Chapter 410 Found it?
Although there is no more green spinach in the field, Xia Qing is not short of super nutrient solution.

Because she exchanged 38 bottles of super nutrient solution with Zhang San using the roots, stems and leaves of Gaoyi Element Green Lantern spinach in the cultivated land. The shelf life of these special nutritional solutions is two months, which means that if you cannot drink them all within two months, they will have no nutritional value.

A month later, the Gaoyi Element spinach in her greenhouse will start to grow, and she can continue to juice to make super nutrient solution. Therefore, Xia Qing didn't feel any pain at all when using a super nutrient solution that others thought was worth two thousand points.

Hu Feng contacted Captain Yang Jin, and after confirming the location of the refugees in Territory No. 2, he called Xia Qing and told Xia Qing, "A total of four teams and forty-five refugees in Territory No. 2 entered Mount No. 50. Two teams were on the second peak. Hunting in the evolutionary forest below, the two teams are returning with their prey. If you enter the valley from Area 7 of Mountain 49 and rush to the third peak of Mountain 50, you can avoid the sight of the refugees from the second peak."

After Hu Feng finished speaking, he emphasized again, "It can only be avoided."

If there were advanced olfactory or auditory evolutionaries among that batch of refugees, they would still be able to detect Xia Qing's presence through smell and sound.

"Understood, thank you Captain Hu." Xia Qing hung up the phone, took sick wolf around to the seventh area of ​​​​No. 49 Mountain, then left the Qinglong Team's training ground, crossed the valley and entered the evolution under the third peak of No. 50 Mountain Forest.

Then, Xia Qing heard the gunshots of the Second Peak refugee team hunting. Judging from the sound of gunshots, they were using homemade guns.

Xia Qing patted the sick wolf's back comfortingly with his hand to make it stop making noise. One person and one wolf continued to track the bloody scent of the red squirrel and moved forward.

With Xia Qing's current combat power, she is not afraid of encountering the refugee team in Territory No. 2, but one more thing is worse than one less thing. It is of course best to avoid them. Because the purpose of Xia Qing's trip was to find Green Lantern Peanuts.

After entering Mount No. 50, Xia Qing's progress slowed down significantly. Unlike the cleaned up Mountain No. 49, Mountain No. 50 is a pure wild evolutionary forest. This is the first time Xia Qing has set foot in this mountain forest, and every step he takes may trigger risks.

Xia Qing's visual and auditory abilities were fully activated, listening to the surrounding wind, running water, and slight noises under the fallen leaves, and used her vision to search for every danger, striving to minimize the risk level.

However, some dangers cannot be avoided.

Xia Qing followed the sick wolf forward and stepped on a stone that the sick wolf had just stepped on. When the sick wolf stepped on it, there was nothing wrong with the stone, but when she stepped on it, it made a "squeak" sound.

An evolved rat quickly scurried out less than half a meter from the edge of the stone before being grabbed by an evolved centipede that emerged from the leaf litter, screaming even louder.

"Squeak, squeak—"

Before the evolved centipede could poison the mouse to death, a falcon that had been prepared flew out of the nearby bushes, grabbed the evolved mouse and centipede that were larger than it, and took off quickly.

Just when Xia Qing thought Yan Falcon was the final winner, the vines wrapped around the centipede suddenly tightened, trapping Yan Falcon and the centipede together. Immediately afterwards, the tree vines within a four-meter radius began to tremble, tightly wrapping around everything they could touch.

This inconspicuous dead vine is actually an aggressive plant!

Xia Qing swung his knife to chop at a few nearby tree vines, and jumped to a big rock nearby with the sick wolf to avoid the attack of the tree vines.

In order to break free from the vines, the Yan Falcon had to let go of the prey in its claws.

No matter how hard it used its claws and beak to peck, it could not break the vines, and it was tied tighter and tighter. Instead, the evolved rat it let go fell to the ground and quickly got into the pile of fallen leaves.

After confirming that the falcons and centipedes trapped in the vines could not break free, more than 20 evolved rats crawled out of the fallen leaves, carefully avoiding the vines and crawling over to eat the tied falcons and centipedes.

This is the evolutionary forest. Until the last moment, it is not clear which is the predator and which is the prey.

Because the path was blocked by vines, the sick wolf circled around on the rocks, looking for a place to jump over. "Second brother, I'll clean up the tree vines." Xia Qing has already locked the location of the tree vine roots and found a place to stay. Because she didn't want to alert the hunting team on the second peak, she directly chopped off the entire plant with a long black knife.

After the vines lose their vitality, the winding movement slows down and stops. Xia Qing poked the tree with a knife and confirmed that the vines had lost their activity, then signaled the sick wolf to continue moving forward.

The sun turned to the other side of the mountain, and the light in the evolutionary forest dimmed. Xia Qing opened the protective mask, wiped the sweat from his face, put on night vision goggles, and told the sick wolf, "Second brother, we will look for half an hour at most. Regardless of whether we can find it in half an hour, we must retreat the same way we came."

After half an hour.

Xia Qing was about to stop the sick wolf that was still exploring forward, when he found it stopped in front of a mountain crevice. After sniffing it for a few times, he made a "wuwu" sound, indicating that the smell of blood here was very strong.

Found this? ! Xia Qing's eyes lit up and she walked over carefully, "Over here?"

The sick wolf rubbed Xia Qing's leg with his body and responded to her with his movements: Right here.

This is a crack formed by a huge mountain rock. The crack is only a palm wide. Neither Xia Qing nor the sick wolf can enter, but the red squirrel can. Strong wind blows from the cracks in the mountains, making a sound similar to human crying, and the sound of the wind is also mixed with the rustling sound of reptiles walking.

Peanuts are a plant with high requirements for light, temperature and humidity, so after passing through this stone gap, there should be an area with good sunlight and good soil conditions.

Xia Qing took out her mobile phone and took pictures of the huge boulder and the surrounding environment, while squeezing to death a thin snake that jumped out of the crack in the stone to attack her.

A snake that has not hibernated during this season is not a normal snake at all!
"Second brother, let's go back and come back tomorrow."

Green Light Food is important, but safety is even more important.

It was getting dark soon, and many animals that hunted at night had already begun to move around. Even if Xia Qing wore night vision goggles, he could not ensure the safety of himself and the sick wolf.

What's more, the sick wolf's direction is upward. Xia Qing has personally seen two evolved bears on the third peak of Mount No. 50. Although bears may have begun hibernating this season, Xia Qing still dared not enter the evolved bear's territory at night.


Xia Qing felt her cell phone vibrating in the pocket of her protective suit. She took it out and opened it, and found that it was a message sent to her by Hu Feng:
The ten-person refugee team from the second peak began to return, and the four of them walked outward along the valley.

Four people walked out, and the whereabouts of six people were unknown. They might be dead, but it was more likely that the team had separated. Because Xia Qing didn't hear the sound of fierce fighting on the second peak.

Xia Qing replied that he had received it, put his phone in his pocket, bent down and spoke in the sick wolf's ear, "If you hear a human approaching, alert me."

The sick wolf rubbed Xia Qing's leg with his head and led the way.

The speed of returning to the original path was much faster than before, but the risk still existed. Xia Qing held the long knife tightly and took every step carefully.

When he was about to withdraw from the evolutionary forest on the third peak of No. 50 Mountain, the sick wolf walking in front of Xia Qing suddenly stopped, his body tilted slightly, and his hanging tail was straight, like an unsheathed saber.
This is the posture in which the wolf discovers danger and is about to attack.

At this time, it was almost dark. Xia Qing raised his hand to press the sick wolf's back and listened carefully.

There was a small group of people approaching where she and the sick wolf were.

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