"Dear citizens of Haishi, we are the military corps, currently stationed in the suburbs of Haishi. Special protection rescue personnel have been dispatched into the urban area of ​​Haishi to search for survivors. Please take shelter and respond loudly when you hear the rescue horn. , rescue workers will carry out orderly rescue."

"In addition, we appeal to the general public. Those who still have physical strength can go to various garrison points to seek help on their own. The garrison points have uncontaminated water, food, and special medicines. They are also capable of providing effective cleaning services to survivors."

"The following are the temporary campsites in Haishi: *Street Health Center Office, *Primary School, *Sports Plaza, *Village Committee..."

"*Street Health Center address: No. 108, *Street, adjacent to the entrance to the *market..."

Finally, after repeatedly listening to the news broadcast on the radio for two or three hours, everyone pieced together a relatively complete message.

Several people hugged each other and cried with joy. They had not been abandoned yet! They can also leave this place!

Zhou Tang sighed softly. Up to this point, they had completed most of the dungeon missions. As long as they could take protective measures and reach the nearest station safely, they could leave here and go to the hospital for treatment.

Several people directly said, "Let's go out now!"


It’s half past three in the morning on December 14th!

It's pitch dark outside, obviously not a good time!

These people made suggestions, but more people focused on Zhou Tang and Su Man, as if they regarded Zhou Tang as the backbone!

Of course, there is also Zhou Tang's aura of 'one man is in charge and ten thousand men are not allowed to open it'. They have to get her consent if they want to leave the air-raid shelter.

Without great push and attraction, there is a high probability that no one will use violence to complete this matter.

Zhou Tang said straightforwardly, "If I remember correctly, it's past three in the morning, which is when the night is dark and cold! It's not a good choice to smear the road."

The people who were still excited immediately nodded in agreement and calmed down their emotions a little.

There is nothing wrong with feeling high, but you also need to have a rational mind!

If you rush forward without thinking, your previous efforts will be wasted.

"Furthermore, we can first find out the nearest station and plan the nearest route! Of course, we also need to leave alternative routes to avoid accidents on the nearest route."

"There should be more alternative routes than less. This will make it easier for us to switch routes at critical moments. It is also recommended that everyone has an alternative route map! If you accidentally get separated from the team, don't be afraid."

Zhou Tang spoke his thoughts and suggestions in a low voice and slowly. Such calm words made these people calm down completely.

"Does anyone have a map near the school?"

"I'll first find all the garrison points near this school so we can plan the route."

"The address of our school is No. 689 Nanguan Street!"

"Hey, isn't Xueming Road quite close to our place?"

"You remember wrong! It's not close at all, it's ten kilometers away! But it's relatively close to the Polytechnic University! Last time I went to the Polytechnic University with my classmates, we passed by Xueming Road..."

"Oh, I remembered it wrong!"

In the end, it was Suman who found the map of Haishi in the back of her thick notebook.

It's just that this map of the sea city is small, so only long streets are marked...

It's a little blurry in terms of trails.

At this time, Zhou Tang found the screenshots of the map around the school from the previous two days on his mobile phone. Everyone compared the two and could barely find some roads.

Everyone took a pen and marked it on the map.

While they were trying their best to find a life path for themselves, some of the students who were huddled together and hiding in the basement outside the air-raid shelter also discovered a message on the radio of their mobile phone.

He jumped up with his phone in hand, "Everyone, look! There's news!"

Everyone cuddled together, hugging each other for warmth, hoping to escape this darkest and coldest moment, but they were suddenly woken up in the middle of the night.

I couldn't help complaining, "What are you yelling about! My stomach is empty, I finally fell asleep and was woken up again!..." At the end of the words, there were also greetings to the ancestors.

The man who jumped up was in a good mood and didn't mind what he said, and repeated loudly, "There's news!"

"There's news on the radio! The country is coming to our rescue!"


"What did you say?"

Those words went straight into their hearts!


After waiting all day and night, they were finally saved.


"Don't lie to us!"

"What does the news say?"

"Hurry up! I'll listen too!"

The first person to stand up shouted loudly, "Everyone, be quiet! Let's listen together."

He managed to calm everyone down and had some quiet time.

He pressed the volume up button continuously, and sound came from the speaker of the phone intermittently...

"… citizens… stationed…"

"Survivors... provide... water..."


But the news is not complete, and there are a lot of "zilla" sounds mixed in!

Someone asked unhappily, "What's going on?! The sound is intermittent! There must be something wrong with your phone!"

The man was inexplicably unhappy and responded directly, "There's nothing wrong with your cell phone. Just go and listen to your cell phone!"

"Everyone can turn on their mobile phones and try to listen to what is being broadcast on the radio! It will definitely provide the time and location of the rescue!"

Everyone didn't need to remind him. They had already turned on their mobile phones and found the radio function.

For a while, along with "Zi La", female voices and male voices intertwined.

The commotion in this area also attracted the attention of Yue Yi's friends. In fact, the difference between the two was not that far apart. Basically, everyone could hear them if they shouted a few times.

"What happened to them?"

"I listened carefully for a few minutes before, and it seemed like there was a signal!"

"Signal?" My friend picked up the phone skillfully and tapped the screen.

As soon as the screen turned on, my eyes were fixed on the top of the phone.

What kind of signal?

Nothing at all! Empty!

"no signal!"

"What is that? They can't be just messing around, can they?!"

"I just said it! We were so obsessed with it in the first place, why did we follow Yue Yi out of the second teaching building! After all, there are still teachers there!"

"Hey! Didn't we say we should stop discussing this matter?! Things have already happened, so don't keep looking back! If you are wrong, you are wrong! We have to look ahead! Besides, we have already left Yue Yi behind!"

She stood up, "Let's get closer and ask them!"

Her friend followed her silently, accompanying her step by step as she approached the group of people.

Ten meters away from the group of people, they stopped and asked loudly, "Hey! Hey! What did you find! Can you tell us?!"      Everyone was so focused on listening to the radio that they had no time or mood. Pay attention to these people.

When no one responded, these people said directly, "If you don't tell us, we will come to see you ourselves."

In this case, it is difficult for people to find some thoughts to deal with them.

"No! Don't come here! It's the radio! There is news about the rescue team on the radio!"

"What!" The girl's eyes widened, "Are you telling the truth?!"

"What did they say? When will they come to save us!"

Only in the midst of his busy schedule did the person opposite reply, "This news comes intermittently, and we haven't heard all of it! You can listen to it yourself!"

The girls and the people around them didn't care about their scrawled attitudes. All their attention was on the radio and the rescue team. The two of them turned around and shared it with their companions.

Turn on your cell phone radio together and search carefully for useful news.

If it is true as those people said, this information is intermittent and incomplete, and it takes energy and time to listen to and distinguish it repeatedly.

They're quick and sound like those guys in full swing.

Just over an hour passed, and they only managed to grasp some key words.

The girl turned her gaze to the entrance and exit of the basement, subconsciously touched the rough skin on her hands, and suggested in a low voice, "Why don't we go to the ground and see if we can get a better signal."

However, this suggestion was directly rejected by the companion, "Are you crazy?"

"As I said before, you can go alone! I'm not going out!"

The girl said firmly, "We are more urgent than they are to get the specific information! We are more urgent than they are to find the rescue team!"

"I heard that the rescuers have special medicine on hand! It is a special medicine that can save lives."

Thinking with your toes, you know that there must be a relative amount of special medicine! If they arrive late, the special medicine will naturally be gone!

She said so firmly that the hearts of the people standing around her began to waver!

But in the end it was the people around us who made some suggestions, "Let's exchange the information we got with them first! We can piece together the answer we want!"

He glanced at the time, it was already past five in the morning! It won't be dawn for more than an hour at most! They were just about to set off.

"Besides, it's still dark outside now! Even if you want to leave, you have to wait until daylight before leaving!"

The girl was silent for a moment and agreed, and they all came to stand ten meters away from the group of people.

"Hey! Have you heard all the news? We can exchange news with each other!"

What about that group of people! He did not reject their request cruelly.

The news came from a serious confrontation between the two parties.

What they didn't notice was that there were people hiding in the darkness in two different directions. One was Yue Yi and the other was Xiangyang.

Yue Yi leaned against the pillar in the basement, staring directly at the group of people and her friends, and heard the conversation between them.

The nearest station to Haishi University is six kilometers away. It takes more than an hour for those with physical strength to walk there, and more than two or three hours for those who are slower!


Yue Yi held her hand tightly. She packed candies and chocolates in her backpack, which was barely enough to stop her hunger! But not full either.

It can support her through this journey.

And there must be others on this road...

If possible she would follow them at a distance.

When Yue Yi thought of this, he slid down directly against the pillar and hugged his body tightly with both hands.

She abandoned her coat and now she is very cold!

She must find a station as soon as possible, otherwise she will not be able to bear the consequences!

Xiangyang also got the news he wanted.

But she and Yue Yi had completely different ideas. Yue Yi chose to stay far behind the crowd, while Xiang Yang wanted to return to Zhou Tang's team.

Only in Zhou Tang can she feel full of hope.

Time passed minute by minute, and the two parties exchanged news.

After drawing a simple sketch, at dawn, a team of Yue Yi's friends set off with their schoolbags on their backs!

Yue Yi turned a blind eye and chose to follow the team in the basement.

Yue Yi kept waiting, but he heard other noises in the basement.

Her first reaction was that Zhou Tang and Su Man were coming out!

Staring angrily, it was a group of middle-aged people...

Yue Yi was stunned for a moment, then realized that in the basement of the main building, they had never seen a teacher who led the team and maintained the student team!

Where are these teachers hiding?

The group also discovered the teachers.

The teachers wrapped their bodies and heads tightly, and hurriedly left the basement before the group of students came forward...

Yue Yi's eyes moved slightly, and he instantly gave up his previous decision, changed direction and chose to follow the group of teachers.

In her opinion, the teacher has natural authority and will never go astray! It's safer to follow them than the students.

She didn't do it, couldn't protect herself, and followed the teachers out.

The group of students was stunned, and the crowd divided into two teams, with one team following closely.

The other team was hesitant and undecided! After all, people who have been turned away once don’t want to try it a second time.

In contrast, Zhou Tang and others in the air raid shelter were already fully prepared.

"Everyone needs to wear a hat like me and wrap up the whole face. Teams with gloves wear gloves, and teams without gloves try to retract their hands into their sleeves! They cannot be exposed and come into contact with the air!"

"I can also provide some clothes and two scarves here! You can also borrow some from each other and spread them out!"

"I think when we arrive at the station, all of our clothes need to be changed and disposed of on site! The station can provide us with new, uncontaminated clothes!"

After more than forty people were wrapped tightly and no skin was exposed, Zhou Tang and Cheng worked together to open the air-raid shelter door.

Before stepping out, under the flashlight light, I saw a puddle of water and seemingly insignificant clothes.

Zhou Tang reminded, "Be careful to avoid water stains and clothes. Let's come out slowly one by one."

They climbed up the stairs by the yellowish light.

But not far from the stairs, I saw an unexpected person.

"It's me! Xiangyang! I want to go with you!" Xiangyang said bluntly, "Don't worry! I will only follow you from a distance."

"Xiangyang? What's wrong with you?"

Xiangyang shook his head slightly, "The students in the basement have been gone for half an hour! The teachers hiding in the air-raid shelter have also left!"

"Yue Yi and the others left at dawn." Xiangyang did not notice that Yue Yi was abandoned by her friends and left the team.

Zhou Tang was silent for a moment, and looked at Cheng Mu. She looked at Suman and the others again, "Okay, you can follow us! But if you fall behind, we won't wait for you."

Su Man said, "Wait! I will draw a blueprint for you! If you fall behind, you can follow the blueprint to the garrison point."

This is a good intention and no one will refuse it.

While Suman was drawing the drawing, Zhou Tang threw biscuits and a small half bottle of water towards Xiangyang.

"We estimate that it will take nearly three hours to walk from the school to the station!"

"You can replenish your strength here first!"

Xiangyang was stunned. She didn't expect that she would be accepted easily. She tore open the packaging bag and ate it.

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