On the tenth year of the natural disaster, I went to farm with me

Chapter 539: 2 Traffickers' Sense of Crisis

Chapter 539: The Sense of Crisis of the Second-Hand Dealer
After she cleaned up the tracks and returned home, she skinned and gutted the rabbit and put the entrails in a basin. She also gave the hot entrails to the broken-waisted wolf. After the rabbit was roasted, she packed one away and left the other for the "cook" Xia Qing, which was the main reason why Xia Qing worked so hard.

Unfortunately, one of the two rabbits today has a green light and the other has a yellow light. According to the nature of the Broken Waist Wolf, it will definitely take the green light back to present it to the Queen and leave the yellow light to Xia Qing. Xia Qing's body now has excessive levels of harmful elements and is in the recovery period of taking anti-toxic agents. She should try to eat less or no yellow light foods.

So she only roasted the green light rabbit in the fireplace and put the yellow light rabbit directly into the refrigerator to freeze.

After eating the offal, Broken Waist Wolf went into the house to rinse his paws and wipe his feet on the hay. He found only a rabbit roasting in the fireplace, but he didn't have any complaints.

The Broken-Waisted Wolf went straight upstairs, took out his laptop from his own cabinet, put it in a small basket and brought it downstairs, asking Xia Qing who was grilling meat to play the video for him.

This smart brain evolution wolf likes to watch popular science videos about evolutionary microorganisms. After watching the previous video more than 20 times, it seems to have mastered the knowledge introduced in the video and asked Xia Qing to find new ones for it.

Xia Qing made a video folder specifically introducing microorganisms for it, and sorted the videos so that this brain-evolved wolf could learn about microorganisms from the shallower to the deeper levels.

When watching the video, the Broken Waist Wolf's expression was extremely serious, just like a good student concentrating on the class. Xia Qing didn't know how much knowledge it had mastered through the video, but its diligence and eagerness to learn attracted Xia Qing.

A wolf is studying so hard. If she, as a human with a more evolved brain, doesn't work harder, in a year or two, she won't even be qualified to be a middleman.

Why not?

If this wolf finds that it can no longer communicate with the "idiot" Xia Qing after absorbing more knowledge, it is very likely to bypass Xia Qing and go directly to Territory No. 7 to trade with the big boss Zhang San.

That would be a huge loss for Xia Qing.

Xia Qing took out his cell phone, took a short video of the Broken-Waisted Wolf who was studying hard, turned the rabbit in the fireplace over, and then took out a bag of dried toon seeds from the underground food storage room.

She poured the toon seeds into a wicker winnowing basket, sat next to the Broken-Waisted Wolf, rubbed the seeds with her hands to remove the skin and impurities of the seeds, and watched the video with the Broken-Waisted Wolf at the same time.

The sound of rubbing the toon seeds was not loud, but the Broken-Waisted Wolf still turned his head and glanced at Xia Qing.

"Am I disturbing you? I'll move to another place." Xia Qing took the small dustpan and went to work nearby, but still listened to the content in the video.


Ten minutes later, the Broken-Waisted Wolf let out a low howl.

Xia Qing looked up and found that the Broken-Waisted Wolf was pointing at the laptop screen with his paw and looking at her seriously.

Xia Qing was very familiar with this action: this brain-evolved wolf was asking her for help because the wolf couldn't understand the content in the video.

Xia Qing put down the dustpan, walked over and pointed at the magnified microorganisms in the water shown in the video being played, "This one?"

The broken-waisted wolf tilted its head and looked at Xia Qing thoughtfully. "That's not it." Xia Qing had been with this wolf for a long time and could already understand the meaning of its movements and expressions.

It's not this, it's the one played at the beginning of the video. Xia Qing was listening to it just now, and she didn't think there was anything profound in the beginning. However, she still pressed the pause button, dragged the video forward a little, sat next to the broken waist wolf, and watched the playback with it.

In the video, a researcher took a test tube of water sample from the pond and brought it into the laboratory. He then dropped a drop of water on a glass slide, placed it under a microscope, and began to observe the microorganisms in the water.

The Broken-Waisted Wolf raised his paw, pointed at the microscope on the screen, and turned to look at Xia Qing.

It turns out that it is Curiosity, an instrument used to observe water droplets.

Xia Qing gestured and explained, "This is called a microscope. It can magnify microorganisms that are invisible to our eyes many times, making them visible. What is displayed on this screen is the microorganisms in the water droplets magnified by the microscope."

The Broken-Waisted Wolf stared at the still screen thoughtfully for a while, then turned back to look at Xia Qing. It was obvious that it still didn't understand.

The principle of this scientific instrument is very complicated. It is normal for an evolved wolf living in an evolved forest to not understand it. Although Xia Qing does not have a microscope, she has something similar - a magnifying glass.

So, Xia Qing went upstairs, took down her magnifying glass, and demonstrated the principle of "magnification" to Broken Waist Wolf.

"Look, this is a very small toon seed." Xia Qing put a seed on the table and let Broken Waist Wolf see it clearly. Then he magnified the seed with a magnifying glass. "Broken Waist Wolf, look from here, isn't the seed much bigger?"

The Broken Waist Wolf and Xia Qing bumped heads together and stared at the magnifying glass. When it saw a large seed in this transparent object, its eyes widened.

The wolf's expression was so vivid that Xia Qing couldn't help rubbing its head. He demonstrated the function of the magnifying glass to it several times. The broken-waisted wolf squatted in front of the low table, looked at the screen, the magnifying glass, and then the seeds, thinking seriously.

When Xia Qing went to turn over the roasted rabbit in the fireplace, Broken-Waisted Wolf stopped looking at the computer screen and just stared at the magnifying glass on the table.

When Xia Qing rubbed the toon seeds clean and began to winnow out the broken skins mixed in the seeds, Broken-waisted Wolf was still staring at the magnifying glass and the seeds.

Ten minutes later, the wolf stretched out its brave paws and carefully picked up the magnifying glass on the table. Xia Qing did not stop it or disturb it, letting it explore what the magnifying glass was.

When Xia Qing poured half a small basin of unpolluted spring water and put the cleaned toon seeds into the small basin to soak them, the Broken-Waisted Wolf stopped studying the magnifying glass and ran to study the glass on the window.

Although the unpolluted spring water had stopped flowing, Xia Qing had stored enough water in the storage room for her to use for a month. Even if the water in the storage room ran out and the spring water didn't flow out, Xia Qing would start drinking filtered hot spring water.

After filtering, the hot spring did meet the green light drinking water standard, but the content of the two harmful elements in this water was still far behind the unpolluted spring water in Xia Qing's territory.

However, after discovering the hot spring, Xia Qing felt more at ease, because the existence of such a hot spring would be the best barrier for her to protect the unpolluted spring water in her territory.

After Xia Qing soaked the seeds, she found that the wolf kept going in and out of the security door. After going out, it looked into the house through the glass on the window; after entering the house, it looked out through the glass again.

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