Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 50 Death of accomplice

Chapter 50 Death of accomplice (9)
No.70 Six Sections of Music to Kill

Sure enough, something happened to He Yang.

It turned out that He Yang was in the prison cell. He was terrified and manic all day long. He had nightmares every night. He dreamed that Chen Gang came to kill him, cut him into more than a dozen pieces, and distributed them to a group of vicious dogs... In the midst of great fear Under pressure, He Yang actually hit the wall and committed suicide. He was rushed to the hospital for rescue by prison guards.

Jiang Yiming and Wu Jiang went to the hospital to understand He Yang's injury. Dr. Lao said: "He Yang's cervical vertebra was broken. Although it is not life-threatening, he will be disabled for the rest of his life. If he is lucky, he will not become a vegetative state, but will become a mentally retarded person."

"Dr. Lao, I heard that you have profound knowledge in psychology. I can't figure out how a murderer could have a mental breakdown to the point of seeking death when he heard that the murderer wanted to kill him? It stands to reason that his psychological quality is better. What makes him To make such a decision to fly into a flame?" Jiang Yiming felt that He Yang's suicide was not a subjective act.

"Captain Jiang, you are wrong. Psychology is just my amateur. It doesn't take a day to freeze three feet. A person's fear is formed slowly. If this psychological factor is not eliminated in time, it will Like a snowball, it gets bigger and bigger until it breaks out, but there must be a ignition point when the outbreak occurs, such as being scolded, beaten, humiliated, etc., which will make him act recklessly..."

"None of the conditions you mentioned exist. He was kept alone in a closed cell with no one touching him."

"Oh? Well..." He thought for a moment and said, "Have you ever heard of music murders? In the 30s, the Hungarian composer Rulans Charles couldn't resolve the pain of lovelorn, so he wrote a song A song called "Black Sunday". It is said that nearly 100 people committed suicide after listening to this music. It was later banned and destroyed by the government. Experts have made a detailed analysis of this music. The main reason why music kills people is its melody. It disturbs people’s minds and makes them so manic that they can’t bear it and want to die immediately.”

"So it's like this. No wonder He Yang's psychological defense was destroyed. Thank you, Dr. Lao, you have been a great help. I will learn more from you in the future." Jiang Yiming held his hand tightly and said.

"My words are for reference only and cannot be used as evidence."

"Of course, I know." Jiang Yiming understood why He Yang committed suicide by hitting the wall. The method of music killing was so clever, it was really unexpected and unbelievable.

Jiang Yiming told Wu Jiang what he was thinking, and Wu Jiang thought it made sense. He asked, "Old Wu, is there a school near the first prison?"

"Yes, the city's No. 100 Vocational School is opposite the first prison, less than [-] meters away."

"Let's go to the vocational school."

They came to the city's No. [-] Vocational School and, through the school leaders, found the school's announcer Zhan Xiaohui. Zhan Xiaohui was a student. She was very uneasy when she saw two policemen looking for her. Wu Jiang said to her: "Don't be afraid, we will I want to find out some information from you, and you have to answer truthfully." Zhan Xiaohui nodded.

"Are you playing music at noon today?"


"What music were you playing?"

"It's called "Ocean of Black Metal". I've never heard it before. It was a CD given to me by an uncle. He said that his grandson was studying in school and liked to listen to this song. Today is his grandson's birthday and he wanted to give it to him. As a surprise, he asked me to help him play songs. He gave me 1000 yuan for requesting songs and asked me to play the CDs he brought every day. Our school has regulations that charge 20 yuan for playing a song for classmates. I said 1000 yuan is too much. The uncle said that you can play it for me for five days in a row, but you have to play the whole disc at once. After I gave him the receipt, I played it for him after class. I was very puzzled: all the uncle’s discs were " "Ocean of Black Metal", I felt very irritated when I heard it."

"Can you please play that song for us?"

Zhan Xiaohui opened the DVD player compartment and put the disc in. Suddenly, there was an overwhelming sound of steel hitting steel, like tens of thousands of people lifting sledgehammers and hitting steel hard, and suddenly it was like thousands of people hitting steel with big hammers. A plane was roaring... The melody of the music was very strange. It made people upset. I couldn't help but want to shout hysterically... Jiang Yiming turned off the music, took off the CD, put it into the evidence bag, and walked out with Wu Jiang. Outside, he took a long breath, as if he wanted to let out the depression in his heart.They called Zhan Xiaohui outside the door and showed her Chen Gang's photo to identify. She said, "It doesn't look like it, but it does look a bit like it."

"Where is it like, where is it not like?"

"The eyes are very similar, but not much else. The person in the photo is too young, so he is definitely not that old man."

They already knew it. Thinking about Chen Gang killing people with music, Wu Jiang got goosebumps all over his body.Jiang Yiming and Wu Jiang returned to the hospital to find Dr. Lao. Jiang Yiming asked: "Dr. Lao, we found the person who played the murderous music "Ocean of Black Metal". He was the announcer of the No. [-] Vocational Middle School. I don't understand one thing: Why are there so many Classmates and teachers won’t commit suicide after hearing this, but He Yang will?”

"Let's put it this way, a match cannot ignite a pile of wet firewood, but it can ignite a pile of dry straw. Why are there fewer sick people and more healthy people? Because healthy people have strong immunity, and He Yang is immune A very weak person.”

The warden of the first prison called and said that they found a suicide note in He Yang's pillow and asked them to go and take a look. They arrived at the first prison a few minutes later. The warden handed the suicide note to them. Jiang Yiming opened the suicide note carefully. , the suicide note reads like this:


I have let down your transformation and care for me over the years. I am sorry for your good intentions. I want to confess to you that it was me who killed Zhu San.

I will explain clearly the reasons and process of murdering Zhu San.

I love my sister very much, and the thought of her living on the streets and being insulted by others makes me feel like a thousand arrows piercing my heart. I wish my relatives and friends could take my sister home to take care of me, but no one is willing to take care of a mental patient. In early September, my aunt came to visit me in prison and gave me a shirt. Before she left, she hinted that there was something in the shirt. After she left, I tore open the collar of the shirt and found a letter. The letter was not written by my aunt. My aunt can't write, so a stranger used a printer to print it. He said his name was Chen Gang. He and my aunt agreed to give my aunt a one-time payment of 9 yuan as alimony for my sister, and then my aunt took my sister with her. Go home until I get out of jail.

But he asked me to do one thing for him - kill Zhu San.I was shocked, I didn’t want to kill anyone again, but after he taught me the method of killing Zhu San, I was tempted, because no one could find out this method. It turns out that the police have not found any evidence so far. If I If we don't say it, it may become an unsolved case forever.

Chen Gang said that Zhu San was most afraid of snakes, especially cobras, because Zhu San was bitten by a cobra when he was a child. He was in a coma for three days in the hospital and almost died. He would become frightened and incontinent when seeing snakes.I once ran a snake farm and knew the habits of snakes very well, so he chose me.Thinking of my sister's tragic situation, I finally made up my mind to help Chen Gang.

On September 9, Zhu San and I went to the orange forest to weed. During the lunch break, Zhu San sat on the cliff and watched the scenery as usual. The opportunity came. I took the correctional officers to play cards while the inmates were sleeping under the shade of the trees. , walked quietly outside the forest, brought back the cobra that Chen Gang had placed under the big tree, and placed it 16 meter away from Zhu San’s back. The snake had been anesthetized by Chen Gang and would slow down after 1:2 p.m. Wake up slowly, our start time is 30:3. When the time is up, Captain Lin's whistle blows, and the cobra is instantly awakened. Zhu San just gets up at this time, and when he turns around, he sees a long and big cobra staring up at him. He was about to attack him when Zhu San screamed and fell off the cliff...

This is the entire process of my murder of Zhu San. Everything is exactly as Chen Gang and I planned.Chen Gang did not break his promise and handed me 10 yuan. I gave the money to my aunt, and then my aunt took my sister to live with her. A stone finally fell from my heart. Fortunately: I escaped the police. Investigate, you can sit back and relax.

However, things did not go as I expected. Chen Gang actually killed Zhang Caibao under the strict protection of the armed police. From that day on, I was in fear all day long. I thought that Chen Gang might kill me to silence me. As expected, in the past few days, God, he gave me a death notice... I know that Chen Gang is extremely powerful, and whoever he wants to kill will definitely die, so I want to tell the truth about Zhu San's murder. I hope that after my death, the government will bring Chen Gang to justice as soon as possible. , I can smile with joy...

Jiang Yiming read He Yang's suicide note and said to Wu Jiang: "Old Wu, we made a mistake in our work again. We actually ruled out He Yang as a murder suspect. Oh, it's really sad!"

"We are not gods. We can clearly see that there are no mistakes. We have tried our best..."

(End of this chapter)

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