Chapter 91 Why?
Jay stared at the weak middle-aged man lying on the ground with wide eyes. He couldn't believe that the evil dragon was transformed from a human.

Adrien's grip on the rope loosened and he fell from the sky.

Ignoring the pain in his buttocks, he limped closer and asked impatiently, "What's going on? Are we killing a dragon or a human? How could a human become a dragon?" !”

He held his head in his hands, and the blood vessels on his head were jumping, showing his ups and downs of emotions at this time.

Cheng Mu and Zhou Tang also came forward, and it was Zhou Tang who asked softly, "Brother! Do you recognize him?" She used an affirmative sentence.

Different from Adrian's pure shock, Jay's eyes also showed disbelief...

Jay pursed his lips slightly, trying to calm down the turmoil in his heart, but he couldn't calm down no matter what. He said with a trembling voice, "I recognize him! He is from Stone Town... You were not born yet, and I only…"

His eyes were slightly confused, and he recalled in his mind that it was the first day after the last sacrificial ceremony. His parents took him to Stone Town, but when he entered the town, he witnessed something outside the town. A quarrel.

The quarrel was accompanied by bloody violence. He still remembered his mother's soft hands covering his eyes while a man hysterically recounted the injustice he had suffered.

Just like him and Lisa, and like the thousands of parents, daughters, brothers, sisters, and lovers who have been separated... they are unwilling to be used as sacrifices, and have no choice but to seek the last hope, which is to be the brave dragon slayer. …

Unexpectedly, the reality was a big joke on everyone. After successfully slaying the dragon, he turned into a hated evil dragon!

Jay suddenly realized, "So he's not dead! He just turned into a dragon?!" His brain was obviously down and his thoughts were confused...

The middle-aged man had hairpins on his lips and fingers, his eyes were pierced, and blood kept coming out of his vest, but for some reason he had not completely died.

He used all his strength to push the ruby ​​​​that was formed from his blood into... Jay.

Gemstones are not very dazzling, their light is restrained, but they have the effect of bewitching people...

Jay blinked and suddenly understood. He stretched out his hand to reach for the blood ruby ​​that fell on the ground as if he was possessed.

Zhou Tang's eyes widened when he saw the middle-aged man's move, and he blurted out to stop him, "Brother! Don't touch it!"

Jay paused and raised his head to look at the girl.

Adrian was horrified to find that Jay's eyes had turned completely was about to overflow from his eyes.

Cheng Mu frowned slightly and signaled to Zhou Tang with his eyes that something was obviously wrong with Jay's current state. Was it because of the greed deep in his heart that he was cursed by an evil dragon and was about to turn into an evil dragon.

If Jay turns into a dragon, they won't have time to make plans again to compete and kill Jay.

Jay suddenly grinned, his eyes were dark, and his voice was cold, "I know you are not her! Tell me, did you kill Lisa?"

The first half of the sentence made Adrian confused, but when the second half came out, he was extremely surprised. When will NPCs be able to distinguish between players and NPCs in the dungeon?

You must know that the "Ancient Blue Star" system will whitewash the player's words to rationalize them...

Listening to these familiar words, Zhou Tang sighed deeply, knowing that there was nothing he could do to change it at this time.

"Let's do it!" The next moment, she pulled out Lisa's feelings for Jay and said coldly.

At the same time, she quickly kicked the blood-red gem away.

Cheng Mu pulled out the sharp weapon from his waist under his gorgeous new clothes and quickly stabbed Jay.

Jay frantically rushed towards the blood ruby. At this time, his mind was extremely clear. The timid Lisa would never be able to make an exchange with Claire, and Lisa did not have such powerful force...

Since a middle-aged man can turn into a dragon, it is also possible for Lisa to be possessed by a demon.

The middle-aged man told him everything. If you get the blood ruby ​​gem, you can become stronger and stronger!It can also kill Lisa's murderer.

He chose to pounce on the blood-red gem, knowing clearly that he alone was no match for the two girls possessed by the devil.It's just that the blood ruby ​​was kicked very far by Zhou Tang's kick. It was just an inch away from falling off the cliff and falling into the sea, where it could never be recovered.

Jay placed his hopes for his own life on Adrian, who had helped him a lot before...

"Adrian! Go pick up the red gem!" Jay said with a bewitching tone, "As long as you get the red gem, you can become the most ferocious dragon! Have countless treasures! Fly freely between heaven and earth."

Adrian was stunned and didn't understand what Jay meant, but he still knew himself and the player should be on the same side as the player. Besides, he came to the dungeon to complete a task, which was to kill the evil dragon.

As for the fact that he hasn't been able to complete the mission and was teleported out yet, the reason lies with Jay, who is one step away from transforming into a dragon.

After thinking about this clearly, Adrian didn't even look at Ruby, but walked firmly towards Zhou Tang's camp.

Jay seemed to have figured out something again. He was very sad and angry, feeling that his life was being controlled by others... "Is it you!? You too?"

He held the long sword and stabbed...Cheng Mu.

Cheng Mu neatly dodged Jay's sword, and kicked Jay's sword hand hard with his long side kick.

The sword almost slipped from Jay's hand.

At this time, Zhou Tang punched through the wind and hit Jay directly in the face.

Jay couldn't dodge, so he had to take the punch with his side face. The pain on his face invaded his face, and he gritted his teeth to hold it back.

But Cheng Mu's next move was to step forward, hold his wrist and twist it to the side, causing the sword to fall to the ground.

Then only Jay was left to resist, and finally he collapsed on the ground like a middle-aged man who had no breath.


"why me?"

"why it's not me?"

Zhou Tang silently picked up the long sword on the ground and walked towards Jay, "Jay, you should know what kind of existence the evil dragon is to Stone Town! It is a cancer for thousands of years! Let the town The girl is terrified of the monster who can’t sleep all day long!”

Jay sneered weakly, "Devil! Demon!"

"I will give you a happy ending to all this!" Zhou Tang stabbed Jay's heart with a long sword...

Until this moment, the dangerous dark clouds finally moved away from their heads.

There is only one thing Zhou Tang has to ask, "Adrian, why did you choose Jay?"

This meaningless sentence left Adrian stunned on the spot. He glanced left and right. The evil dragon had been killed by the good guys. Why hadn't he been teleported out yet? !

Zhou Tang said coldly, "Answer my question, and you and I will be able to leave this dungeon."

Adrian could only reply, "How can I, a player, find the dragon's lair? I am very self-aware! It is a good idea to find a local NPC as a guide to lead the way."

"As for why it is Jay, I have observed many people and selected several targets. When Loren asked for help, I followed the trend!"

"Jay's athleticism and determination make him a good candidate. I just gave him a push."

Zhou Tang also had to sigh, time is also fate, but he did not expect that she was also a part of it, indirectly harming Jay.

(End of this chapter)

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