There are obviously more traffic police on the roads to several examination rooms, and cars are not common now, so it is smooth all the way there and there is no traffic jam.

Zhou Youming drove to the entrance of No. [-] Middle School. Xie Yanhai and Xie Lin wanted to wait at the entrance of the examination room, so he did not get out of the car.

But at noon
He took out two room cards from his pocket and handed them to Xie Yanhai, "Uncle, I asked my colleagues to book two rooms at Yuelai Hotel. You can go there to sleep for a while after taking the extra-curricular exam at noon. You must sleep, otherwise you will have an exam in the afternoon. exhausted."

The last words were said to Song Jiawen.

Xie Yanhai took it and praised him, "Youming is still thoughtful."

Zhou Youming felt ashamed, "It's nothing, uncle. Xiaoxi and I didn't help much after coming from Jiajia. I just wanted to make it easier for her after the college entrance examination."

Since it was difficult to park at the school entrance and it took a long time, Zhou Youming hurriedly drove away after a few more instructions.

In the black business car diagonally opposite not far away, Yu Ci, who was originally lying lazily on his seat, quickly sat up after Xia Lin said "here you come".

The car window was lowered, and Yuci looked intently at the girl who got out of an ordinary camouflage jeep opposite.

The other person lowered his head slightly at first and turned his back to this side. He waited until he got off the station and then turned half around.From Yu Ci's point of view, he could only see an unclear profile, and the rest was blocked by the car.

He was a little anxious for a moment.

He wanted to open the door and get out of the car, but Xia Lin stopped him, "Third Young Master, you are too eye-catching."

Yu Ci patiently waited for the annoying jeep to leave, while not forgetting to ask Xia Lin, "What does the driver have to do with Xiao and Song Jiawen?"

"It's her brother-in-law, an instructor at the local Army Military Academy."

"How does her sister treat her?"

"This... hasn't been found yet."

To be honest, they were able to track down Song Jiawen and figure out her family members and address within a week, which was very efficient. After all, they did not use local connections and were just conducting a low-key secret investigation by their own people.

Yuci didn't care about this answer. She thought that if it wasn't good, her brother-in-law wouldn't be able to drive her to the examination room himself.

Yuci didn't pay attention to the father and son who got off the car with Song Jiawen. His eyes were always fixed on Song Jiawen's face.

Finally, the annoying jeep drove away. Song Jiawen waved to others and turned her head. That delicate yet cold little face was completely displayed in front of Yu Ci. He took his breath away when he saw it -
Xiaosi! ! !

With a snap, Yuci couldn't help but open the car door.

When Xia Lin saw how bad it was, he quickly got out of the car and blocked the back door, "Third Young Master, you can't go there."

"She is Xiaosi."

"It's because you're the Fourth Miss that you can't pass. She has to take the college entrance examination now. If you pass, how can she still take the exam?"

Yu Ci calmed down, but only for a moment. He hurriedly pulled Xia Lin away, "Don't block me, I'll take a look at my sister again."

But in just a moment, Song Jiawen had already followed the father and son who got off the car to the shadow of the school gate, waiting for the gate to open with a group of candidates who had arrived first.

Not being able to see her sister, Yuci felt a little itchy.

"Third Young Master, please inform the eldest Young Master first."

Only then did Yuci remember to call his eldest brother. He turned around and took out a palm-sized mobile phone from the car, and eagerly pressed a series of numbers.

After the call was connected, it was picked up on the third ring.

Yu Heng just opposite said "Hey", Yu Ci hurriedly said, "Brother, I found it. It's Xiao Si. She is really Xiao Si. Her face looks so much like my mother's. It's the one we have at home." Zhang’s family photo, she looks exactly like her mother back then, really, if you don’t believe me, come and look at her, you can recognize her at a glance.”

Yu Ci was almost incoherent. I couldn't help it, I was so excited.

Similarly, Yu Heng, who was opposite him, didn't come back to his senses for a long time after hearing his words.After searching for all these years, I finally found it?
Yu Heng clenched one hand into a fist, his eyes were slightly red, and he took two deep breaths to steady himself, and asked, "Xiao Ci, have you met her?"

"No, my little sister is taking the college entrance examination today, and Xia Lin stopped me from going, for fear of affecting her performance. But it's superfluous for me to say this. When have people in our family ever been afraid of this thing? Then the exam is just like playing. Is that so? Is he thinking that my little sister is thinking the same thing as him? "

Xia Lin, sitting in the driver's seat in front:.
No, Third Young Master, did you forget that I was still in the car?

Yu Heng was stunned when he heard the word "college entrance examination", but then he felt it was normal. After all, he had attracted attention from the high school group at the beginning.

"Okay, then don't show up in front of her for the time being. Wait until the college entrance examination is over. I'll make arrangements here and go there tomorrow."

Yu Ci thought of something and hesitated, "That, that, what, big brother, can you, can you go to the hospital and tell, tell, mom?"

Yu Heng narrowed his eyes, "Have you told mom?"

Yuci's voice immediately weakened, "I, I was quick to speak."

Forget it, luckily I found it this time.

But the question is, if he told his mother, could she resist going to Yunzhou with him?
But her body really couldn't travel far, at least not yet.

After hanging up the phone with her elder brother, Yu Ci turned to look at the gate of No. [-] Middle School.

Just looking at it like this is really heart-wrenching.

"Xia Lin, what do you think about me going to the canteen across the street to buy a bottle of water?"

Do you want to buy a bottle of water?

Xia Lin was a little speechless, but after thinking about this reason for refusing, the Third Young Master would definitely come up with something else later, so he had to say, "Then take it easy and don't affect the Fourth Young Lady's college entrance examination."

"Don't worry, our little fourth is smart and can't be affected."

Yu Ci said as he opened the car door and walked out with long legs.

There were still 45 minutes left before the exam, and the left and right sides of the gate of No. [-] Middle School were almost full of candidates waiting to enter, as well as accompanying parents.

Song Jiawen and Xie Yanhai were standing in the far corner. She was wearing a simple white T-shirt on her upper body, light blue pants on her lower body, and blue and white striped sneakers on her feet. She looked like a bargain at first glance.

No, it should be said that nothing about her looks decent.

Yu Ci felt sad when she saw it. It was hard to imagine what her sister had been living these years.

There is also a middle-aged man who refuses to shake his legs around her. Is this her adoptive father?
Why are you so nervous about her exam?

Why are you so nervous and coming here?
Xie Yanhai was indeed very nervous at this time, and his forehead was sweating all the time. He had told Song Jiawen no less than five times, and Xie Lin was tired of hearing it.

He couldn't help but said, "Dad, my sister wasn't nervous before, but now it's better. With you talking about her like this, she's starting to get nervous."

"Huh? Is that so?"

Xie Yanhai was shocked and hurriedly said to Song Jiawen, "You follow your own pace, don't listen to your uncle."


Song Jiawen couldn't help laughing, "It's okay, uncle, Xiaolin teased you, I'm fine, I'm not nervous."

The second update is finally out.

Try to follow the rhythm next week after your body recovers. Sorry!

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