Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 8 Who are you looking at through me?

Chapter 8 Who are you looking at through me?

The matter has reached this point and has caused a small-scale sensation.

After all, apart from her academic performance, Song Jiawen's appearance was too outstanding, and many people in the village paid attention to her.

Coupled with the deliberate publicity from Li Yun's friends, a circle of people soon gathered in front of Song Laosan's house.

At this time, Song Xiwen and her children were hiding in the house of her childhood playmate, which was half a village away, quite far away.

But no matter how far away someone informed her.

Someone hurried into her playmate's house and told her that something happened in her family, and it was about her sister, and asked her to go back quickly.

Song Xiwen thought that Jia Jia was having trouble with the Chen family, her aunt and grandma, so she picked up her son and hurried home.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked in, she heard a familiar voice in the main room asking her where she was.
Xue Ying?

How did she come?


A loud shout woke up Song Xiwen, and also attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

Song Jiawen bent down and picked up Haohao, who was running towards her, and then still stood behind Xie Yanhai. His eyes only glanced at Song Xiwen when she first came in, and then turned his head and stopped looking at her.

Song Xiwen felt a little uneasy, feeling that the development of things seemed to be deviating from her original expectations.

Also, where is the Chen family?
Where is her grandma and that selfish sister-in-law?

She calmly and quickly glanced at the people sitting in the hall. Her grandmother, uncle and aunt were all there. On the other side sat her old classmate Xue Ying, and next to her was Jia Jia's head teacher, Teacher Yu, whom she had met at a parent-teacher meeting. twice.

Sitting next to Teacher Yu is Principal Wang.

Principal Wang, Teacher Yu, Xue Ying.
How did they come here?
Have they heard the news that Jia Jia will not take the college entrance examination?
Impossible, how could it be transmitted so fast?

But other than this, she couldn't think of any reason for the principal of Jianghai Middle School and Jia Jia's head teacher and teachers to come to her home at this time.

Though his mind was spinning, it was actually just a moment.

Song Xiwen first greeted her grandmother, Principal Wang, and others, and then faced Xue Ying and asked, "Why are you here at home at this time? Is there something urgent?"

"You do not know?"

Xue Ying had doubts on her face. She had always had a straightforward temper, and she showed whatever was on her mind.

Facing Song Xiwen at this time, she looked in disbelief, "Your grandma and aunt brought people to your house to hold a blind date for Song Jiawen. You made such a big fuss, but you didn't know about it at all?"

Before Song Xiwen could say anything, Xie Jingying hurriedly said, "We didn't mention it to her. She really doesn't know. The house she went to in the morning is also far away from here. Isn't it normal that she didn't hear it?"

Song Laosan, who had been silent until now, also said, "We were also afraid that she would quarrel with her grandma and aunt, which would be ugly, so we hid it from her."

The two of them had the same idea. Song Jiawen was on a blind date with the Chen family, but her sister didn't know.

Xue Ying looked at Song Xiwen, then at Song Jiawen, and finally at Xie Jingying and Song Laosan. She sneered and said nothing.

But her "ho" sound was like a slap on Song Xiwen's face, causing her image of a good sister that she had always maintained to collapse.

Principal Wang didn't want to get involved in other people's affairs, but it was about Song Jiawen's college entrance examination, and he couldn't back down from this point.

But he also saw that Song Jiawen's parents didn't treat her well. If he could reason with people like them, he wouldn't be here now.

Fortunately, he knew Xie Yanhai.

Principal Wang called Xie Yanhai out and gave him some instructions before leaving with the two teachers.

After that, only his family and Shi Peirong were left in Song Laosan's house, oh no, there was one more.

Jiang Yan was squatting by the door on the side of the main room with a piece of grass in his mouth. There were so many people just now that you couldn't see him unless you were paying attention.

Xie Jingying looked at him and said, "Boy Jiang"

"I know, I'm leaving."

Jiang Yan patted his butt and stood up from the ground, turned to Song Jiawen and said, "I'll go to my grandma's place first. Call me when you leave."

After saying that, he waved his hands politely to Shi Peirong, Xie Yanhai and Li Yun, "I'm leaving first. See you grandma, uncle and aunt."

After Jiang Yan left, Song Laosan closed the gate of the courtyard and dispersed the few remaining villagers watching at the entrance.

"What's there to see? Go home quickly."

"Song Laosan, do you really want to marry Jia Jia to your sister's nephew?"

"He is the dean's son. It is not normal for Song Laosan to want a dean's in-laws."

"Tch, no matter how powerful your in-laws are, how good is it to have a daughter of your own who is capable? If I had a daughter like Jia Jia, I would be able to provide for her to study. I would not consider getting her married when she is a teenager, no matter what age. "

Song Laosan's face was ashen as he looked at the back of Jiang Yan who had just left. Did he pretend that he hadn't noticed?
The boy walked to the door and muttered a few words to these people.

"When did you get together with Jiang Yan? Don't you know what's going on with his family?"

After coming back, Song Laosan was so angry that he glared and yelled at Song Jiawen.

Song Jiawen ignored him and didn't even raise her eyelids.

Song Laosan became even more angry.

Song Jiawen was very strange. When she talked to him at home, wasn't he just like this?
He ignored her, pretending not to hear her words.

She's not angry, so why should he be?There was a sudden bang, and Xie Yanhai kicked the leg of the coffee table in front of him. He looked at Song Laosan and sneered, "You did this today, didn't you expect to be stabbed in the spine? Song Jianqiu, where did you end up today? Well, when you go out from now on, people will often point fingers at you."

"Yan Hai, why are you talking to your brother-in-law?"

"Xie Jingying, how good do you think you are?"

Xie Jingying pursed her lips and remained silent.

Xie Yanhai wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Shi Peirong.

The old lady looked at Xie Jingying calmly, "In the first few years when you gave birth to Xiaoxi, your mother-in-law favored boys over girls. She would always make things difficult for you no matter what happened, and she would try to steal any good things from you. All my life I have never quarreled with anyone, let alone hit anyone. I always talked about things. But for you, I destroyed your mother-in-law's house.

I didn’t expect that I would fall out with your mother-in-law because of you, but you are so generous, and now you can team up with her to plot against your little daughter.

Xie Jingying, tell me, what benefits can you get from it? "

Xie Jingying lowered her head and said nothing. Song Laosan had already lost the attitude of yelling at Song Jiawen just now. He wished he could become invisible now.

Before agreeing to the Chen family's marriage proposal, they also thought that the old lady would be angry, but their worries about their eldest daughter took over, leaving them with a sense of luck.

I thought that the marriage would be decided in advance, and then I would go to the school to adjust the files according to Dean Chen's request, and then put it into the county health school.

By then the files would be gone and she would not be able to take the college entrance examination. Even if the old lady and Xie Yanhai knew about it, it would be too late.

But he never thought that they would rush over to stop him at this moment.

Not only them, but also the principal of Jianghai Middle School
Song Laosan knew that this would not work out.

If it doesn't work out, then just admit your mistake.

But Shi Peirong didn't give them a chance to admit their mistake and stood up to leave.

"I'm over 50 years old, and I don't want to talk about you. But it's about Jia Jia's career and future, so you two should stay out of her business from now on."

At this time, Xie Jingying and Song Laosan naturally did not dare to refute the old lady.

Xie Yanhai also stood up and turned around to ask Song Jiawen, "Do you have your ID card?"

He didn't plan to let her come back before the college entrance examination, so he had to bring important things like documents with him.

Song Jiawen looked at Xie Jingying.

She used to not care about her things, but last month her ID card was suddenly taken away.

She didn't care at first, until Jiang Yan told what was going to happen today.

She figured it out instantly.

Xie Yanhai followed her gaze and looked at Xie Jingying, "I thought you wanted to keep it for her, but you can give it to me now."

After Xie Yanhai got his ID card, Song Jiawen put Haohao down and kissed his face again, then got up and followed Xie Yanhai and Li Yun out.


When she passed by Song Xiwen, she called out to her and whispered with pleading in her eyes, "I really don't know what happened today."

"I believe!"

Song Jiawen turned to look at her sister and smiled, but the smile did not reach her eyes.

Suddenly she leaned into her ear and asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Sister, who are you looking at through me?"

With a bang, there seemed to be a thunder in Song Xiwen's ears.
When she woke up completely, the three of them and Haohao were the only ones left at home.

"Xiaoxi, what's wrong with you?"

Xie Jingying was very worried when she saw her eldest daughter's face turned pale and she looked distracted, "What did that damn girl just say to you? Why are you so scared?"


Song Xiwen turned to look at Xie Jingying, as if she had seen a ghost, "Tell me, does Jia Jia already know that she is not your biological child?"

Xie Jingying and Song Laosan were stunned when they heard this. They looked at each other with hesitation in their eyes.

That girl was incredibly smart. Before she entered elementary school, Shi Peirong said that she was precocious, had an extraordinary memory, and had a photographic memory.
When Xiaoxi picked her up in a small alley in Yunzhou, her head was covered in blood and there were two bloody holes in the back of her head.After she was rescued, she was stupid at first, asking her name and not knowing where her home was.

The doctor said he hit his head and may have lost his memory.

How much memory can a three-year-old child have?
So Xiaoxi thought she looked like "Gaga" and wanted to take her home to raise her, so they didn't say anything.

Now that 14 years have passed, she won't remember what happened before she was three years old, right?

But how is this possible?

But the three of them fell into silence again when they remembered what Shi Peirong had said about premature wisdom.

After all, apart from this girl, they have never met any other precocious children. They wonder if they will remember things before the age of three.

Song Jiawen, who was leaving on the other side, couldn't help but feel her heart sink when she saw Song Xiwen's reaction after saying those words.

She had to say that because of Xie Jingying and Song Laosan's attitude towards her, she suspected that she was not her biological child.But at the same time, Song Xiwen was very kind to her, and even her grandmother and uncle were very affectionate to her.

She felt that her suspicions were false and they were just biased.

Until recently, she always had a recurring dream
(End of this chapter)

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