When a month is full, I don't even have thirty meals at home, but I give her If I pay her two thousand, can’t the money in it cover the water, electricity and gas bills for me to take a shower?”

Liu Rui remained silent again.

Liang Yujun was disappointed.

She looked at him, her face gradually turned pale, and after a long time she asked, "There is no room for relaxation, I have to compromise, right?"

Liu Rui said with a guilty conscience, "Honey, please bear with me a little longer."

Before he could finish speaking, Liang Yujun stood up from the chair, quickly took off his pajamas and changed into his going out clothes, then took out his suitcase and started packing his things.

Seeing her like this, Liu Rui panicked and hurriedly stepped forward to stop her, "Wife, please don't"


A loud slap sounded in the bedroom. Liu Rui's face turned to the side and he stood still.

"Liu Rui, think about it for yourself. How many steps have I taken in the past three months since I lived with your parents? None of the dishes cooked on Monday to Friday are my favorite. Did I say anything? ? Even if I want to sleep in on the weekend, your mother will wake me up to buy groceries. Just buy them. If I choose a few of my favorite foods, she will say why this dish is not good, and she will feel uncomfortable after eating it. I would cook something spicy for me to eat, and she would say that she doesn't care about the couple and only cares about myself, which is too selfish. Now it has been upgraded to taking a shower, and she can even control the time.

The most interesting thing is, do you still want me to endure it? I can't stand it. If you can live this life, live it. If you can't live it, leave it! "

After Liang Yujun finished speaking, he ignored the blushing Liu Rui and took out two large boxes and began to put his clothes in them.

She moved quickly and packed up the two boxes before heading out.

Liu Rui stood still, because Liang Yujun's words made him feel ashamed.

When Liang Yujun passed by the living room, her good mother-in-law was standing at the door of their bedroom, staring at her with a gloomy face.

"Three years older than my son, you are average-looking, and now you have such a bad temper. Who do you think you are? If my son is really divorced, how can you get married again?"

Liang Yujun laughed angrily, raised the corners of her mouth, and turned to look at Liu Rui with a sarcastic expression, "Did you hear what your mother said? You should have known this for a long time, right? What's the point of hiding it, Liu Rui?" "

Taking a deep breath, she said coldly, "I'll wait for you at the Civil Affairs Bureau at ten o'clock tomorrow morning!"

After speaking, Liang Yujun left without looking back.

She drove back to her apartment alone late at night.

At this time in the Liu family, Liu Rui asked his mother with a broken face, "Mom, I just got married not long ago, do you really want me to get divorced and become a second marriage?"

Mother Liu said indifferently, "What are you afraid of? Shouldn't it be her who should be afraid? At such an old age and a divorcee, it will be difficult to get married again in the future. But you are different, son, you"


Liu Rui couldn't bear it and yelled, "You're not willing to destroy me, are you?"

"What are you yelling at your mother for?"

Father Liu, who had been silent for a long time, finally came out of the bedroom, frowned and said to Liu Rui, "She is really not suitable for you. Wouldn't it be better to find someone younger after we leave?"

Liu Rui looked at his father blankly and suddenly smiled.

After a while, he wiped away the tears from laughter and said calmly to his parents, "Sell this house and go back to Haishi."

After saying that, he went back to the bedroom to grab a few clothes and some necessities and left.

But in the end, Liu Rui still couldn't win back Liang Yujun, and a month later the two went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the divorce procedures.

Two years later, Tian Xiaohui, who had never had a girlfriend, finally succeeded in catching up with Liang Yujun.

I wrote this chapter before, and I have been hesitating whether to post it or not.

It's a bit realistic and easy to make people angry, but it is a real experience of a friend's sister!
Now it’s officially over and there will be no more extras!

Thank you all for your support and recognition, and I look forward to seeing you in the new book!

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