Jiang Yan was extremely surprised. He knew that due to the difficulty of the questions in this year's college entrance examination, the undergraduate cutoff was set at 490.

So this year's class [-] class's heavy capital ratio is going to exceed the standard. No, it should not only be class [-], but the entire third grade of Jianghai Middle School will have to exceed the standard.

After all, Lao Yu is not stingy or conservative. He will discuss any good things with other teachers, such as the test papers and notes sent back by Song Jiawen. Every class teacher in the third grade of high school has a copy.

We stayed at school until mid-afternoon, and until the sun set, everyone reluctantly waved goodbye and dispersed.

Song Jiawen was going back to her uncle's house, and Jiang Yan went to the Internet cafe to find his second son. The two agreed to meet in front of the bus stop at 07:30 tomorrow morning.

Because it was getting late, there were not many people in the town. Occasionally, an electric car roared past, raising a cloud of dust.

But walking in such dust, Song Jiawen felt extremely peaceful.

When I pushed open the wooden door of my uncle's courtyard, I heard a squeaking sound from the kitchen, followed by the aroma of onions, ginger and garlic exploding in the oil pan.

"Big fire."

"It's time for the school to end. How about I go over and take a look?"

"What are you looking at? The child has just finished the exam and is relaxing with his classmates. He will definitely come back after the exam is over. Don't worry, Gaga is thinking about it."


After less than a minute of silence, my uncle spoke again, "Well, I didn't dare to ask her how she did in the exam because I was afraid that she would be burdened, but my score must be evaluated. I have to fill out my application form tomorrow."

"I would say your worries are unnecessary. Jia Jia's grades were top-notch before she transferred to No. [-] Middle School in the city. Once she gets there, she will only get better."

The reason why the city's resources are better than those of the town is not at 01:30. She has such a smart mind that she will only be better, not worse.

The uncle sighed, "But there are many outstanding children there."

"What's wrong with having too many? It doesn't affect our continued excellence."

".That's true."

Song Jiawen walked to the door of the kitchen, leaned against the door frame and looked at the couple who were cooking and cooking. She chuckled and said, "Uncle, I overestimated, it won't be lower than 730."

Her aunt looked back at her, then turned back to laugh at her uncle, "Did you hear that? Jia Jia overestimated, 730. Tell me if you are worrying blindly."

The next moment, one of the couple held a shovel in his hand, and the other kept stuffing wood into the stove, and paused at the same time.
"How many?"

When my uncle asked these two words, his voice broke a little and became high-pitched.

Auntie also looked at her with bright eyes.

Both husband and wife are teachers, and they pay more or less attention to the college entrance examination every year. Naturally, they are not as indifferent to scores as those in towns or rural areas.

On the contrary, they are very sensitive to scores.

In previous years, the most common thing I heard was that in that year, the children took the undergraduate exam and got very good grades, 500 or so. In their past experience, if they passed [-] in the college entrance examination, it would be a high score.

It’s pretty good for a country kid to get a bachelor’s degree.

Song Jiawen had been smart since she was a child. It was rare for her to skip a grade in junior high school and go directly to the first grade of high school. But even so, the highest score they could think of was only over [-].

Xie Yanhai even got excited when he thought about Song Jiawen's college entrance examination score of over 600 points.

It has never happened before. No one from the middle school in the town has passed more than 600 points.

But now.
He stopped lighting the fire and rushed out of the kitchen to the east room. The man in his 40s ran with the energy of a young man.

"Mom, Mom, Jiajia estimated the score. Do you know how much she estimated?" Shi Peirong was quite calm, "730, I just heard that."

Xie Yanhai happily circled, "730, 730, oh, the city champion is gone. I'm going to mix some cold dishes, some beef, prawns and mutton."

Xie Yanhai went out in a hurry.

That night, the couple tossed and turned and no one fell asleep.

Li Yun sighed softly, "Tell me, if the eldest sister and brother-in-law knew about the scores in the Jiajia test, would they regret it?"

"Regret? Ha."

Xie Yanhai sneered, "There's something I forgot to tell you. I met a man from Jianglin Village in the town this morning. Do you know what he asked me?"


"He asked me if Gaga really killed someone?"

"Kill, kill?"

Li Yun suddenly sat up from the bed, his eyes widening in the darkness, "What killing? Why did Jia Jia kill someone?"

"They said that Jia Jia killed Chen Yijie, the son of the county director Chen Yijie. She said that she smashed his head with a brick. She also said that Jia Jia was arrested by the police and failed the college entrance examination. She said that she has a nose and an eye. .That old woman from the Song family sits in the yard and scolds Jia Jia every day, calling Jia Jia a harmful person. She doesn’t want to be good, but she wants to harm the whole Song family.”

"Song Laosan and the eldest sister also knew it. They didn't say a word. They didn't ask the old woman to explain or ask us about it. They just let the old woman scold Jia Jia."

"Are these two people just pretending to be shit in their heads?"

Li Yun was so angry that he almost jumped out of bed, "I only saw your eldest sister being partial in the past, but I didn't expect that she was not only partial, she was also short-sighted. No matter what, Jia Jia is still her daughter, and it's embarrassing for her to be scolded like this." ? And that bastard Song Laosan."

Li Yun was also very angry. He didn't care about his elder brother-in-law. He kept swearing at them and almost slapped them in front of them.

What the hell!
"Look, they will not be rewarded in the future. They deserve not to be able to enjoy Jiajia's blessings."

This night was exciting at the beginning and angry at the end. It was really exciting.

When they woke up early the next day, both of them had dark circles on their faces.

During breakfast, Xie Yanhai asked Song Jiawen, "I'm filling in my application today. Jia Jia, have you decided which school to apply for?"

Li Yun glared at Xie Yanhai dissatisfied, "No need to ask, she must be from Peking University."

Kyoto University.
The couple became excited again when they thought about this school.

Not only them, but even Shi Peirong was a little moved. She said with emotion, "Your grandfather's grades were among the best when he was studying. If the college entrance examination had not been canceled, he would have been admitted to Beijing University. Later, the college entrance examination was resumed, but his body could not support it. Oh, it’s a lifelong regret. But it’s better now. Your grandfather’s regret has been made up for by you.”

Song Jiawen looked up at Shi Peirong and said with a smile, "Then I will apply for Beijing University and go check out this top university for my grandpa."

Xie Lin was infected by the atmosphere and said with high morale, "Sister, if you wait for me at Beijing University, I will definitely try my best to pass the exam."

This sentence almost made Li Yun cry, "Good son, if you are ambitious, you must learn from your sister and follow the same path as her."

Today's breakfast was very different from the past.

At 09:30 in the morning, Song Jiawen and Jiang Yan returned to No. [-] Middle School.

Soon, Teacher Gao and Director Zhai also knew that Song Jiawen's estimated score was 730.

This chapter has been completely revised!

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