On the tenth year of the natural disaster, I went to farm with me

Chapter 489 It’s a pity that they don’t know

Chapter 489 It’s a pity that they don’t know

In the family portrait on the wall of the stone house in the hidden valley, the fair and plump woman standing behind her parents, wearing a cheongsam with long hair and a happy smile, in the last video, is already a common appearance of human beings in the years of natural disasters.

She was skinny with dryness, her eyes were dull, and her face was numb. However, she was lucky, her limbs were sound, and her face and neck had no scars left by acid rain burns or poisonous insect bites.

The woman stood at the table, shakily placing her phone on the table and staring at the screen trying to smile. But because she hadn't smiled for a long time, her facial muscles had become stiff, and the smile that appeared at the corners of her mouth was twisted and terrifying.

During the years of natural disasters, when they see someone smiling like this, the first reaction of the people around them is to protect their food and run away quickly. Because the person who suddenly smiles at you may take away the little food you have in the next second, or suddenly go crazy and attack you.

"I'm... going... crazy." She probably hadn't spoken for a long time, her voice was not accurate, and she had some difficulty organizing words. In addition, the sound quality of this mobile phone has also deteriorated. Xia Qing relied on his auditory evolution ability to distinguish the noisy raindrops from the background sound of the video.

"Food belongs to you, house belongs to you, hot spring... bury me... Shi Jiayi, my name is... Shi Jiayi... hot spring..."

The name Shi Jiayi is one of the two names on the stone tablet erected in front of the overgrown grave in the hidden valley.

As she spoke, the woman named Shi Jiayi suddenly raised her hands and scratched her head. This is one of the typical self-attack behaviors after human evolution has gone out of control.

On her withered wrist, Xia Qing saw a black, bleeding wound after being bitten by a venomous snake. The wound had not been treated. This woman evolved after being poisoned and killed. No wonder she lost control.

She probably didn't want to live for a long time, so she didn't engage in outward aggressive behavior after losing control, but instead self-mutilated.

At this moment, the clear sound of thunderstorms came from the background of the mobile phone. The sound oscillated back and forth in the valley, not only waking up the woman who was mutilating herself, but also startling the sheep boss and the sick wolf who were resting next to Xia Qing. They both stood up, leaned against Xia Qing and looked out the window.

Xia Qing put down the phone and reached out to comfort his two companions, "It's okay, it's not an explosion or thunderstorm that happened here, it's the voice on this phone."

Sick Wolf immediately laughed at Xia Qing, while Boss Sheep stared at his phone unhappily.

The woman who had just self-mutilated and had a bloody face came to her senses. She mumbled "hot spring" in her mouth, stretched out her trembling hand covered in blood and gray hair, and turned off the video.

Xia Qing looked at the recording date of this video again, and combined with the sound of thunderstorms, she remembered which day it was.

This was the second day of the third rain in the seventh year of natural disasters. It was the day with the most murders in the ten years of natural disasters.

That day, lightning strikes, lightning, strong winds, and red-level hail swept through the safety area of ​​Huisan Base. Countless people lost control and slashed and killed everywhere. Some people took advantage of the chaos and pretended to lose control, smashing, smashing, and looting. The city outside the safety area turned into a river of blood and corpses. Purgatory everywhere.

Even the fourth-level power evolvers, who were only responsible for transportation tasks in previous disasters, were forcibly recruited by the base to eliminate disasters.

Xia Qing, who was recruited, took her machete and hacked to death thirty-nine people who were out of control and six people who were pretending to be out of control. The blade of the machete was curled. Xia Qing sat by the warm fireplace and watched the last two videos several times before starting to look through the notepad, calendar and files on her phone, confirming that this woman was the elementary school teacher, because the files on her phone were all Various forms need to be submitted.

Xia Qing turned off her phone and checked the kindergarten textbooks and homework books that were put in the bag with her phone. These two paper materials were left behind when children were practicing calligraphy or arithmetic. The handwriting is crooked, but the writing is very serious.

Putting her mobile phone, homework and teaching materials back into the sealed bag, Xia Qing lay on the recliner, quietly looking at the smoke-stained roof that was no longer white, and began to analyze the information she got.

First, there should be something special about the hot spring in the hidden cave, otherwise the woman would not mention the hot spring again and again in the final video. But Xia Qing tested the hot springs and found that the content of the element was not low. It seems that it is necessary to tell the professional boss Zhang San about this matter.

Second, in the penultimate video, the six- or seven-year-old girl celebrating her birthday, the old man, and the woman who survived to the end should all be evolvers, and their evolutionary levels are not low. Otherwise, without protective masks, protective clothing and chemical element detectors, the elderly and children will not survive if they are exposed to heavy rain and snow, eat food of unknown quality, and drink unpurified water. By the third year of the natural disaster, it is even less likely that a woman will survive until the seventh year of the natural disaster.

Third, in the last video, the woman mentioned the word "crazy". Apparently she didn't know that this was caused by the excessive content of the element atom in the human body, which caused the evolution to go out of control. It proved that starting from the second year of the natural disaster, they had been unable to receive news from the outside world in the valley.

If they could receive the news, they would definitely know that after the emergence of the second element of the phosphorus and the great evolution of Blue Star, they must obtain necessary supplies such as protective clothing, phosphorus element detectors, and insect repellent and sterilization drugs in order to survive.

In order to survive, they should leave the valley and rush to a human gathering area that had been established at that time.

In the second and third years of the natural disaster, all bases and human settlements, large and small, used various means, including wireless broadcasts, to continuously broadcast notices to recruit evolvers with generous conditions.

The hidden valley is only ten miles away from the old regiment headquarters on the northwest side of Mount No. 49, but it's a pity that they don't know that. The lack of information caused these high-level evolvers to slowly weaken and die in the valley.

Xia Qing stretched out his hand from the thin quilt and gently scratched the sheep boss's neck.

The sheep boss lying next to Xia Qing stopped chewing the cud for a few seconds, then continued chewing the cud unhurriedly, but leaned his head towards Xia Qing to let her scratch him more comfortably.

After the sick wolf found out, he came over and looked at Xia Qing eagerly.

Xia Qing simply sat up, took out a combing brush made of porcupine thorns, and combed the hair of his two companions for a while. When the pain in his hands became severe, Xia Qing cleaned the combed hair and turned on the micro tiller. The machine clears the snow in the yard.

The forecast duration of this snowstorm is 58 hours, and it will take another 19 hours to stop. It must be cleaned continuously, otherwise the snow she shook from the roof will definitely block the door. After clearing the snow around the house, Xia Qing drove the mini-tiller to clear the main passages in the territory.

Seeing Xia Qing coming out with the mini-tiller again, Chen Cheng, who was clearing the snow, originally wanted to replace Xia Qing and let her rest. But when the mini-tiller got closer, Chen Cheng saw the sheep and wolf squeezed inside the rain cover of the mini-tiller with Xia Qing, and did not dare to move.

Despite the fact that the two evolved animals were extremely honest around Xia Qing, if he dared to get into the rain cover, he would be kicked by sheep's hooves if he was not caught by wolf claws.

Thanks to book friend 1018 for the reward, and thank you all for your subscription and voting support. The second update is here today, wishing everyone a happy Children’s Day.

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