After refusing to fall in love, she tore the author's son with her hands

Chapter 12 Only interests and no family affection

Chapter 12 Only interests and no family affection
[Don’t count on dog companies, they can’t do anything practical. 】

[My daughter just experienced an accident, and then she was harassed by an illegitimate child. I am really convinced that this company is a waste. 】

Jiang Wanzhi couldn't help but think of the impatient tone she heard from Huo Huaizhou when he answered the phone late at night.

Sure enough, it was because of her.

"Thanks to you, bastards should have calmed down for a while recently," Liang Qing handed her the peeled apple, "but your brother is so powerful, why have I never heard of you talking about it?"

For so many years, she has not revealed a word.

So when I found out last night, I was almost so shocked that I couldn't even breathe.

"There's nothing to say." Jiang Wanzhi took a bite of the apple and slowly chewed it while looking at his phone. "My brother worked hard on it himself, why should I show it off."

She raised her eyes and calmly changed the subject: "I will post on Weibo later to report that I am safe and thank Su Jingcheng for saving me. You and his agent should talk to him in advance."


After the words fell, the door of the ward was knocked twice.

The person Jiang Wanzhi mentioned just now came with his teeth bared. Su Jingcheng, wearing an arm sling, slowly raised his free hand and said hello.


After the examination yesterday, it was too late. Su Jingcheng went back to his ward to rest. He had to catch a flight and leave early. When he was at the airport, he was afraid that fans would notice his injury, so he came over to talk to Jiang Wanzhi's manager. Discuss the matter of posting on Weibo.

To prevent anyone from making wild guesses.

It's better to say it in advance.

Liang Qing and his agent went to the sofa to talk about things. Jiang Wanzhi took a washed apple and handed it to him: "Is there no problem?"

She looked at Su Jingcheng's arm: "Will it leave a scar?"

For artists, it would be quite troublesome to shoot commercials if they have scars.

"The doctor said you can apply some scar removal cream," Su Jingcheng didn't care very much, "Anyway, the task is completed."

"But I'd better be careful," he touched his nose. "Otherwise, nothing will happen if I leave. If the original owner comes back, it would be bad if it causes him trouble. After all, this body is still his."

Jiang Wanzhi raised his eyebrows, a little surprised: "I didn't expect you to think about it a lot."

She didn't even think about it.

"Hey, who do you think I am," Su Jingcheng curled his lips, "I have no problem with my character! I just like spending money. Besides, why can't I spend it if I have money!"

Jiang Wanzhi said helplessly: "I don't mean that."

As she spoke, she looked behind him inadvertently, and her eyes lit up instantly.

Huo Huaizhou is back.

He changed his clothes, rarely wearing casual clothes. He wore a white hooded sweatshirt and black trousers. He had a tall and straight figure. He was very different from his usual calm and cold look in a suit. He showed a little bit of a boy who was at odds with his calmness. Angry, with black hair and dark eyes, a face with carved contours, and a faint cold aura about his whole person.

In fact, he is only 29 years old.

The Huo family is a famous family with business all over the world.

As the eldest son, Huo Huaizhou took over the family and was in charge of the group. The entire family business was supporting Haizhou's rapid development. He was powerful but restrained himself and was polite, and he always handled all matters cleanly and neatly.

Therefore, when others mentioned him, their tone was filled with awe.

He is aloof and aloof, with a high and powerful position. Like him, his family is also very low-key and rarely appears in the public eye.

But Jiang Wanzhi actually knew very little about his family. Apart from his grandmother, he had never met anyone else.

Only once did Ye Cheng tell her with a faint smile that it was for her own good that Huo Huaizhou didn't take her back. The Huo family only had interests and no family ties. "Is this the male protagonist?" Su Jingcheng's low and excited voice sounded, which immediately brought Jiang Wanzhi back to his senses.

Her eyes widened: "How is that possible?"

Shi Zhen can't even compare to Huo Huaizhou's hair!

"This is my brother Huo Huaizhou," Jiang Wanzhi curled his lips and looked at Huo Huaizhou, "this is Su Jingcheng, thanks to him for saving me."

Su Jingcheng blinked and looked over with interest. The moment he looked at Huo Huaizhou, the dark and cold eyes made his smile suddenly shrink, his heart skipped a beat, and he lowered his eyes in the silent oppression: ".Huo Huaizhou gentlemen."

How can he have such a strong aura if he's not a male number?

"Mr. Su," Huo Huaizhou said in a calm and gentle tone, "Thank you."

Su Jingcheng was about to reply with a low attitude. Huo Huaizhou's eyes paused on him, and his eyes were covered with scrutiny: "MT's endorsement, I will contact you in the afternoon."

Su Jingcheng's manager suddenly turned his head and was stunned.

Isn't this the endorsement he wants to tear up for Su Jingcheng in the recent bloody storm?This person is really lying!Jiang Wanzhi’s brother?What kind of identity do you have? Are you telling the truth?

He took a breath, lowered his voice and asked Liang Qing, "Who is this?"

Which boss? This is it!
Liang Qing said meaningfully: "Don't ask who it is, just wait for the new endorsement to come to your door."

The broker was ecstatic.

He was grinning from ear to ear, the haze of his artist being injured and forced to stop work was gone. He stood up and wanted to go over to curry favor with this unknown boss, but Liang Qing stopped him.

"Big bosses don't like to be fawned over."

When manager Su Jingcheng was about to speak, Liang Qing continued calmly: "The boss doesn't like others to pry into his affairs."


On the other side, Su Jingcheng was really a little confused.

How difficult is it to tear down the resource of MT? His agent once said that he got it so easily. He really couldn't control the corners of his mouth.

"Thank you Mr. Huo."

Jiang Wanzhi didn't notice the cheerful smile.

She threw the finished apple core into the trash can and wanted to use a paper towel to wipe her hands. Huo Huaizhou sat down on the chair next to the bed and took the wet wipe. His dry and warm hands naturally grabbed her wrist. , lowering his eyes and wiping her hands.

Jiang Wanzhi's breath couldn't help but suffocate.

She lowered her head blankly, and could see the slight tenderness at the corners of the man's slightly curved lips, and even his brows and eyes seemed to have a little tenderness. He gathered his five fingers together, put his delicate hands in the warm palm, and the two fingers The moment they overlapped, it was as if there was a tinge of electricity flowing, tingling with Jiang Wanzhi's slightly trembling heart.

It made her breathe a lot lighter.

"Grandma said she misses you."

Jiang Wanzhi's eyelashes trembled, and in his calm voice, he hummed softly: "Then let's go see grandma after we go back."

"it is good."

The conversation between the two people came back and forth, and naturally, there was an inexplicable feeling of peace and tranquility in the years.

Su Jingcheng didn't dare to interrupt at the side, but at a certain moment, he noticed Huo Huaizhou's slightly raised eyes looking at him.

The inspection carried a slight warning, and when Jiang Wanzhi couldn't see it, darkness surged.

(End of this chapter)

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