On the tenth year of the natural disaster, I went to farm with me

Chapter 496: Should we continue to employ them next year?

Chapter 496: Should we continue to employ them next year?
When Yang Jin took out the individual flying vehicle she had been looking forward to for a long time from the big backpack, Xia Qing was surprised to find that the individual flying vehicle looked very much like a balance car.

The difference is that the balance bikes before the natural disaster used electricity, but this thing uses oil.

Although the appearance of this aircraft was very different from what Xia Qing had imagined, the more Xia Qing looked at it, the more he liked it.

Not for anything else, just because it is small and easy to carry, and it can also let her fly! Being able to fly freely in the sky is the dream of mankind. Unfortunately, even though humans have evolved now, no one can grow wings and become a birdman.

"The full name of this aircraft is a portable single-person flying skateboard. It has five micro-turbojet engines. Even if a single engine fails, it can still fly normally. I got the operation tutorial of this aircraft and saved it in my notebook. You can open it and take a look now."

After saying that, Yang Jin took out his notebook and printer, placed them on the table, and asked Xia Qing to inspect them.

Xia Qing exchanged python meat for these two items from Yang Jin.

When Xia Qing opened his notebook and watched the person in the video tutorial riding a flying vehicle and flying and turning quickly in the air, his whole face lit up.

Seeing that she was eager to try, Yang Jin reminded her, "This aircraft is fuel-powered, so it makes noise when in use. This is its first weakness. The second weakness is that once its fuel tank is hit, it will explode. Therefore, this aircraft is not very useful in actual combat at present, and is often used in Evolution Forest exploration missions. If you want to test fly, you can go to Hill No. 50."

This aircraft is captured material and cannot be seen by Liehuo or Sufeng’s people, so it cannot be used in the territory until a clear path is found.

However, Xia Qing has already figured out how to get rid of this aircraft: ask Daya to change the appearance of the aircraft, and then pretend that this aircraft was exchanged with the third brother.

After passing the clear road, she could fly to inspect Hill No. 50 and visit the Queen at Hill No. 61.

Thinking of the expressions of the Alpha Wolf and the Broken-Waisted Wolf when they saw her flying over, Xia Qing was filled with anticipation.

After collecting the three precious equipment, Xia Qing first discussed with Yang Jin the construction task of the fire isolation zone. "Territory No. 18, 32, , , and can send out people, including evolvers and ordinary people, all strong laborers. They bring their own basic tools, but no advanced weapons, so they need someone to escort them back and forth from the territory to the No. mountain mission point every day. In order to facilitate entry and exit..."

Xia Qing took out the floor plan of Mountain No. 50, spread it on the table, pointed to the valley between Mountain No. 49 and Mountain No. 50, and discussed with Yang Jin.

"We can widen these three places in the valley and move the large rocks on the ground in the valley. The valley will be open to traffic, and the round-trip time will be greatly shortened."

"We are thinking alike. I was just about to talk to you about this." Yang Jin pointed to the westernmost point of the fire isolation zone circled in pencil on Hill No. 50. "According to the terrain, the road from the valley to the fire isolation zone is the easiest to build from here...

Twenty minutes later, the two men finalized the details of the isolation zone mission and sat down to drink good tea made from unpolluted spring water.

Yang Jin asked with a smile, "I see that you have frequent exchanges with the territories participating in the quarantine mission. What kind of agreement have you reached? Can Territory No. 1 join?"

Since Yang Jin asked, Xia Qing no longer hid it from him and said half-jokingly, "We have established the Lord Alliance. If you agree that Brother Luo should withdraw from the Azure Dragon Team, then all members of the Lord Alliance will line up to welcome the number one Lord, Brother Luo, to join us. However, even if Brother Luo does not join, we and the Azure Dragon Team are allies rather than enemies."

Yang Jin smiled. His sharp and cold facial features in front of outsiders seemed to be stained with the afterglow of the setting sun, warm and calm. "Okay, I'll ask Brother Luo when he comes back."

Luo Pei was the third in command of Qinglong, how could he quit? Xia Qing didn't take Yang Jin's words seriously, and took out hickory nuts from his pocket and put them on the table, "Three hickory nuts, please keep them." Yang Jin stared at Xia Qing's slightly swollen fingers for two seconds before asking, "Are these hickory nuts a little small?"


Xia Qing took a sip of tea and skipped over this topic to start talking about the next deal. "On November 11th, you mobilized the four main teams of Qinglong and two reconnaissance teams to help me stop the people from Territory No. 30, right?"

Yang Jin corrected, "It is November 11 plus the eight hours before 30 a.m. on December 12, so it should be calculated as one and a half days."

Xia Qing...

"And I am leading the team myself."

Xia Qing...

Boss? Stop eating grass in the greenhouse and get this stingy guy out of our territory!
Half an hour later, Yang Jin took the 20 kilograms of python meat from Xia Qing with a smile and began to discuss the next deal. "On March 3th of next year, the Hu Zifeng team will complete the task of protecting Territory No. 15. Are you satisfied with their performance over the past six months? Do you plan to hire them again next year?"

Xia Qing, who had cut the python meat from 200 kilograms to 20 kilograms, had already mastered the essence of negotiation. She smiled and responded, "Captain Hu and his team members deserve full marks for their work ability and attitude. Thank you for sending such an excellent team to protect my territory. However, I am still considering whether to continue to employ them next year."

"Although the overall combat power of Hu Zifeng's team is not the strongest among the Qinglong team, they absolutely abide by the rules of the Qinglong team. If you still plan to continue hiring people to guard the territory, they are your best choice within the Huisan base." After Yang Jin finished speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave.

Xia Qing nodded in agreement, stood up and escorted Yang Jin out of the territory. On the way, he entered the greenhouse on the low slope and whispered, "The sedge is about to bloom."

Yang Jin was surprised, "Both trees are about to bloom?"

"One, a complete one." The two walked to the spring hole. Without waiting for Xia Qing to make a move, Yang Jin easily moved away the stone blocking the hole. He used the flashlight he carried with him to illuminate the grass. After carefully examining it for a while, he turned around and looked at Xia Qing in surprise, "Is this new bud a flower bud?"

After Xia Qing nodded, Yang Jin sighed, "I thought the weeds would work & propagate through division, but I didn't expect it to propagate by flowering and seeding. If the seeds can germinate and grow successfully, we will make a fortune."

Xia Qing responded, "Don't worry, I will carefully take care of and protect these two precious weeds in the territory."

Yang Jin immediately understood what Xia Qing meant. He smiled and nodded, "Since we split the cost of killing weeds 50-50, you are responsible for planting and I am responsible for protecting. How about this, if you continue to hire Hu Zifeng's team next year, I can give you a 20% discount on the hiring price."

20% off? Xia Qing said calmly, "You are so polite. Don't worry, I will seriously consider it."

After seeing Yang Jin off, Xia Qing called the big sheep out of the greenhouse and asked it to carry the aircraft, laptop and printer and go home with her.

After hiding the supplies, Xia Qing put a few yellow peanuts and a small bottle of unpolluted spring water into a thermos bag and rushed to Area 3 of Mountain 49 to visit his good neighbor, the red squirrel.

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