Chapter 26 Zhizhi, go home

Of course it can be broadcast.

The director hopes that there will be such a scene for the audience to discuss.

Especially at the end, Lin Keshi yelled that it's none of your business, which directly brought the whole thing to a climax.

When the time comes, the trailer will be cut and it will be perfect.

After the day's recording ended, Shi Zhen took his manager to a deserted place. The anger that had been suppressed all day had reached the critical point.

"Didn't you say that Jiang Wanzhi is determined to participate?"

He had been holding it in for a whole day, and even watching Lin Keshi felt uncomfortable. It was great to be able to record smoothly, and he was not in the mood to pretend to be a character.

"I received news that Jiang Wanzhi did participate in this show, but she was an indoor observation guest."

Shi Zhen was going crazy over here, while Lin Keshi was tearfully sending a message to Jiang Wanzhi over there.

"I'm so sad today."

"He is too chauvinistic and is not good to me at all. I feel that my outlook on life is a little different from his."

"As much as I hope, I will be disappointed. I feel that even if I catch him, my future life will not be very happy."

Jiang Wanzhi simply said: "Then just quit the show and stop recording."

"No!" Lin Keshi sat in the car and wiped her tears, "I won't give in!"

Jiang Wanzhi: "Stubborn donkey."

The eldest lady cried with anger: "Who are you scolding!"

The next recording was on the weekend. Lin Keshi didn't even say hello to Shi Zhen when she left. Instead, after Jiang Wanzhi finished recording the indoor observation, he asked her to go shopping.

Jiang Wanzhi took a look at his itinerary and sent a WeChat message to Lin Keshi, who was noted as a stubborn donkey.

"Tomorrow at seven o'clock."

Stubborn Donkey: "OK, I'll see you at Wangyue Pavilion on the top floor of Wanxiang. I'll treat you to a meal."

Wangyue Pavilion is on the highest floor in Haizhou. It has a terrace that overlooks the entire night view of Haizhou. A good location needs to be reserved in advance.

When Jiang Wanzhi arrived, Lin Keshi was already there. There were only three tables on the terrace, far apart and covered by green plants, which completely guaranteed privacy.

She took off her mask and hat, and the evening breeze blew the hair on both sides of her face. Lin Keshi immediately picked up her phone: "Absolutely beautiful! I'll take a photo of you! My skills are very good. If it weren't for chasing Shi Zhen, I would think I should be able to become a good photographer.”

Lin Keshi has lived a comfortable life since she was a child. She doesn't have to worry about her livelihood. Currently, she doesn't need to worry about her family's career. Therefore, she has developed many interests, among which photography is her favorite.

Jiang Wanzhi was very cooperative with her. After the filming, he looked at the finished film and showed a surprised look.

Really well shot.

"Why not become a photographer?"

It was rare for the two of them to feel calm. Lin Keshi curled her lips and said, "Aren't you chasing Shi Zhen?"

"There is no conflict between pursuing him and developing your own interests and hobbies." Jiang Wanzhi took a bite of shrimp, "Don't you think you take Shi Zhen too seriously?"

Lin Keshi was silent for a moment and hummed: "I didn't feel this way before, but after filming a program with Shi Zhen two days ago, I suddenly felt that he was different from the person I imagined. "

"Then you are still so stubborn and unwilling to quit the show."

"People always turn around when they hit a wall," she blinked and glanced at Jiang Wanzhi, "Didn't you like him very much before? Why did you give up?"

Jiang Wanzhi was very direct, without raising his head: "Because he is a [-]-year-old."

Lin Keshi: "." She muttered: "You said he is worth [-], so why am I chasing him? I am also [-]."

Jiang Wanzhi raised his head: "Yes."

Lin Keshi gritted her teeth fiercely and was furious. Just when she was about to speak, she suddenly saw someone not far away looking furtively from the corner of her eye. She frowned and picked up the ginger with quick eyes and hands. Wan Zhi's hat was placed on her head.

"Someone recognized you."

"." Jiang Wanzhi raised the brim of his hat slightly, "Why doesn't someone think you are beautiful, so they look at you a few more times?"

Lin Keshi was stunned for a moment. Before she could speak, two people walked towards her from a distance.

The two men held up their mobile phones and said very politely: "Hello, I just saw two very elegant people over there. Can I be friends with you?"

Jiang Wanzhi has been accosted more than once. When she went shopping with her friends, she wore a hat and a mask, and people would come over to chat her up. It was inconvenient for her to come forward because her friends refused. Now she can no longer count on Lin Keshi. .

His mouth is so stupid that he can't even criticize people.

She pressed down on the brim of her hat and was about to speak, but Lin Keshi politely refused: "Sorry, it might be inconvenient."

The man was a little reluctant: "Even if we make friends, we are not bad people. We often eat here."

One person casually threw out the keys to his Lamborghini: "We can go for a ride later."

Lin Keshi put her hand next to her Aston Martin car key and knocked it with a calm smile: "Sorry, it's really inconvenient for us."

Jiang Wanzhi raised his eyebrows.

Isn’t this quite a way to reject people?

But unexpectedly, the eyes of the two men became brighter.

"Why do I feel like I've seen you somewhere?"

They are entangled endlessly, and it seems that it is not so easy to get rid of these two people.

There are indeed some people like this in places like this. They have a sense of superiority and like to chat up beautiful women just because they have some money. It's hard to get rid of them just like a dog-skin plaster.

Jiang Wanzhi suddenly lost her appetite. She put on a mask and said, "Let's go."

Lin Keshi nodded, and just as the two were packing their bags and about to leave, Jiang Wanzhi heard a familiar cold voice.


With a reaction that was almost engraved in his bones, Jiang Wanzhi raised his head instantly, and his exposed eyes were curved like crescent moons, filled with stars, and he looked in the direction of the sound.

"elder brother."

She hadn't seen Huo Huaizhou for almost half a month.

Huo Huaizhou himself is not a person who likes to send WeChat messages. If anything happens, Xu Chen will pass it on to him.

Ripe vegetables, new clothes delivered in the changing seasons, from eating to using, his care is shown at all times, he is always there.

The lights on the terrace were dim, the night was thick, and the man was also carrying the chill of night. His cold black eyes were emotionless, as cold as a sharp sword. His gaze swept across the two men, and there was an invisible sense of oppression. The sky was overwhelming, and even the wind blowing in his face was mixed with a deep chill, making Jiang Wanzhi shiver uncontrollably.

He stood there: "Zhizhi, go home."

Jiang Wanzhi raised her chin, glared proudly at the man who dared not show his anger, and trotted over, not forgetting to turn back and talk to Lin Keshi: "Follow me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Huo Huaizhou raised his hand and put his arm around Jiang Wanzhi's shoulder. He held his wrist tightly and kept it in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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