Escape in the interstellar game world

Chapter 103 Intersection Points

Chapter 103 Intersection Points
There is nothing wrong with this, and it can be considered a good thing.

Just over a year ago, someone suddenly came to the police station to report that a relative or friend was missing. This was an ordinary case, but what they didn't expect was that a casual investigation would involve a lot of inside information.

At this point, the welfare home has also become the focus of the police department.

The captain just said, "Don't worry." He sent Li Qian out.

Li Qian sighed softly, sighing secretly in his heart, this captain's mouth is so tight!He was stunned and didn't reveal anything.

The captain, who was sitting alone in the office, picked up the list again and studied it carefully.

After a while, he bent down and took out a piece of information from the drawer at his feet and compared it with the list.

Even in terms of information, it is more detailed than the list information that Ruze roughly recorded.

The captain's hand rubbed the names of Cheng Mu and Jiao Yun on the paper.


The woman returned to the small courtyard carrying the vegetable basket. The first thing she did when she entered was to see Zhou Tang.

Seeing the empty porcelain bowl on the desk in front of the window in Zhou Tang's bedroom, he couldn't help but feel happy.

It seemed that Tangzi had gained the confidence to live and could even finish half a bowl of rice!
Zhou Tang, who was just leaning on the bedside, stopped the woman, "...Mom!"


Zhou Tang's eyes were full of hope, and the words that came out of his mouth were smooth, "Mom! Did Uncle Shen say when he would take me to see the master?"

The woman was stunned, as if she didn't expect Zhou Tang to ask this question so urgently. After she hesitated for a moment, Zhou Tang blinked his eyes, his eyes were slightly red and filled with tears.

The woman quickly stepped forward and comforted her, "I just went to see Lao Shen the day before yesterday! He has already agreed and will not change it at will!"

Zhou Tang nodded slightly, with a bit of disappointment and unclear emotions, "I understand."

"Hey, you kid!" What the woman hates most is that Zhou Tang is so disappointed, sad, and has no will. "Old Shen said he would let me go look for him again in three days! I...or I will go and hurry him up tomorrow!"

Zhou Tang held the woman's hand and said, "Mom! It's okay! Don't rush me tomorrow. I've been waiting for you for so many years, isn't it just three days? I can afford to wait!"

She changed the subject and said, "Mom, I'll bask in the sun for a while in the yard."

The woman also knew not to push Old Shen too hard, and now it was only thanks to Old Shen that Tangzi could survive.

She was just a new member of the church and had only met the master once, but Old Shen was different!
"Hey, okay. Mom will help you out. You can lie down on the old man's chair in the yard and sit for a while." The woman helped Zhou Tang get up and get out of bed. "I'll close the door to the yard so that those old ladies won't bother you with gossip." .”

"it is good."

Zhou Tang was sitting on a chair with a small blanket covering her abdomen and legs. The sun was shining on her body, making her feel warm and comfortable.

During the two or three days that she entered this npc's body, she ate as much as possible and walked and exercised as much as she could, in order to regain some physical strength...

The results were also good. She worked hard to adjust her emotions and stabilize her emotions without ups and downs. Then she ate and drank every meal without skipping a meal...

The woman was washing rice and vegetables in the kitchen. When she looked up, she could see Zhou Tang, who was lazily basking in the sun, through the window. Such simple days were what she had always looked forward to.

Old Shen, who was talked about by Zhou Tang and the woman, also found an opportunity today to find the master's closed disciple.

"Little Master Qian Yun!"

"Oh, it's Uncle Shen." After hearing the words 'Uncle Shen', Old Shen looked flattered and said quickly, "I can't afford it, I can't afford it."

Qian Yun smiled slightly and said, "Uncle Shen has something to do with me."

Lao Shen nodded, "That's right! I have a distant relative whose child is seriously ill, and I want to ask a master to treat the child."

Qian Yun's expression did not change, and Lao Shen could only continue to add, "That child is also a poor one. She has been sick since she was seven or eight years old, and her illness has become more and more serious. Over the years, her father could not stand the drag and abandoned him long ago. Mother and daughter, her mother is a good person and never gives up!"

Qian Yun had heard a lot of stories like this. What suddenly came to his mind, he asked, "The medicine you went to ask for a few days ago was for this child?"

Old Shen said happily, "Little Master Qian Yun, you still remember! Yes, it was for her. Ever since her mother saw the master cast spells, she felt that the master was like a god descending to earth, coming to eliminate the suffering in the world and praying for cures. Medicine for sickness.”

"It's not because I can't see it that I begged you!" Lao Shen sighed, "Oh, it's a pity that medicine, the child has been tortured a lot these years, and her mother was also ill and sought medical treatment. My health is not good, and after drinking various folk remedies on and off over the past few years, I have become even more frail."

"The decoction you gave me, she must have been weak! She got sick again, and her body is getting weaker day by day!" Old Shen just opened his mouth and exaggerated!

He knew that the master was most compassionate and philanthropic. Only by telling the serious story of Zhou Tang's condition could the master pay attention and focus on Zhou Tang.

Qian Yun nodded slightly, "I will report the matter about this child to Master, but before that, you tell me the detailed information about this child."

As soon as Lao Shen heard Qian Yun's words, he knew there was something going on!He quickly reported the information about Zhou Tang.

He couldn't help but sigh, "As soon as her parents divorced, her father married another one. Over the years, he has been indifferent to their mother and daughter. Regardless of whether the child lives or lives, he relies on the child's mother to support him!" "

Qian Yun only replied, "Everyone in the world is suffering, you and I can only practice cultivation! As you said, Master will not ignore me when he encounters me. Just wait for my news."

Lao Shen finally got good news!


In the welfare home.

Jiao Yun led a group of boys and aggressively found Cheng Mu, who had just returned from climbing over the wall.

Before Cheng Mu could react, he took the lead and punched Cheng Mu.

Cheng Mu was agile and subconsciously turned his head to the side, turning his palm into a knife and slashing at Jiao Yun's arm. Then he neatly raised his leg and kicked Jiao Yun in the stomach.

Just two moves made Jiao Yun kneel down and beg for mercy. He asked without even taking a breath, "What do you want from me?"

Jiao Yun almost crushed his teeth and swallowed the flesh and blood together, but Cheng Mu's swift attack prevented him from thinking about fighting anymore.

This is not called a fight, this is called a one-sided beating!

"What's the matter?" He gritted his teeth and said, "You have the nerve to ask me! Why do you want to take my job! I have been waiting for so long! You have messed up everything."

Cheng Mu asked in confusion, "What job?"

This ungrateful tone and disapproving attitude made Jiao Yun itch with hatred, "Don't pretend to be stupid with me! Of course this is the job arranged for us by the orphanage!"

Cheng Mu reacted and was about to say something when he caught sight of something out of the corner of his eye. He turned around and said deliberately, "You mean this job! I'm going to make a decision."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the tender voice of a little girl, "Aunt Yue! Let's go quickly! Jiao Yun is going to cause trouble for Brother Mu!"

(End of this chapter)

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