Chapter 69 Be Good To Me

Huo Huaizhou lowered his eyes, slightly lost in thought.

"I gave up my great future for you, otherwise why would I be trapped here!"

"The pain I have experienced is all caused by you! Isn't it natural for you to listen to me? Huaizhou, don't let mom down."

"Mom has suffered a lot. Do you know how much pressure I feel in such a big family? I guard the Huo family for you, and I have given up a lot for you, but you contradict me in everything. You Do you know what those people think of me privately?"

"My husband abandoned his wife and son, gave up the family business, and preferred to be with his mistress, and his relationship with his son was poor. Every step I took was difficult."

"I am indeed a little harsh sometimes, but it's all for your own good. Do you really want to have such a bad relationship with me because of that girl?"

Huo Huaizhou has heard these words since he was a child.

When he was young, because he made some small mistakes, Zhou Yun was hysterical, throwing things in the room and scolding him, while he cowered in the corner and was afraid, but she downplayed it as a bit harsh.

He took it home and cured his little girl, but she said she was the culprit of the poor relationship between mother and child.

And he, Zhou Yun said, was the beginning of the mess in her life.

That year, when he was seven years old, after Zhou Yun took him back from his grandmother, she looked at him condescendingly, with a look of indifference on her face.

"You are not anyone's expected child."

"Listen to me carefully, otherwise I won't even want you."

"While you are still of use, be good to me."

Like a nightmare.

"Wow! It's really snowing!"

The clear and pleasant voice interrupted his thoughts, like sunshine, driving away the darkness attached to his body. Huo Huaizhou came back to his senses. Under the light, he saw the girl's bright and surprised smile.

"Brother, look!"

She pointed outside, her eyes were clear and without a trace of impurities. It was a clarity that could not be seen in the eyes of anyone he met.

I have an indescribable feeling in my heart.

A little astringent, yet a little warm, sweeping through his emotions.

Huo Huaizhou looked along her fingertips.

Snowflakes floated down from the sky, and the snow this year finally came belatedly, in front of the two people today after not seeing each other for a long time.

The fatigue in Huo Huaizhou's brows and eyes gradually disappeared. He curled his lips and finally climbed out from under the bottomless cliff, facing the sun and a tomorrow he had never expected before.

"When you wake up tomorrow, it will be beautiful outside."

Jiang Wanzhi was really happy: "I want to build a snowman!"

Because of this idea, Jiang Wanzhi didn't even sleep the next day. After waking up, he jumped out of bed and opened the curtains. It was snowy outside, with a thick layer of snow covering everything.

She quickly went to wash up, put on thick clothes, a thick scarf and a hat, only showing a pair of deer eyes, and then trotted downstairs.

The aunt greeted her: "Breakfast has just been made. It's hot. Come and eat."

Jiang Wanzhi drank a glass of soy milk and ran out: "I'm full."

She had just gone out when she saw Ye Cheng with a shovel on his shoulder, ready to call her at the top of his lungs.

There are also various tools for making snowmen and molds for making snow ducks. It can be said that the preparations are very complete.

He nodded: "Wait a minute, I'll go get Huo Huaizhou out."

Jiang Wanzhi glanced at him: "Can you do it?"

"Look," Ye Cheng said, moving closer to her and lowering his voice, "later, we will unite as a front and hit him with snowballs, so that he will always be absent and not play with us at this time, sanction Him!" Jiang Wanzhi nodded: "It must be punished!"

Satisfied, Ye Cheng went upstairs to call for someone. Not long after, the person came out, but Ye Cheng's face didn't look very good.

He told Huo Huaizhou a lot about whether it was of any use, and when Jiang Wanzhi mentioned it, he agreed immediately.


But at least we were invited.

As soon as the snow in the garden was stepped on, it sank to the top of her feet. Jiang Wanzhi skillfully started to build a snowman, but she couldn't build a big one. Her hands were red with frozen snowballs, so she only built a very small one.

Ye Cheng sneered: "Can you call me a snowman? It's up to me."

He picked up the shovel and shoveled the snow, and then started to make snowballs. After a while, a snowman half a man tall was ready.

Ye Cheng was very proud and was about to show off. When he turned around, he saw that the two people over there were not looking at him at all. One was skillfully making a duck using a duck mold, and the other was looking at her with a smile on his lips.

No one cared about him.

Ye Cheng: "."

Get mad at him.

He's not a human, is he?

Just as he was about to speak, Jiang Wanzhi suddenly raised his head and applauded: "It's so good. This snowman is so big. No one can make it except you. You are so awesome. I will take a photo and post it on Weibo later. Everyone, look at the snowman my brother built."

Ye Cheng scratched his head and grinned, overjoyed and pretending that it was no big deal: "Actually, it's okay, it's nothing."

This guy is really easy to tease.

Jiang Wanzhi's hands didn't stop, clamping the snow with the mold, knocking it, opening it, and the complete snow duck was made.

Like an assembly line, a lot of things were made on the ground at once.

His face was red from the cold, and his eyelashes were covered with frost. Huo Huaizhou was holding the phone she had just stuffed in his hand and was taking a video of her, saying he wanted to post it on Weibo.

Therefore, Jiang fans were delighted to find that their idol, who had not posted on Weibo for a long time, finally showed up.

At the beginning of the video, only Jiang Wanzhi, their idol shining on the stage, made a snow duck with a mold and placed it gently on the ground.

Then the video suddenly zoomed out, and there were all identical ducks around her. It was visually estimated that there were hundreds of them. The eye-catching formation of snow ducks surrounded Jiang Wanzhi, each one densely packed and neat, making Jiang Fen They were stunned.

[My lovely 22-year-old wife. 】

[Family members, you need know-how to make this kind of duck. The ones I made were thinly sliced, and I couldn’t make them complete at all. If you can make hundreds of ducks, you’d be awesome. 】

[You kid, you’ve found your job, haven’t you? 】

[Where are the babies? I'll crush them to pieces as soon as I go over there. 】

[It’s really bad upstairs. Baby, look at me. I’m the only biological mother, so come to my house and make me a duck formation! 】

[In the future, Jiang Wanzhi can add to his resume that he has made hundreds of ducks on his own, which is unique among idols, hahaha. 】

【I did it too!My mother said I was idle. But Jiang Wanzhi and I were in perfect harmony! 】

Jiang Wanzhi took a break, holding his cell phone and reading the comments.

Not forgetting to promise Ye Cheng, he posted a photo of a snowman in the comment area, "My brother made it."

This is the first time she has disclosed information about her family in public.

【elder brother?It turns out that our baby is not an only child. 】

(End of this chapter)

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