Chapter 87

Jay was extremely disappointed, and he didn't expect that Adrian's words came true...

He thought that Igor would at least come back with Lorenzo and Claire, and let the woman plead with him to let them go. He even thought about letting Lorenzo go.

But in the end, he was never given a chance to choose.

He randomly selected two pieces of clothing and put on his weapons.

He quickly made all preparations, walked to the door, and looked back at the place where he had lived for more than ten years... Inexplicable thoughts came to his heart.

He didn't know that Lorenzo had always hated the brother and sister. He thought that Lorenzo was just angry at the love that was divided between them.

He always chose to avoid it, but... finally made his sister pay the price.

This time Jay chose to leave this home to save his innocent sister.

Suddenly the door was opened, it was Igor!
"Let's talk, Jay!" Igor looked directly at Jay and spoke sincerely.

Jay said calmly, "You have made a choice, and I have made a choice! I want to go to the dragon's lair! Save Lisa!"

Igor froze on the spot. He thought that Jay had always been rational and had calmed down for at least half a day, so he shouldn't be so crazy.

"Are you crazy?" Igor asked with difficulty. "You should know that for hundreds of years, no one has been able to kill the dragon and save the girl! Those people and the girl have become food in the dragon's mouth. !”

Jay was unmoved. He found out everything about the evil dragon at the beginning of the sacrifice!

He hates evil dragons and hates this sacrificial ceremony...but he still has a sister waiting for him to protect him, so he can't act arbitrarily.

Only now there is nothing!
For my sister, and for him...

"Wish me good luck!" He pushed aside Igor who was blocking the door with one hand.

Jay strode out, and Igor could only hold his shoulders and arms firmly.

Jay shook off his anger and said, "Igor! It was you who let Lorenzo and Claire go with your own hands! Why are you stopping me now!"

"I have convinced myself in my heart to let him go! In order to repay your kindness to me and my sister over the years!" Jay was angry, "What else do you want from me?"

Igor was stunned. On the surface it looked calm, but in reality there was already an undercurrent surging...

He let go of his hand involuntarily. No one is a fool, especially Jay, who is smart and observant.

Under Igor's indulgence and the woman's stupidity, Jay left the stone hut, left the village, came to the small town, and found Adrian.

Adrien nodded, "It's a little slower than I thought! I don't know how the night has passed. Is Lisa okay?"

Jay's face was ashen. He had lost, completely, but he would definitely defeat the dragon and rescue Lisa.

"Let's go!"

The two of them rode together on the steeds that Adrian had prepared in advance, and embarked on a journey that countless young men before them had traveled.


Zhou Tang and Cheng Mu, who had been waiting at the entrance of the cave all night, still didn't wait for the evil dragon!

Zhou Tang muttered in a low voice, "Where did that guy go?!"

The promised bride was left to wait alone all night.

The sun rises from the east, and the sunlight slowly shines into the cave, and finally sets inside the cave. The gold, silver, and gems emit a dazzling light.

It turns out that within a specific period of time, you can see the most beautiful scenery on the island.

"It's so beautiful!" Zhou Tang couldn't help but sigh.

This evil dragon really knows how to choose a location. Who wouldn't be deeply obsessed with this place after seeing such a scenery.

At some point, the other two girls also woke up and asked, "Where is this?!"

I don't know if the copy did it intentionally, but the evil dragon's claws caught all the players in the sacrifice.Zhou Tang was not interested in answering the question, so Cheng Mu said calmly, "The evil dragon grabbed us and flew to the edge of the cliff of the island, and threw us down."

The girl player stood up in horror, and her first reaction was to touch her body...

Cheng Mu didn't need to look at Zhou Tang's expression at this moment to know that she must be extremely speechless...

He reminded, "The dragon left us and flew away! He didn't come back all night."

The player breathed a sigh of relief, but had no intention of talking or discussing with them.

Just got up and looked around.

There are huge waves below the cliffs, and there are no passages for ordinary, ordinary, short humans to leave elsewhere.

Finally, they set their sights on the cave where they woke up. They kept each other company and boldly entered the cave.

An exclamation came, "What is this?!"

"It's full of jewels! The pearls are all extinct! And is that red coral?! We sent it."


"This is all in the dungeon game! No matter how much treasure you have, you can't take it out! The game is bullying."

"Why does the evil dragon hide so many jewels? It can't be used or spent even with its brutal appearance!"

"Wait...what is our dungeon mission?"

"It's to kill the evil dragon! Let the girl no longer become a sacrifice and let the stone town return to a peaceful life."

The girls reluctantly left the cave.

Evil dragon!Such a behemoth.

How can they defeat the evil dragon if they don't have the strength to restrain a chicken?
However, they are not alone. Maybe they can start with the other two girls.

Their eyes fell on Cheng Mu and Zhou Tang, and they pondered for a long time before saying, "I don't think you want to become the food in the mouth of the evil dragon! Why don't we work together to kill this evil dragon that keeps causing mischief?"

Zhou Tang was very interested, "What good ideas do you have?"

"It's better than this! When the evil dragon comes back, you rush forward to entangle the evil dragon, and we take action from behind! I saw sharp stones nearby before, and they will definitely be able to cut the scales of the evil dragon..."

It can be said that players treat NPCs as cattle and sheep, and push all dirty and tiring work on them, which can be regarded as making the best use of everything.

Zhou Tang smiled and said nothing. She didn't have much hope for these two players.

Cheng Mu nodded indifferently. These two players were not included in their plan.

When the evil dragon appears, they will take action.

When the two female players saw that they didn't have any unnecessary reactions, they took it as their acquiescence.

Rare said in comfort, "The moment we became sacrifices, we had put aside life and death. If we can successfully eliminate the scourge of the evil dragon, it can be regarded as eliminating evil for the residents of Stone Town. If... unfortunately we die, we will do our best." I tried my best to do the last big thing in my life."

Well said!This is very PUA.

Zhou Tang's left ear went in and the right ear went out, and the whole thing passed through his brain, leaving no trace.

Cheng Mu didn't want to listen to the gossip of the two players, so he casually replied, "We will be responsible for trapping the evil dragon, and you will follow closely behind."

"Go find the stone!" They were assigned the task they mentioned.

The two players followed the instructions and came to the stone wall, trying their best to get a few stones that could be used as sharp weapons.

Cheng Mu once again discussed with Zhou Tang the plan after the evil dragon came...

(End of this chapter)

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