People in the Song Dynasty were lawless

Chapter 33 Yan Shu’s thoughts

Chapter 33 Yan Shu’s thoughts

The next morning, before dawn, Yan Shu stood by the bed and watched as usual.

The guards outside the door were far away, but their eyes kept glancing here.

This room has become the most secret place in the Song Dynasty. It is as heavily guarded as Zhao Zhen's palace.

In the room, an old man with gray hair was giving Zhao Jun acupuncture. Under the candlelight, Zhao Jun held back the sweat on his forehead and waited for the acupuncture to end.

Acupuncture is actually not painful, at most it feels a little sore and numb.But every time he received acupuncture, he would feel like he had a splitting headache.

Accompanied by dizziness and numbness in his head, Zhao Jun felt very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

After a while, the acupuncture was completely over.Zhao Jun wiped the sweat from his forehead and took a few quick breaths. When he heard the old man packing the medicine box, he quickly said, "Doctor, can you change the gauze?"

The old man turned around and looked at Yan Shu, who nodded slightly.The imperial doctor buried his head and opened the medicine box again, took out gauze and some ointment, and began to take off Zhao Jun's pants.

Zhao Jun did not resist.

After Yan Shu returned the suitcase to him, he changed into Kuchazi and wore a pair of shorts under his long trousers. This was double insurance. He would not let the old man see his private parts and feel embarrassed like he did when he changed the gauze for the first time. .

After the old man took off his pants, he opened his thighs, took off the gauze, looked at the wound, nodded with satisfaction, then scraped off the ointment and applied it again.

By this time, the injury on Zhao Jun's leg had almost healed. From the inner thigh to the calf, there were more than a dozen hideous scars, large and small.

After all, he survived the mudslide, so it would be good if he could save his life, and it was normal to have wounds.

Most of the wounds were scratched by gravel in the mudslide. The largest one was on the inner thigh of his right leg, which was twelve centimeters long. The imperial doctor cleaned the wound for him and then sewed it up. The stitches were removed a few days ago, and now they are basically has healed.

"It's not inflammation."

Zhao Jun asked.

The old man kept his mouth shut. Zhao Jun had always thought that the doctor was mute these days.

Yan Shu next to him said on his behalf: "No."

After this period of time, he also understood some knowledge, such as inflammation means ulcers and pustules.

In ancient times, wound inflammation was a very serious matter. If the wounds were not treated in time, the rotten flesh was dug out and the pus and blood were released, people would die from septicemia.

Since there were no specific anti-inflammatory drugs in ancient China, wound inflammation was difficult to cure. People often bandaged with Chinese herbal medicine to see if they could survive.

Therefore, the casualty rate in ancient wars was high. Most of them did not refer to deaths on the battlefield, but were caused by post-war wound inflammation or corpse decay and plague.

Yan Shu also learned the knowledge from chatting with Zhao Jun during this period, which is very useful for him.

"That's good, you probably don't need to take medicine."

Zhao Jun breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Shu hesitated for a moment and opened his mouth several times to ask something, but in the end he did not speak.

On the afternoon of the second day after Zhao Jun arrived, he was worried that the injuries on his body would cause inflammation of the wounds, so he asked Yan Shu to take out a cardboard box called "Amoxicillin" from the box.

Yan Shu saw Zhao Jun fumble open the box, take out a board of strange things, and then take out a pill and eat it.

He didn't dare ask at that time.

Because he was afraid that it was common knowledge that everyone knew and might be exposed if he asked, he didn't say anything even if he guessed that it might be a medicine to treat inflammation.

But now, Yan Shu wanted to ask if this medicine could treat anything else besides inflammation.

Such as lung heat.

In fact, he has seen the "Amoxicillin" product.

Zhao Jun's suitcase was placed next to his bed. He was blind and couldn't see. Yan Shu could take the items whenever he wanted. He read the instructions on it several times and showed it to the doctor several times.

"This product can be used as a broad-spectrum semi-synthetic penicillin and is clinically used to treat tonsillitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, urinary system infection, skin and soft tissue infection, purulent pleurisy, hepatobiliary system infection, sepsis, typhoid fever, dysentery, etc. ."

In this sentence, except for typhoid fever and dysentery, he knew about other diseases, but his eyes were completely blank, and he was completely unclear.The main thing was that pneumonia, like the lung fever his wife suffered from, both had the word lung, which made him very concerned.

It's easy to steal one or two pills and take them back, but if it's not the right medicine and it accelerates the condition, it's really bad.

But Yan Shu did not dare to ask Zhao Jun directly. In fact, so far, except for history, he had tried to guide Zhao Jun to speak out about other things and had never asked him.

Zhao Jun had been suspicious several times before. If he hadn't found a way to fool him, he might have guessed that he was not Nini Village before his eyes recovered.

Therefore, Yan Shu often couldn't help himself. Every time he spoke, he had to think twice before speaking, for fear of being noticed by Zhao Jun.

So now I am very hesitant and don’t know whether I should ask.

At this moment, the imperial doctor had already scraped off the original ointment, reapplied the ointment, and then bandaged it.

"Can I also change the gauze on my eyes?"

Zhao Jun made another request.

The imperial doctor looked at Yan Shu again, and Yan Shu frowned, and then asked: "Do I need to change the eye even if it is not injured?"

"The weather has been a bit hot these days, and the gauze has become wet, and I also want to see how my eyes are recovering."

"OK then."

Yan Shu agreed, and he also understood that if Zhao Jun was not allowed to see the effect of acupuncture treatment, he might not continue to stay honestly.

I have been using acupuncture these days, and the imperial doctor said that I have probably recovered a lot of my vision, but I don’t know how much.

It would be fine if you could only see light, but it would be troublesome if you could see everything.

Fortunately, the answer came soon.

The imperial doctor carefully helped to untie Zhao Jun's gauze. Zhao Jun opened his eyes and stared into a pair of clear Kazilan eyes.

Although he glanced around, he was not immediately surprised by the ancient clothes of Yan Shu and the imperial doctor. Instead, he was slightly absent-minded, and his eyes were much less sparkly than ordinary people.

From Zhao Jun's perspective, he could see, but not much.

It was four o'clock in the morning, the sky was already dark, and candles were lit in the room. Zhao Jun could only vaguely see vague flames jumping, and then in front of him were two blurry black figures that were completely unclear, like two human-shaped black figures. Fog, nothing else can be seen, it is no different from two thousand degrees myopia.

Yan Shu asked him: "How is it?"

"Still can't see clearly."

Zhao Jun replied: "But I can see people."

Yan Shu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This is a good thing. You are recovering slowly."

"Uncle Lari, can I really recover completely? Why don't you send me down the mountain and go to the hospital."

Zhao Jun said tentatively.

Yan Shu sighed and said, "I want to send you down too, but as you know, it rained heavily for more than ten days, and all the mountain roads were blocked. The excavator couldn't get in, so we had to rely on manual digging. The power is still there." Not recovered.”


Zhao Jun also sighed.

During this period, he didn't want to go down the mountain all the time. He asked every day when the road would be open, but it seemed that the road had not been repaired yet, and he still couldn't go down. He could only hope that the old doctor in the village could help him recover with acupuncture. .The imperial doctor put the gauze on Zhao Jun's eyes again. In fact, it didn't matter whether it was a blindfold or not.Because Zhao Jun was temporarily blinded due to a head injury, not an eye injury, there was no point in covering his eyes.

But Yan Shu still insisted on blindfolding him, mainly because he was worried that if one day the blood congestion suddenly cleared and he could see, he would not be able to accept the fact that he had traveled to the Song Dynasty.

So I covered my eyes first, and when I could see later, I told Zhao Jun the truth step by step, giving both parties a certain buffer space.

After his eyes were covered again, Yan Shu said, "Let's make arrangements for today's itinerary."

"It's better to give the children one or two classes in the morning and enjoy the sun in the afternoon."

Zhao Jun said.

"Then arrange it like this."

Yan Shu didn't say anything, and his tone was much calmer than usual.

Zhao Jun was keenly aware of something, but he did not ask any more questions, but said: "Village chief, do the people in our village have nothing to do every day?"

"Now that the village has been hit by a disaster, everyone just does farm work every day and can't go down the mountain. Fortunately, there is enough food. There is nothing going on at the village committee, so I will take care of you more. You are now the most valuable person in the village."

Yan Shu answered simply.


Zhao Jun thought for a while and then said: "By the way, do we still have small blackboards and chalk in our village?"

Yan Shu was panicking now without even blinking: "It's gone. You know, the school was flooded by mudslides. Our village is full of young and old, how can we have the strength to dig out the school?"

"Can you find a board and charcoal?"

"This should be fine. I'll go look for it in the village then."

"Thank you, Uncle Lari."

Zhao Jun thought about it in his mind.

Perhaps the floods and mudslides suffered by the village were indeed serious.

The village is full of old, weak, sick and disabled people who cannot do heavy work. In addition, it is far away from the mountain, so there is really no way to clear the road down the mountain immediately.

It seems that my idea of ​​going down the mountain to the hospital for a CT scan will not be realized in a short time.

Fortunately, this doctor is quite reliable and he can see something.


Thinking of this, Zhao Jun sighed in his heart.

I don’t know how it happened in the past few years. First there were heavy rains in Zhengzhou, then severe floods in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and now even Daliang Mountain has been hit.

Natural disasters continue.

Yan Shu turned around. He was going to go out to find a piece of wood and black charcoal, and then called the children to prepare for today's lesson.

But at this moment, Zhao Jun stopped him.

"Uncle Lari, what's wrong with you?"

Yan Shu froze, without looking back, and said, "I'm fine."

"My eyes are blind, but my heart is not. You clearly have something on your mind."

Yan Shu was moved and sighed: "Do you know why my wife never came over?"

Zhao Jun subconsciously asked: "Why?"

"Because she's sick."

"What did the doctor say?"

"It's lung fever."

Yan Shu hesitated for a moment and then said: "The symptoms are fever and cough."

"Sounds like pneumonia."

Zhao Jun was a little confused: "Doctor, doesn't he know what pneumonia is?"

Yan Shu said hurriedly: "You also know that our village doctor is mute. He wrote that it was lung fever. Now he can't go down the mountain. If he doesn't get treatment, he will die."

"It should be called lung heat in Chinese medicine. I don't know if it's Yang, but whether it's Yang or ordinary pneumonia is a trivial matter."

Zhao Jun groped for the suitcase beside the bed, fiddled with it and took out a bag of medicine and said: "I have ibuprofen, amoxicillin, cephalosporin, and acyclovir. Let's try amoxicillin for a few days." Try it, if it doesn’t work, try acyclovir. I don’t know if it’s a viral infection or a bacterial infection. If you feel pain, use ibuprofen.”

He gave Yan Shu all the medicine in his hand.

As the saying goes, a long illness makes a good doctor.

Zhao Jun was fine before, but after going to college, he started to suffer from some messy illnesses.

For example, colds, gastritis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, urinary tract infection, internal heat, gingivitis, rashes on the body, etc. Sometimes the illness is very torturous.

So he later developed the habit of carrying medicine with him.

Common anti-inflammatory drugs include amoxicillin and cephalosporins, analgesics include ibuprofen, antiviral drugs include acyclovir and antiviral oral liquid, cold drugs include Jiujiujiu and Gankang, and anti-allergic drugs include loratadine. For internal heat and gum inflammation, use Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets and metronidazole.

There is also a urinary tract infection caused by watching too many movies, so I prepared levofloxacin. At the same time, levofloxacin can also be used for acute gastroenteritis.Chronic gastritis was caused by Helicobacter pylori infection for a period of time. It was cured by taking the Quadruple Diet. There were still a lot of things like omeprazole, mixed gel, and stomach pain granules that I had not finished eating, so I kept them. In the medicine cabinet.

Basically, he would prepare medicines for whatever problems he had, and he would keep them all in stock.

When he came to the small mountain village this time, he knew that it was not easy to buy medicine deep in the mountains and old forests, so Zhao Jun simply prepared a large medicine box, including a lot of common anti-inflammatory medicines, cold medicines, antiviral medicines, and painkillers, and even bandages, alcohol swabs, and thermometers. There are also.

Therefore, in a sense, unless Zhao Jun suffers from a terminal illness such as cancer, common colds and inflammation are indeed a trivial matter to him.

Yan Shu looked at the medicine stuffed in his hand, feeling happy and complicated.

You must know that pneumonia was almost a terminal disease in ancient times. It was not just pneumonia, but also back sores, diarrhea, tetanus, septicemia, etc., all of which were difficult to save.

But now this disease is not worth mentioning in Zhao Jun's mouth, which shows how precious these medicines are.

And he actually knew how rare these later medicines were. He secretly took a few pills and sent them to the Imperial Medical Office. None of the world-famous imperial doctors could analyze the ingredients of the medicine and how to make it.

Therefore, unless Zhao Jun knows about it, these medicines will become orphans in the future and will be difficult to copy in the future. The probability of being taken away by the Zhao royal family is extremely high.

This means that these medicines will be hard to find!

If left outside, those who are ill but cannot be cured will be willing to ask for one even if they lose their money.

Now that Zhao Jun was giving such precious medicine to his wife, Yan Shu was deeply moved.

This is a good boy with a delicate mind and a kind heart.

It seems that I, Uncle Yan Tong, owe a huge favor to Mr. Jun!
Yan Shu held the medicine tightly and walked out of the door, thinking to himself.

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(End of this chapter)

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