Chapter 19

The noise on the phone became quieter, and it was obvious that Zhong Tao had left the crying place, because Xia Qing heard Zhong Tao's heavy footsteps.The footsteps were obviously louder than his usual ones, and he was still dragging his legs. Xia Qing initially judged that Zhong Tao was very tired now.

Sure enough, his voice was hoarse, "Qingmei, can you hear me?"

"Yes, Brother Tao, please tell me." Xia Qing replied.

Zhong Tao continued to ask, "How is the situation over there? Are there any dangerous evolved creatures that you can't handle? Don't show off. If you can't handle it, just tell me. Although I can't get through it, I can find someone to get over."

Xia Qing knew that the person Zhong Tao was looking for was Team Tan stationed at the old regiment headquarters, and also knew why he made the call.So he calmly replied, "No danger has been found yet. If there is any situation, I will tell Brother Tao as soon as possible."

After confirming that Xia Qing was still alive and buying a good one by the way, Zhong Tao hurriedly responded, but couldn't help complaining to Xia Qing, "You don't know, the safety zone is in chaos, and more than 6000 people have died..."

Xia Qing listened to him quietly before hanging up the phone, and then thought of the person who sent her a text message.Since that person can get inside information, he must be doing well in the safe zone and nothing will happen to him.

Putting away her mobile phone, Xia Qing pulled weeds and eliminated insects, including extremely fast snakes, palm-sized spiders, scorpions with long fingers, big-faced fluttering moths...

Staying in this grassland where dangers lurk and are endless and higher than people's heads sounds like something that can easily drive people crazy, but Xia Qing feels very happy.Because such a crisis is not even a drizzle among natural disasters.

After pulling out the last few meters of grass and walking out of the village to the farmland, Xia Qing's eyes suddenly opened up.The cultivated land that had been thoroughly cleaned and burned contained far fewer grass seeds than in the village, so the grass in the land was half as sparse as in the village.And because plant ash has a certain inhibitory effect on the evolution of organisms, the evolution grass here does not grow as tall as the summer green, so it is easier to clean.

Xia Qing's vision expanded outward, looking towards the buffer forest where the vegetation was significantly denser.It’s unknown how many of the newly grown vegetation in the buffer forest are dangerously evolved plants, and it’s also unknown how many dangerously evolved animals are hidden among these plants.

The buffer forest now is many times more dangerous than before the rain.

Xia Qing's inspection eyes were fixed on a tree, and his brows furrowed.If it hadn't been for the evolution of her vision, and if she hadn't often observed the trees in her territory, she might not have been able to discover that a large tree in the buffer forest on the west side that was already in its mature stage suddenly grew again in the heavy rain.

Generally speaking, plants in the seed stage and juvenile stage have the highest probability of rapid evolution and rapid growth when exposed to rain, because seeds or seedlings in this period cannot shield themselves from all-round attacks by poisonous elements in the air, moisture, and soil; in contrast, , the life indicators of plants in the mature stage have been stabilized, and most of them can resist the attack of the elements; plants in the overall aging stage will accelerate aging and death when exposed to rain.

Animals also have similar characteristics, which is why the vast majority of today’s evolved humans are under 35 years old.Because during the great evolution of Blue Star organisms, adults over the age of 25 had already passed the developmental stage, their body performance was stable, and the probability of multiple evolutions was much lower than that of teenagers under the age of 25.

Human beings who can evolve multiple times in adulthood must be because their body functions are particularly outstanding in some aspects. The same is true for the big tree in the distance that evolves again in maturity.This kind of evolution is particularly dangerous.

In the sixth year of the natural disaster, Xia Qing followed Liangqing's team to the evolutionary forest for hunting and was suddenly hit by heavy rain. A mature tree evolved again. The smell it emitted was highly hallucinogenic, covering a diameter of four kilometers. Animals entering its territory are affected by hallucinations and kill each other.

What's even more frightening is that the smell can pass through the filter element of the protective mask used by humans at that time and affect the human brain.

In that crisis, 26 people, including the captain and deputy captain of the Liangqing Team, died, causing the Liangqing Team to exist in name only.Chen Dongyang, the number three player in the team, attracted the outstanding evolution members of the Liangqing team to establish the Dongyang team, which is currently ranked tenth in the base. The Liangqing team has been reduced to a small team that cannot make it into the top thirty.

In that crisis, Xia Qing, the power evolution person responsible for the transportation work, was at the end of the team and did not enter the territory of the big tree.She risked her life and used a rope to rescue Xu Juan, who was trapped in hallucinations.For a long time after that, Xia Qing did not dare to enter the depths of the evolutionary forest again.Now, Xia Qing only stood at a distance, knowing very clearly that the big tree in the buffer forest was not something she could deal with alone.She even dared not go any further out of fear of entering the tree's power.

After wielding a knife and cutting a toad that was charging at her with its tongue out, Xia Qing cut it in half and stuffed it into a leather bag. Xia Qing retreated back home and quickly climbed up to the attic. After discovering that the big tree was still there and it was not her hallucination, He decisively took out his cell phone.

Before she could call Zhong Tao, Team Tan's phone number arrived.He still spoke seriously and concisely, "Xia Qing, is there anything abnormal at No. [-]?"

Xia Qing immediately replied, "Yes, a mature tree in the buffer forest to the west of Site [-] has evolved again. It has grown at least five meters tall, and its crown has at least doubled."

Team Tan immediately asked, "Where are you? Are you okay?"

Xia Qing replied, "It's okay. I saw it with a telescope while standing at the entrance of the village."

"That's good." Captain Tan's voice became more serious and he said in a commanding tone, "Stay where you are. I will take people to clean up immediately. You are not allowed to apply to participate."

The words were blocked before she could say anything. Xia Qing hung up the phone and before she could calm down, she heard a loud "bang" coming from downstairs, followed by a tremor in her building.

Xia Qing immediately closed the window and ran downstairs, only to find that Mr. Yang had knocked down her double anti-theft entrance door and laid it on the ground.

Not to mention that, the convulsing sheep that should have been sliced ​​and thrown into the pot actually trampled on her door!

What's even more outrageous is that it stared at Xia Qing with squinted eyes, as if Xia Qing had done something treacherous and betrayal of it!

I'm so...

Xia Qing took a deep breath to suppress his anger and tested the current state of the sheep boss, fearing that it would evolve into zombies due to the excess of zombie elements in the body, or be controlled by the tree that suddenly evolved, "Boss sheep?"

"Moo!" the sheep boss howled angrily, and pulled hard with his hooves. The tall door handle on the entrance door was scrapped with a "clang" sound.

Xia Qing's anger surged, and he gritted his teeth and took out a piece of compressed rations from his pocket, "Do you want to eat it?"

The sheep boss opened his eyes immediately, "Hey."

Hearing the sound of the sheep boss's clamping, Xia Qing immediately exploded, threw the rations to the ground and rushed forward with a roar.

"Damn it! If I can't beat you to death today, my surname won't be Xia!"

(End of this chapter)

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