I may have taken a fake system

Chapter 295 Mr. Ross, assessing the situation

Chapter 295 Mr. Ross, assessing the situation

"Your Excellency Elf, what happened today is a misunderstanding. We are withdrawing from this operation and can guarantee that your identity will not be leaked."

The magician was still covering his hands and screaming, but Rose took a deep breath, performed a common mainland courtesy towards Liu Fuyun, and said extremely seriously.

The elves, a race that disappeared from the continent 3000 years ago, are known as the favored children of God. It is impossible to provoke them even if they are paid three times the price!
Everyone knows that elves are very defensive creatures. Even now, half-elves with thin blood are being sold, and buyers have to be secretive to avoid being retaliated by other half-elves, let alone the one in front of them.

This person is definitely not the kind of half-elf that occasionally appears in the auction house. Just looking at the terrifying natural magic today can confirm the purity of her bloodline.

The elves who had disappeared from the mainland for a long time appeared here today. Does this mean that this race will reappear in front of the world?

Everyone, including the two magicians, thought so, and their thoughts surged in their hearts for a while.

Rose's words shocked the two magicians, and the injured third-level magician's expression changed drastically. He covered his bleeding hand and looked at the group of assassins.

"Sir Ross! You."

What he meant by this was that he wanted to give up the mission. How could this be done?
"The Assassin's Guild will not be an enemy of the elves. We voluntarily gave up this task and will pay the bounty liquidated damages on time tomorrow." Ross glanced at the two magicians coldly, and his eyes were cold.

These idiots really dare to mess with anyone.

"Sir Elf, I apologize to you for our rudeness today. I wonder if you can let us leave." He pretended to be calm on the surface, but in fact Rose was nervous in his heart.

Did they see something they shouldn't have seen?I heard that the elves don't like killing, so they probably won't be silenced.
"Are the host and others so cowardly? Or is your aura too strong and intimidating others?" The system looked at the nervous expressions of the group of people on the opposite side and was a little confused about whether to laugh or cry.

"It's the name of the elves that scares them." Liu Fuyun raised his eyebrows, but he thought highly of the assassin leader.

If they join forces to attack, it will really cause her a lot of trouble. In the woods before, she relied on her home field advantage and sneak attacks to kill those assassins, but it would definitely not be easy for her if they confront them head-on.

The two sect-level magicians alone are not easy to deal with, let alone several additional assassins who are elusive and experienced in combat.

It's just that the elves haven't appeared for too long and have become somewhat mythical in human perception, which makes them dare not attack her easily.Moreover, this Ross is a person who understands the general situation and has a very long-term vision.

Liu Fuyun smiled.

With a wave of his hand, the land in front of the group suddenly bulged out, with large lumps visible to the naked eye.Several people were caught off guard and hurriedly took two steps back, looking at the ground as if they were facing an enemy.

A huge black shadow emerged from the ground. Several people looked closely and found that it was a sphere made of wooden roots, rolling in front of them.

The entangled tree roots made a creaking sound and were slowly untied, revealing the person inside.

It was the two assassins who were killed at the beginning!

Both of them were in a coma at the moment, but judging from their comfortable breathing and the rising and falling of their chests, it was confirmed that they were fine.

Ross's eyes lit up and he looked at Liu Fuyun expectantly.

"The remaining people are trapped in the forest and are not in serious trouble." Liu Fuyun said again. "Thank you, Your Excellency!" Ross breathed a sigh of relief and saluted Liu Fuyun again, then turned around and winked at his companion behind him.

The two assassins immediately stepped forward to lift the unconscious two men up, their dark eyes uncontrollably drifting towards Liu Fuyun.

I saw the elf, I guess I will be so excited that I can't sleep all night today.

"Let's go." Liu Fuyun did not threaten that today's events should not be publicized. He just said this lightly and asked everyone to leave.

Ross waved his hand and led the people back the way they came without saying a word.

"Your Excellency, the two magicians, stay here."

A gentle female voice came with the sound of sharp weapons piercing the air. Ross and his group of assassins did not pause at all. They only walked forward in a hurry, turning a blind eye to the noise coming from behind.

What happened next has nothing to do with them. I hope that the elf will be true to his word and release the rest of his companions.

The two magicians were not as easy-going as the assassins. The arrows that passed close to their ears made them tremble with fear, and they could still feel the sharp touch on their faces.

Did you agree to let them go? !
The two magicians looked very unhappy, with fear and fear in their eyes.

This fear is certainly not because of Liu Fuyun.

"You two can't leave. We still have something to ask you for advice." Liu Fuyun was quite polite. She put down her bow and did not take action against the two of them again.

"Your Excellency Elf, we gave in because of your identity, please don't go too far!" The third-level magician's whole face was distorted because of the pain in his hands, but he himself was an earth magician, and his companion was a fire magician. Because no one knows how to treat it, they can only wrap it up in a cloth in a hurry.

In fact, the wound was not big, the arrow just rubbed through.

Wherever they go with their strength, they are not supported by others. What happened today has already caused them a big loss. However, they are anxious to report the matter to Li Qing and dare not take action, but this does not mean that they are easy to bully!

The figures of the assassins had disappeared into the forest. The two magicians turned around and saw Liu Fuyun still standing there watching them. A dark light flashed across their eyes when they looked at each other.

If they were determined to run away, this elf wouldn't be able to stop them.

Before this thought had passed, a powerful coercion came overwhelmingly towards the two of them. The inviolable power instantly wiped away their fighting spirit. They could no longer stand still and their legs went limp and they sat down on the ground.

Above the lake behind Liu Fuyun, ripples appeared in the air, and a tall figure slowly emerged.The god-like appearance is particularly breathtaking, and the silver hair and silver eyes glow with a cold glimmer under the white moonlight.Wearing a white robe and dancing in the wind, who is it but the Lord of Light?
Sure enough, everything was premeditated.
The two magicians felt that the world was dark.

The only teleportation scroll was snatched by Liu Fuyun. Now facing an elf with unknown strength and the peak powerhouse Shenjun, the two sect-level salted fishes no longer have to think about escaping.

"Lord Shen Shenjun," the voice of the second-level sect-level magician was trembling. He looked at his companion with a wry smile, and was not surprised to see the same look on his face.

 Thanks to the unknown cutie for the reward~Thanks to the students from Wrath of the Soviet Union for their monthly votes~Mmmah

(End of this chapter)

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