Chapter 89 It's You?

Jay vigorously waved the long sword in his hand and cut off the branches and vines blocking the road.

Although there are large animals on the isolated island, there are insects, snakes, ants and small animals in the dense forest.

Walking all the way towards the cliff seemed particularly difficult.

Adrian gasped for air, "The evil dragon flew directly up the cliff easily..." The tiny human held a long sword and struggled hard to open a way out.

He lived in the interstellar age and had only seen this method in historical materials. Thanks to "Ancient Blue Star", he was able to enjoy such primitive treatment in the dungeon game.

Jay looked up at the sky, sweat dripping from his head. Killing the dragon had to go through many difficulties one after another. How many people had fallen on this road full of thorns?
He didn't have much time to question the reliability of this path, so he just moved forward bravely.


Zhou Tang touched her stomach. Eating raw meat made her feel bad, but there was nothing they could do. They had not had water or food for nearly a day.

At this time, the steady breathing in the cave suddenly stopped, and then there was a slight vibration on the ground, as if the evil dragon turned over and changed its position.

Zhou Tang had a serious look on his face. He calculated the approximate time and found it was less than half an hour.

This time happens to be the point where the poison takes effect.

Aconite poisoning causes numbness in dragon's limbs?

She turned her head and motioned to Cheng Mu, who immediately understood, "Shall we go in?"

Zhou Tang took the lead and sneaked into the cave quietly, followed closely by Cheng Mu.

While the girl player was still hesitating with the bloody mutton in her hands, the two NPCs disappeared quickly.

She was about to speak, but was shocked by Cheng Mu's fierce look back at him. She subconsciously closed her mouth and turned away with her heart pounding.

The look in his eyes, like that of a ferocious animal, frightened her to death.

After she realized that she had made such a devaluation, she immediately complained to another companion in a low voice, "What do you think her eyes are like!?"

Another companion's IQ was online, "Half an hour passed, and they really went in. We..."

"What are we?"

"Didn't we agree that they would entangle the evil dragon first and we would look for an opportunity to strike?"

She glanced at the stones on the ground next to the fat sheep that had been split into several pieces. The stones had turned dark red...

She didn't even have the courage to pick it up.

It was her companion who picked up the only weapon first, handed one to her, and walked towards the cave with firm steps.

"Stop dawdling! I don't want to try 1 ways to die!"

In his sleep, the dragon's breathing became tight and his limbs were numb, as if he was haunted by a dream.

Zhou Tang soon came to the depths of the cave, where the evil dragon was. Its eyes were closed tightly, and there was less pressure.

She cold-bloodedly pulled out the dagger hidden under her clothes, looked at Cheng Mu behind her, and in the midst of the lightning flash, she took the lead and stabbed the evil dragon between the eyelids of his closed eyes.

A cry of pain spread across the entire island.

Adrien fell to the ground without noticing.

He freed up a hand to rub his thigh, "What's going on?! What happened? This must be the dragon's roar!"

Jay frowned. At this time, they had only traveled half the distance. He shook his head. How could he know what was happening on the cliff without God's perspective?

Followed by a roar!
Adrian tilted his head slightly and listened carefully with his left ear. "Why do the two voices sound different?" Jay guessed, "It sounds like a dragon was injured and went into a rage."

A flash of joy flashed in his heart. Is there anything else that can hurt the evil dragon?There was only a flash of joy, Lisa was still on the cliff...

"Let's go!" He strode past Adrian, as if he had been given a shot of blood and regained his strength.

Adrian gritted his teeth and stood up, holding on to the trees beside him. He had walked 90.00% of the distance, and there was no reason to give up now. He followed Jay closely.

Zhou Tang and Cheng Mu struck at the same time, like poking a hornet's nest, and the evil dragon went berserk.

Zhou Tang and Cheng Mu had no other choice but to calmly avoid and move slightly against the cave wall, allowing the dragon's crazy movements to block their next movements, making it difficult for the blind dragon to determine their specific movements in a short period of time. Location.

And the two players who suddenly broke in also helped them.

The evil dragon huffs and puffs towards the player.

"Ah!" The girl waved her hands wildly and threw the stones in her hands at the evil dragon. The dragon's scales were as hard as iron, and the small stones hitting it were like scratching an itch but had no effect.

The girls could only scream, push each other and run outside...

The evil dragon realized that there was something wrong with his body and his eyes were injured, so he chased him out angrily.

The running girl only reached the entrance of the cave when her expensive and gorgeous new clothes were cut open by sharp claws, revealing her delicate skin and white bones.

The girl who was slightly behind was instantly killed. The dragon's big claws stamped on the girl's fallen body and passed by.

The girl experienced 1 ways to die...

The girl player in front fell to the ground, kept moving her feet and moving her butt backwards, still muttering, "It's not me! It's not me! Don't kill me! Oh my god! Why should I choose..."

Before she finished speaking, the head fell to the ground first, with a large amount of blood splattering on the neck.

The warm blood splashed on the evil dragon, but it felt more and more uncomfortable. Its whole body was numb, its eyes were blind, and it was in great pain...

Excited, it spread its wings and attacked indiscriminately. For a while, sand and rocks flew from the cliff, causing rocks to continuously slide down the cave wall.

Zhou Tang and Cheng Mu unanimously chose to be quiet.

The evil dragon came out of the cave, became blind again, and became poisonous again. The scales tilted in their direction. If they stabilized their mentality, they could kill it while it was sick.

The evil dragon even wanted to fly away with its wings, but its current body was not in such a state...

It's angry!pain!Even full of confusion!

Jay's super potential exploded. When he successfully stood on the top of the cliff, he happened to see the crazy dragon from a high position.

Adrien lay beside him like a dead dog.

"Is this evil dragon crazy?" His eyes were filled with stars. He finally took a breath and finally noticed something strange. "Which good man stabbed the evil dragon's eyes out?!"

"Hey! There's a girl there..."

Jay narrowed his eyes and looked at the corpse with its head and body separated... The head was covered in blood, and it was impossible to tell whether it was Lisa or not.

And they only saw one girl died tragically, and three girls were missing. Although there was little hope of survival, but they didn't see the body with their own eyes... they should believe in hope.

He immediately took out the rope from his bag and tied it to the largest tree on the top of the cliff. He held the rope with both hands and slid down the straight cliff quickly.

Before leaving, he said, "Thank you Adrian! Just wait for me here!"

Adrian couldn't miss the opportunity that was so close, "What nonsense are you talking about!? Although the evil dragon is injured, its attack power is still the same, and you and I need to cooperate together!"

(End of this chapter)

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