Chapter 502 I Want Magnetic Sense to Evolve
When Xia Qing left the bear cave and went to the construction site of the fire-extinguishing isolation zone, carrying the mobile phone that had just received the magnetic perception ability data, she sincerely felt that Yang Jin was a good trading partner.

In late October, when Xia Qing went to heal the wounds of the alpha wolf and the wolf pack, he brought back a total of 760 kilograms of green light walnuts from Mountain No. .

Because pecans mature in September, the shells of the pecans are basically dried when Xia Qing harvests them. After bringing them back to dry for a few days and removing the dried shells, she stores them in the underground storage room.

Not counting the exchange just now in the Bear Cave, Xia Qing has already exchanged 243 kilograms with his idol, 60 kilograms and 3 pieces with Yang Jin, and more than 10 kilograms with Hu Zifeng and others, leaving more than 440 kilograms, or about 9000 pieces.

The size of this evolved wild walnut is not really big among evolved plant fruits, but it has high nutritional value. After learning that Xia Qing is a three-series advanced evolver and testing her nutritional status, Zhang San increased the number of green light walnuts she was allowed to eat every day from four to five.

In other words, if Xia Qing only eats the pecans in the storage room, they can be eaten for nearly five years.

All food has a shelf life. Even if pecans have a hard shell and are stored in a constant temperature and pressure storage room equipped with Yi stone, the shelf life is only two years.

If Xia Qing did not exchange the uneaten pecans for supplies, they would lose their nutritional value due to being stored for too long.

During the years of natural disasters, information was blocked and only by mastering information could one seize the initiative. Therefore, in Xia Qing's opinion, exchanging 70 kilograms of pecans for the sharable information held by Yang Jin was a very cost-effective deal.

Yang Jin is indeed a miser, but he abides by the rules of the deal. Although the negotiation process is very brain-consuming and irritating, you don't have to worry about him breaking the contract or shortchanging you after the deal is done.

Xia Qing is very down-to-earth now.

After confirming that everything was normal at the construction site, Xia Qing walked back to Territory No. 3, added a few pieces of dry firewood to the fireplace, and then couldn't wait to open her notebook, transferred the information Yang Jin gave her to the notebook, and read it eagerly.

The notebook was a new thing for Sheep Boss and Sick Wolf. They both came to Xia Qing and stared at it.

The sheep stared at the words on the screen for a few seconds, sniffed it, and after confirming that this new thing was not edible, he lost interest and continued to play with his electric bicycle.

The sick wolf didn't move, but pressed his head on Xia Qing's hand holding the mouse, looking at her with clear rusty eyes. Xia Qing pulled her hand out, put the mouse aside, and stroked the dog's head while reading the information.

There was a faint stench in the house, and it was so quiet that the only sounds were the crackling of dry wood burning in the fireplace and the whirring sound of Boss Sheep pedaling his bicycle.

The material consists of only six pages, and apart from an introduction to the basic characteristics of magnetic perception, most of the content is the researchers' speculations about this newly named evolutionary ability.

Xia Qing read the not-so-long document twice before closing his notebook and quietly absorbing the contents in the recliner.

The sick wolf stood up and changed his position, and handed his head to Xia Qing again. The sheep boss on the bicycle was unhappy when he found that Xia Qing was lying still after finishing his work.


Xia Qing turned her head to look at her companion who was squinting at her, and praised him sincerely, "Big brother, I found that your hind legs are becoming more and more flexible, and your muscles are becoming more and more developed. You are really amazing. While exercising, you can also replenish our electricity. How would the second brother and I survive without you!"

Boss Yang didn't hear enough, so he narrowed his eyes and raised his head, motioning Xia Qing to say more.

When the sick wolf heard Xia Qing calling him, he immediately grinned and laughed at her.

"Look, the second brother also agrees with my point of view. Boss, you are the backbone of our territory. All the glory of our territory is created by you! Boss, you are the sheep standing on the top of the pyramid of Blue Star. You are the pinnacle of the history of sheep evolution. You are the pride of the sheep clan..." "Boss, are you tired? Come here and let me massage your hind legs?"

Boss Yang squinted his eyes and pretended that he couldn't hear anything, and pedaled his electric bicycle to the sky.

"Boss, are you hungry? Come over here and have some chestnut skins?"

Boss Yang stopped immediately and walked to Xia Qing.

Xia Qing went upstairs, unlocked the refrigerator, took out a small bag of green chestnuts, cleaned them, and then sat by the fireplace and used a knife to gently cut the chestnuts' butts, revealing the golden chestnut meat inside. The sliced ​​slices were placed in the sheep's rice bowl, and the cut chestnuts were placed in a pot filled with spring water, which was then placed in the fireplace.

Two minutes after the water boiled, Xia Qing took out the pot and placed it on the wooden mat of the small table, and began to peel chestnuts. The peeled chestnuts were placed in a bowl, and the chestnut skins were placed in the rice bowl of Yang Laoda.

Compared with chestnuts, Boss Sheep prefers to eat chestnut skins.

After washing the peeled green lantern chestnuts, she put them into the washed green lantern rice and simmered them slowly on the fire. She poured the water used to wash the rice and soak the chestnuts into a bucket specially used to collect dirty water, and when it was full, she took it to the greenhouse to water the vegetables.

These are all precious unpolluted spring waters, and not a drop can be wasted.

Then, Xia Qing took out six more green walnuts, the extra one for the sheep boss and the sick wolf.

Xia Qing cracked the skin of the hickory nuts and took out the kernels. She put half in the sheep boss's bowl and handed the other half to the sick wolf. "This kind of food has the function of strengthening the brain. It is good for us to eat it."

The big sheep didn’t like eating walnuts, but he didn’t get angry when Xia Qing put some in and ate them together with the chestnut skins.

The sick wolf rolled the walnut with his tongue and half of it went into his stomach, then he grinned at Xia Qing and laughed.

While peeling walnuts, Xia Qing proudly told his two companions, "Magnetic perception is very important. With this evolutionary ability, our chances of survival will be greatly increased. The three of us are evolved mammals and currently have this ability, but my ability is considered high among humans, and you two may be at an average level among similar animals."

This ability has just been discovered, and although there is no clear level classification yet, Xia Qing, who can sense abnormalities in the magnetic field of plants, is convinced that his magnetic perception has evolved above the ordinary level and that he must be a magnetic perception evolver.

However, Xu Pin, who can sense the killing intent of people or animals within a hundred meters, should be a high-level magnetic evolutionist, while she should be a general evolutionist. Yuan Yan's magnetic evolution level is higher than Xia Qing and lower than Xu Pin.

The big sheep moved his ears, without even looking at Xia Qing, and continued to slowly chew the chestnut skin.

Xia Qing stuffed the peeled walnut into his mouth and silently said: I want to evolve my magnetic sense, I want to become a high-level magnetic sense evolver...

The evolution of magnetic sense is even better than the evolution of speed. It is the best among the best. Xia Qing wants to be the best!
After eating the green light walnuts, Xia Qing found that the sick wolf was still staring at him, so he explained to it seriously, "You can't eat too much of this food because it has too high fat content. You will get sick if you eat too much. From now on, you and Sheep Boss will eat half a walnut every day, and I will eat five."

The sick wolf didn't understand all of Xia Qing's words, but it knew what it meant to be sick, so it immediately shut up and stopped laughing.

Seeing that it was almost time, Xia Qing went upstairs to the living room to check the analysis results of the Yi element detector on the water quality of the No. 50 Mountain Hot Spring.

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