Chapter 67: Winning the Competition (Third Update)
Song Jiawen concentrated on painting and did not finish two paintings until seven o'clock in the evening.

"Which one is mine?"

Jiang Yan couldn't wait to take away the painting that belonged to him. Huang Kai looked shocked, "Why is it yours?"

As a senior brother, he doesn’t even have any paintings of his junior sister, so why can this guy have one?

Jiang Yan said proudly, "She promised to give it to me."

Huang Kai turned his head and looked at Song Jiawen eagerly. It was obvious what he wanted to do.

Song Jiawen glanced at Jiang Yan and snorted, "Maybe I'll have to get it back tomorrow."

Jiang Yan smiled and said nothing, thinking that it was all in my hands, how could I give it to you again?
Don't even think about it.

The gallery has a special seal for paintings, and it's not yet eight o'clock at this time, so I haven't gotten off work yet.Jiang Yan ran over happily holding his own.

After finishing, the two of them went to eat again, and it was almost nine o'clock when they returned to school.

Boarding students in the city generally don't come here on Sunday and arrive early on Monday morning.

But recently, there have been many urban dormitory students coming over in advance. Song Jiawen and her dormitory, in addition to Meng Qing, Zhu Jin and Wang Xiaole, all came.

"Sister Wen, why are you so late today? When Zhu Jin and I were studying in the classroom, the physics teacher and Lao Gao came to see you several times."

Song Jiawen threw her backpack on the bed and asked in confusion, "Do you know what's going on?"

Zhu Jin covered his mouth with one hand and said vaguely, "You won the prize in physics."

She felt that she did well in the physics competition, but she never thought about whether she would win the prize.

So after hearing Zhu Jin's words, he didn't even ask who was ranked and who won the prize. He just took the washbasin and went to the bathroom to wash up with a nonchalant expression.

Wang Xiaole looked at Zhu Jin with wide eyes, "Did she not hear clearly?"

Zhu Jin still covered his mouth with his left hand and held the pen in his right hand, writing vaguely, "I heard you clearly."

You heard this clearly and still reacted like this?

Wang Xiaole simply couldn't understand it. Anyway, if she participated in any competition, not to mention the first prize, but also the third prize she had just won, she would have to jump three feet high to find someone to celebrate.

Zhu Jin took the time to glance at her and said to himself that this is the reason why you can't become a god of learning.

In fact, even the principal and Director Zhai were waiting for Song Jiawen this afternoon, and their physics teacher was so anxious that he called his uncle's house several times. Xie Yanhai still hasn't slept yet because he called the physics teacher at 08:30. After the last call, Song Jiawen hadn’t arrived at school yet.

You left at three in the afternoon and you still haven't arrived at 08:30 in the evening?
Where has she gone, or has something happened?
Because Shi Peirong was not in good health, Xie Yanhai did not dare to let her know.

"How about you call Xiaoxi? See if Jiajia is at her place. If not, ask her to go to No. [-] Middle School."

Li Yun was also worried. After all, all the teachers at the school had gone home from get off work, and Xie Yanhai had forgotten to ask the dormitory manager's phone number before. Now the two of them were as anxious as if they were blind.

But no matter how anxious they were, they couldn't look for someone randomly. They didn't think about the Shi family and the Yang family. After all, Song Xiwen, their biological sister, was here, so it would be a bit shameful to look for someone else.

Xie Yanhai had no other choice now. He thought that Zhou Youming would be a good person aside from Song Xiwen, so he called his home.

At this time, Song Xiwen was coaxing her children to sleep, and Zhou Youming immediately got dressed and went out after answering the phone.

There were not many cars on the road at night, so Zhou Youming drove to No. 10 Middle School in [-] minutes.

As soon as Song Jiawen came out after washing up, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

It was the dormitory aunt, saying that someone was looking for Song Jiawen at the school gate.

Zhou Youming would definitely not be able to enter the school at this time, so he asked the security guard at the door to help pass the letter.

"Why is there someone looking for you so late?"

Wang Xiaole was puzzled. She and Zhu Jinwan heard that Song Jiawen won the physics competition when they were studying on their own, but she didn't know that the physics teacher's agitation had alarmed Song Jiawen's family.

She stood up and took her coat, "I'll go with you."

Zhu Jin also stood up to get his coat.It was late at night, so the two of them were worried that Song Jiawen would go there alone, even though there were security guards at the school gate.

Song Jiawen's heart moved slightly when she saw the two of them, but she didn't refuse.


Seeing that it was Zhou Youming, Song Jiawen was a little surprised. Her first reaction was that something happened at her uncle's house. Could it be her grandma?
But she didn't dare to ask directly, she just looked at Zhou Youming and waited for him to say it himself.

"Where did you go in the afternoon? Uncle said you left at three o'clock, why did you come back to school so late?"

This kid is really careless.

Zhou Youming was shocked when he received a call from Xie Yanhai just now. On the way here, he was even ready to ask his comrades and friends in the police station for help.

After all, with this girl's face looking like this, it would be unimaginable if something happened to her.

Now seeing her standing there properly, Zhou Youming breathed a sigh of relief.

Song Jiawen also breathed a sigh of relief, as long as something happened to her grandma.

Faced with Zhou Youming's questioning tone, she smiled instead, "I went to the Landscape Gallery to paint, and I didn't pay attention to the time. I'm sorry, brother-in-law. You can call my uncle later to say something for me. But, can you not tell him that I sell paintings? Something about?"

If she told him, Xie Yanhai would guess that she didn't touch his money.

After hearing her words, Zhou Youming didn't know whether he would continue to be angry or feel distressed.I just came out in a hurry and didn't have any money with me.

Of course, he knew in his heart that even if he brought it, he wouldn't take it from her.

It's not like I haven't given it before, but this girl refused it completely.

"Okay, I understand, go back with your classmates quickly."

As he spoke, Zhou Youming looked at the two little girls standing not far away. He was very pleased. It seemed that Jia Jia's character was not as withdrawn as he thought. At least he would accompany them when they came out at this time, so the relationship should be good.

It didn’t take long for me to make friends, um, that’s okay.

Zhou Youming left, and Song Jiawen walked to the dormitory with Wang Xiaole and Zhu Jin.

She asked in surprise, "Why would my uncle know if I didn't come back at night?"

Zhou Youming actually came over in a hurry before he even had time to ask clearly. Naturally, he didn't know about the sexy tricks of his school's physics teacher.

Zhu Jin remembered something at this moment, "I think I heard the phone call from the physics teacher to Teacher Gao asking you to stay in school."

Song Jiawen turned her head, but her attention was no longer on the physics teacher asking for the phone. She looked at Zhu Jin's face and her right hand covering her mouth, and asked curiously, "Why do you keep covering your mouth?"


Wang Xiaole next to him couldn't help laughing. Zhu Jin glanced over with a cold look, and Wang Xiaole immediately covered his mouth.

Song Jiawen guessed, "Have you had your teeth braced?"

Zhu Jin's eyes widened in surprise, "How did you know?"

It was obvious that she had not exposed her mouth in front of her since she entered the dormitory until now.

Song Jiawen is so funny, I guessed it only because you didn’t show it.

The three girls returned to the dormitory chatting and laughing, completely forgetting what the topic was at the beginning.

Early the next morning, the big broadcast in the school broadcast room repeatedly announced one thing: Congratulations to Song Jiawen, a class one student in the third grade of our school, for winning the first prize in the provincial physics competition.
 In the morning, I received a call from a cousin in my hometown, asking me to help her find review materials for her son’s high school entrance exam.

  What kind of review materials? My eldest nephew was asked to leave high school before he finished his second year of junior high school and didn't take the high school entrance examination at all.

  Moreover, in June this year, I took the college entrance examination with the senior high school students. I didn't even finish chemistry and biology, but I got nearly [-] points in the exam.

  But as soon as I said this, she hung up the phone on me.

  I was confused. I really didn’t understand what she meant by hanging up the phone on me.
(End of this chapter)

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