Chapter 83 Sacrifice
Igor was much calmer than Jay. He knew that the deal was done, and the moment Lisa stepped onto the sacrificial platform, there would be no chance to change it.

He said dryly, "Jay, calm down, maybe it will let Lisa go!"

Jay turned his head fiercely like a wolf, "Lorenzo must have tricked Lisa! How dare Lorenzo?! Lisa is also his sister! Even if he has hated us since he was a dare he?!"

He even had evil thoughts, and he did not hesitate to speculate on Igor with the greatest malice, "Do you all know it well! Even in order to satisfy Lorenzo, you cover everything for him?!"

The woman's protective words in the morning were particularly mocking at this moment.

Igor's face was livid. Jay was slandering his character. He turned cold and said, "I watched Lisa grow up. How can I bear to send her to die?"

Jay's eyes were slightly red and moist, and finally tears fell silently.

Igor couldn't help but soften his heart. After all, he treated Jay more like his own son, and Jay was more like his own son than Lorenzo.

"You believe me! Lisa will not be chosen! She is lucky! She will be protected by God."

Jay was in mourning, but fortunately he was temporarily persuaded by Igor.

His gaze fell on Zhou Tang like a substantial light.

Zhou Tang was keenly aware of it, but she did not respond. She just wanted to protect Lisa before she left...

Suddenly the bright and brilliant sun was shrouded by dark clouds, and the already noisy sacrificial platform suddenly became ice swallowing happiness inch by inch.

The cold breath blew away and the warmth hit his face. Zhou Tang, who was standing on the high platform, couldn't help but raise his head and look at the sky.

That feeling of brokenness and weakness made Jay heartbroken to death, and he failed to protect his sister in the end.

Igor's hands bound Jay tightly, fearing that Jay would do something wrong and lose his life in vain.

Jay had stopped struggling, his eyes fixed on Lisa on the high platform.

At the end of the sky, a small bird flew past at a high speed.

Even Cheng Mu, who had experienced great storms in the interstellar era, couldn't help but raise his head and sigh that there was such a huge thing on the ancient Blue Star.

"Are you scared?" Cheng Mu opened his mouth slightly, and the almost inaudible question reached Zhou Tang's ears.

At this moment, Zhou Tang's mouth opened slightly with a hint of bitterness, "Of course!"

"Don't be afraid, I will always be by your side." Cheng Mu, who came from the Alliance Military Department, is more adept at challenging challenges.

The evil dragon appeared and cut through the sky. Its roar frightened the people present and made them kneel to the ground involuntarily...

The evil dragon approaches the stone town, the wind is strong, and it hovers in the sky as if to declare its sovereignty.

Jay desperately resisted this strong pressure. He raised his arms, half-knelt on the ground, and tried his best to raise his unyielding head to look at and remember the evil dragon.

The girl on the high platform was also prostrate on the ground. Only Zhou Tang and Cheng Mu turned their heads to look at the evil dragon circling in the sky.

Zhou Tang tilted his head and wondered, "Why doesn't it come down? Is it considering a place to stay? Cheng Mu, why don't we give it some help and extend our hands..."

Cheng Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his intuition told him, "It's coming soon!"

"Now!" Cheng Mu suddenly burst out with great force, pulling Zhou Tang to stand up and stretch out his arms.

The evil dragon roared past with its wings spread out, and everyone around the sacrificial platform closed their eyes in unison. Only Jay forced himself to open his eyes...

He saw with his own eyes that Lisa raised her thin arm, and at that moment the evil dragon's big claws flew past, causing pieces of the stone slabs on the high platform to fly and fall into the water.

It grabbed the four girls on the high platform, turned back with lightning speed, and disappeared into the sky again.

The two girls on the high platform were left crying bitterly and escaped death.Jay broke free from Igor's restraints, ran to the high platform in large strides, and stepped onto the wooden plank faster than everyone else.

The two girls looked at Jay rushing towards him and couldn't help but hugged each other tightly in fear. But Jay stood on the high platform for a long time to confirm, and finally collapsed and fell to the ground crying.

"I am a sinner!"

Zhou Tang and Cheng Mu hugged the evil dragon's claws tightly. The evil dragon took them flying away from the town, passing over the rolling mountains, and flew to the sea. The seawater rolled up huge waves, splashing out cold seawater and staining the girl's body. Gorgeous new clothes.


The evil dragon flew upwards and returned to mid-air...

The two girls on the sacrificial platform survived the disaster and were half-carried and half-supported by the old woman, dragged away from the platform and properly placed.

Igor strode to Jay, who was lying on the stone slab.

"Jay!" He was silent for a long time before speaking, "Lisa, she..."

Igor carefully avoided the stone slabs scratched by the dragon's claws on the high platform. He held Jay's shoulders with both hands and tried to find his voice, "I will definitely give you an explanation!"

Jay raised his head angrily and asked, "What explanation?"

Igor saw Jay's eyes were red, as if he was possessed. He couldn't help but take two steps back, his whole foot fell into the crack of the stone, and he fell on the stone slab.

He forced himself to steady himself and said, "Your aunt and I will not let Lorenzo and Claire go. You have to believe us! They will atone for Lisa's sins in this life!"

Jay looked sarcastic, but Igor mentioned someone, that was their aunt...

The aunt never treated them selfishly, which also caused Lourenco to complain privately.

Igor breathed a sigh of relief and finally calmed Jay down. The two left the stone town one after another and returned to the village.

Adrian stood not far away and looked straight at Jay's retreating back. He believed that Jay would come to him soon.

The two of them returned to the village in silence all the way. However, because of the completion of the sacrificial ceremony, the oppressive atmosphere in the village was released, and there were still children running wantonly on the country roads...

Soon, they returned to the stone hut.

The woman was sitting alone at home and asked in surprise, "Are you back?"

"How was it? Did everything go well during the sacrificial ceremony?" The woman's face was filled with real joy, and the big stone weighing on her heart finally fell to the ground.

"Oops!" The woman slapped her forehead, "I wonder where Lisa and Lorenzo went? Mandy said Lisa didn't look for her. Could it be that she went to town secretly?"

The woman glanced at Igor carefully, "When they come back, you can't blame them! The children are older and have their own ideas..."

Igor glanced at Jay and stood motionless.

Jay's eyes were red and he was speechless for a moment.

The woman was confused, "What's wrong? What happened?! Did Lorenzo do something?"

Jay's anger was released, and the woman didn't know it, "Aunt, Lisa became a sacrifice and stood on the high platform of sacrifice."

The woman looked confused and didn't even understand the meaning of Jay's words.

With a livid face, Igor strode towards Lorenzo's room and kicked it away...

(End of this chapter)

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