Escape in the interstellar game world

Chapter 79 The Evil Dragon

Chapter 79 The Evil Dragon
The woman's face changed, she was frightened and angry, and her voice was rather sharp, "What did you say? How could Lorenzo be related to Claire?"

Zhou Tang shrank and replied, "Aunt, maybe I heard wrong." After that, she broke away from the hand on her shoulder and returned to her room.

The woman is left alone with an unpredictable face...

Zhou Tang groped around in the room, hoping to find something sharp and suitable for hiding. He rummaged through the entire room and found a slightly delicate dagger and a sharp iron rod as long as an arm?There are also several well-preserved arrow clusters.

She put away the things she found and left the room again. In the middle of the afternoon, it was time to prepare meals for the men who returned home.

What surprised her was that there was no one in the stone hut.

It seems that the incident between Lorenzo and Kler has had a huge impact on the woman...

Zhou Tang's eyes flashed, he seized the opportunity, and when no one was around, he rummaged through the entire hut for useful weapons.

A carving knife is a good choice…

There are fewer iron utensils in pots and pans, and only forks per person...

Her eyes glanced at the utility room next to the stone hut, which was also the tool room.

The woman came back a little later and saw an oil lamp lit in the hut. The warm yellow light was as dazzling and calming as a beacon in this dim time.


"Aunt, are you back?" Zhou Tang was sitting in the same position as yesterday, doing the same thing, "I have washed the vegetables."

"What a good boy!" The woman took the vegetables and got busy next to the boiler.

Zhou Tang said cautiously, "Aunt, don't blame brother Lorenzo! He and Claire still have a chance to be together. If Claire can come back, I think the whole village will support them."

The woman's face turned cold, and even the slightly warm atmosphere before was gone.

"Lisa, don't mention the matter between Lorenzo and Claire in front of Igor. Claire... will not be with Lorenzo."

Zhou Tang was thoughtful, was there anything else she had missed?

In the words of Grandma Mei Mi, it is its choice, not their choice...

Who does it refer to?Is it the NPC that gave birth to consciousness in the dungeon?
According to Mandy, the sacrifice only needs to be chosen from one of several girls, and if Claire loses the choice, she can return to the village...

But at this time, the woman's reaction was not entirely the same. Or was it just that the woman was simply dissatisfied with Lorenzo and the helpless Claire?
But she and Jay were equally lonely and had lost both their father and mother. Their situation was only slightly better than that of Claire, but the woman was very kind to them.

The woman was quick on her feet and prepared a sumptuous meal as much as possible before the men of the family returned.

At the dinner table, Jay still scolded Zhou Tang to help his aunt more at home and hang out less with the bold Mandy.

Zhou Tang responded with low interest.

The woman was distracted frequently, but when she came back to her senses, her eyes unconsciously fell on Lorenzo.

What’s interesting is that Lorenzo lowered his head and ignored the profound look, and kept stuffing food into his mouth.

Igor carelessly turned a blind eye to the turbulent undercurrent on the dining table...

After the meal, as usual, Zhou Tang helped the woman tidy up everything.

But instead of returning to her room, she turned around and knocked on Jay's room door.

"Brother, it's me!"

"come in."

Jay sat on the bedside and prepared to fall asleep. The rare moonlight shone into the room, allowing Zhou Tang to distinguish the expression on his face.

Zhou Tang admitted her mistake with a good attitude, "I'm sorry, brother, I was wrong today. I shouldn't have gone to Stone Town with Mandy." She took a deep breath and was very worried, "Will what happened today affect your work?"

Jay took a deep breath. Lisa was the closest person to him in the world. No one loved his sister more than him!
"Lisa, Mandy is not a good friend! She bewitched you." Zhou Tang stood there, lowered his head, and suddenly said, "Brother, I heard the conversation between you and Lorenzo last night!"

Jay's eyes widened slightly and he heard her continue, "Mandy told me again today that she saw Lorenzo and Claire together..."

"That's why I wanted to follow Mandy and ask Claire what she meant."

The mental journey Lisa gave explains her extraordinary behavior very well.

Jay frowned slightly, "You, this matter is beyond your control..."

"But, but Mandy said that the people in the village raised Claire just to make her a sacrifice to protect everyone."

This is something everyone in the village knows very well, and no one will blatantly announce it...

Everyone's shallow conscience and love are invested in their loved ones, so they can only let go of this poor girl Claire...

Zhou Tang continued, "If Claire hadn't been here, would I have become a sacrifice? Is that why Lorenzo is dissatisfied with me!?"

Jay couldn't sit still anymore and immediately jumped out of bed and came to Zhou Tang's side. He held her shoulders with both hands and looked directly at her with sincerity in his eyes. "Lisa, it's you who made the mistake. As long as As long as I am here, you will not become a sacrifice, even if you become a sacrifice, I will do my best to save you!"

His eyes were full of determination, "Even if it is an evil dragon, even if no one ever comes back successfully..."


Zhou Tang's eyes widened, so this copy is about a boy who turns into a dragon? !

Jay turned his head uncomfortably, "Go, sister, ignore Lorenzo! I believe I will protect you."

Zhou Tang seemed to be convinced, but was frightened by the evil dragon and was so confused that he left Jay's room with slightly stiff steps.

She returned to her room and found the hidden weapon...

These sharp weapons are not enough to fight the evil dragon!
However, while wandering around the village today, she discovered something 'good'.

It was midnight again, and there were footsteps again.

Zhou Tang had been waiting for this moment. She stood up and quietly walked towards the source of the sound.

It's a simple tool room next to the stone hut.

But a female voice came, "Lorenco, are you crazy?"

"Yes! I'm crazy!" Lorenzo said coldly and bitterly.

"Have you ever thought about us? You will bring trouble to us!"

"But", he cried, "what can I do? She is my lover, I love her! I just want to wait for her to come back..."

"She can't come back, the evil dragon won't let her go! Just like countless others..."

"Don't go to Stone Town again tomorrow!"

Zhou Tang clung to the other side of the tool room, waiting for the footsteps to go away.


A pair of women's leather boots appeared in front of Lorenzo. He raised his head angrily. At this moment, all his anger rushed towards Zhou Tang.

"Are you satisfied?! It was Claire who bought your was you who killed her!" He roared in a low voice, but in reality he was fierce on the outside, "It was originally yours! It was Claire who died on your behalf! Why not?" Why are you?"

Zhou Tang said coldly, "I am willing to replace Claire!"

Lorenzo simply stayed where he was.

(End of this chapter)

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