"You're not even sitting here without eating dinner, are you?"


She was hungry after six o'clock, but she didn't want to move, let alone eat alone, so she waited until now.

She looked at him slightly complaining and asked, "Where have you been?"

Where did it go?

To resolve some personal issues, of course, and deal with a few smelly rats.

I didn't beat him up last time, but I almost beat him to death this time.

When he was struggling at the bottom of society in his last life, Jiang Yan knew that as long as he didn't get beaten to death, it wouldn't be a big problem.

Otherwise, a mouse like this will disgust you next time you see it.

He and Yu Hang didn't even call Xiao Qi. Yin Shen stood guard and beat Liao Chenyu directly, which almost made Liao Chenyu doubt his life.

"Why don't you go upstairs first, and I'll go out and buy you something to eat. What do you want to eat?"

Jiang Yan said as he handed her the key in his hand.

"Anything, anything."

Song Jiawen actually had no appetite, but her empty stomach made her feel uncomfortable.

Jiang Yan watched her walk into the stairs, then turned and walked out.

Thinking that she had been hungry all night, Jiang Yan went to get her a porridge, two side dishes, and two small steamed buns.

After buying these, I bought a bottle of toilet water.

But when he quickly returned to the community with his things, Song Jiawen opened the door for him with a yawn, then shrank back on the sofa and almost fell asleep.

Jiang Yan:.
How long have you been waiting outside?They are all so tired.

"You don't turn on the air conditioner or the fan. Isn't it too hot?"

When he said this, he noticed something was wrong with Song Jiawen's face. He put his hand on her forehead and was shocked. "You have a fever? Jia Jia?"

The hot feeling on her forehead showed that the fever was coming fiercely. Jiang Yan could only say yes when talking to her. It was obvious that she was confused by the fever.

Jiang Yan didn't dare to delay, coaxed her to drink a glass of water, and then ran downstairs with the person on his back.

After the exam ended today, he thought she had followed Xie Yanhai back to Jianghai Town. This was what he had agreed to before. He would also go back tomorrow to take graduation photos with his classmates from Jianghai Middle School.

So why are the people who were supposed to go back here?
His intuition was related to Song Xiwen.

Jiang Yan was tall and had no difficulty carrying Song Jiawen on his back. He walked outside the community without any delay, and then walked quickly along the alley to the main road outside.

He waved his hand to stop a taxi, took Song Jiawen into the back seat, and then ordered him to go to the Second City Hospital.

This hospital is the closest to his home and has a good reputation.

On the way, he touched her forehead again, and it was burning.

Jiang Yan's brows were furrowed.

Ten minutes later, the taxi arrived at the gate of the Second Hospital. Jiang Yan paid the money and rushed straight to the emergency room with Song Jiawen on his back.

The fever was [-] degrees, and the doctor prescribed medicine without saying a word. It didn't take long for the nurse to put the IV on.

He originally wanted to find a bed for her to lie down on, but Jiang Yan looked around and saw that the few beds in the emergency room were all occupied by people. It was late at night, and there were a long row of people with severe symptoms sitting there.

In the end, he had no choice but to let her sit on the chair and lean against him.

The sick Song Jiawen looked very well-behaved, and the coldness on her usual face was much lessened. Her delicate cold white face had a faint blush due to the fever, and her full lips were slightly pouting, as if she was complaining about the discomfort of having a fever.

The whole person looked extremely fragile.

Jiang Yan sighed. Speaking of which, she was only 17 years old. Generally, the only daughter in such a big family was still in the rebellious stage, but what about her?
Rebellion to whom?

The water dripped quickly. After 10 minutes, the nurse pulled out Song Jiawen's needle, took her temperature again, and only let them go after the fever had subsided.

Song Jiawen happened to wake up at this time, and her head was not as dizzy as before. She just didn't eat at night and her legs were a little wobbly when walking. "Otherwise I'd still be carrying you?"

Jiang Yan was really afraid that she would fall to the ground again, so it would be more stable if he carried her on his back.

But Song Jiawen wrinkled her nose after getting close to him and muttered in a low voice, "You didn't take a shower? It smells like sweat."

Jiang Yan laughed angrily. When he came, he wanted to run away while carrying her on his back. He must have been covered in sweat when he got to the hospital. She didn't dislike his smell just now, but now?


Jiang Yan stopped carrying it and just walked slowly beside her, occasionally letting her tug at the hem of his clothes. A good T-shirt was suddenly deformed by her tug.

The two of them found a small shop selling porridge at the door. Now not only Song Jiawen was hungry, but Jiang Yan was also hungry.

"What happened to you today?"

While eating, Jiang Yan couldn't help but ask.

"My sister told me about the time she picked me up."

Jiang Yan was shocked, "How did you say that?"

Song Jiawen repeated what Song Xiwen said in the afternoon from beginning to end, but in the end she focused on Jiang Yan's face, "Why aren't you surprised?"

Because I have known for a long time that you are not my biological child.

But there is no way to say this.

However, Jiang Yan did not guess that Song Xiwen asked Jia Jia to replace her sister. No, it should be said that no normal person would have guessed this.

The key is that she knew her family was looking for her at that time. How old was Song Xiwen at that time? 15 years old, that's so wicked.

"What did she say your real name was?"


"Tama City Yu family?"

Song Jiawen paused and shook her head, "I don't know if that's true."

"It should be." Jiang Yan analyzed it for her. "Your painting collided with Master Mu's before. I went to ask Mu Chenyan specifically. Do you know her man's surname?"

Song Jiawen looked at him and waited for him to continue.

"My surname is Yu, and I am a descendant of the Yu family in the ancient city. In the early years, almost all of the Yu family were abroad. I heard that they only returned to China in recent years. Master Mu has three sons. The eldest is 29 years old this year, and the second and third are twins. Jia Jia, Why did you sign Xiaosi on your painting?"

Although Song Jiawen never explained this to him, Jiang Yan had some guesses in his mind after knowing that Mu Chenyan had three sons.

"Master Mu is most likely your biological mother."

Song Jiawen's hand holding the spoon stopped moving, and a gentle shout sounded in her mind, "Xiao Si."

Is this voice Mu Chenyan?

Also, Jiang Yan said that Master Mu had three sons, so who was the one she called sister in her memory?

Isn't she her sister?
"Jiajia, do you want to go find her?"

Now that we know who our family members are, it is natural for them to recognize each other.

Jiang Yan didn't know how she met the Yu family and Mu Chenyan in her previous life, but it was almost ten years later, and it was too late.

Now it is appropriate to know in advance and recognize each other in advance.

"You said the Yu family was abroad before?"

Jiang Yan nodded, "I heard that's the case."

"Then why did you lose your daughter 14 years ago? Then she left the country again without being found? Did you give up?"

Song Jiawen asked questions one after another, leaving Jiang Yan speechless and not knowing what to say.

But thinking back, her question is indeed reasonable, if she is really the youngest daughter of the Yu family.
This chapter has been completely revised!

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