Chapter 100 Volcanic ash descends on Daqin


Great Qin.

"Your Majesty, it's really not easy for the Bear Kingdom to survive the two-sided attack from the Tunguska Kingdom and the Huns Kingdom, and to fight back. It's far beyond expectations."

Meng Yi's eyes were solemn, and a trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

According to the original plan, the Xiongnu destroyed the Bear Kingdom and then were destroyed by the Tunguska. At that time, the Qin Dynasty could send a large army to pick peaches. Unexpectedly, the Bear Kingdom took the opportunity.

"If everything can be expected, then wouldn't it mean that our country, Da Qin, would have been invincible for a long time? It is only normal for accidents to happen."

Although Ying Zheng was a little surprised, he didn't take it to heart.

If a counselor can achieve a [-]% success rate in making plans, he will be famous throughout the ages and be called the unparalleled scholar in the country. The legendary Ghost Valley has also failed several times.

No one is a real fool, let alone one who can be manipulated.

"Your Majesty, do you need me to send an army to hunt down the Bear Kingdom?" Meng Yi said fiercely with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

These rewards should have belonged to Da Qin, but they were clearly taken away. There is no reason not to take revenge.

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, you should not act rashly. I saw a trace of schadenfreude in Hua Yu's eyes yesterday. It's a pity that no matter how hard he forced a confession, he didn't say anything."

Before Brother Zheng could speak, Zhang Han took the lead.

In addition to being responsible for the development of the Shaofu, he is also responsible for interrogating Hua Yu. In recent days, Hua Yu has clearly felt changes.

After Hua Yu learned the news about the volcanic ash, he subconsciously showed joy. After reacting, he tried his best to hide it, but trying to disguise it in front of these old foxes was naturally a fool's errand.

Unfortunately, Zhang Han could only guess that Hua Yu had concealed a secret. What it was exactly was unknown. He had just experienced countless things and was not a god.
"Your Majesty, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The population of the Bear Country is not large, and there will be countless casualties after the war."

"In my opinion, we can send a team of ten thousand people to see if there is a chance to succeed."

Wang Jian and Feng Jie said in unison.

The Bear Country has nearly [-] million people. If they can be eliminated, the rewards will be so huge that people will go crazy. Even with their determination, they will be a little unable to bear it.

"There is no order from me in this matter. No one is allowed to send troops without permission. Anyone who violates the holy order will be executed without mercy." Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly, pondered for a moment, and said with extreme indifference.

Everyone thinks that Da Qin should take action. This is the biggest problem.

When everyone can see through a game, there must be a conspiracy hidden in it. Unfortunately, there is too little information and he doesn't know where the conspiracy lies, but he believes in his prediction.

Wang Jian wanted to say something else, but when he saw the look in the Emperor's eyes, he wisely closed his mouth.

"Your Majesty, I have arranged [-] post stations on four highways. Each supply station contains hundreds of tons of water, hundreds of tons of grain, and medical supplies, which can ensure a long-lasting war."

Zhang Han took a deep breath, took out the map, pointed at it and whispered.

After Yingtian destroyed the Gaul Kingdom, he obtained four million-meter highways. At that time, Yingzheng ordered him to prepare for a long-term war. It took nearly a hundred days and was finally completed.

"It's still not enough, continue to build more. I have a hunch that this battle will be much longer than imagined. Under the national war system, everyone's lives will be tied to the country, and the people will work together. People like Hua Yu After all, they are the minority." Ying Zheng said meaningfully.

The national war system and ordinary war may seem to be the same, but they are fundamentally different.

In ancient wars, as long as the enemy gained the upper hand, they would lose, and the court would lose its will to resist from top to bottom.

The national war system is different. Once the time traveler and the national army die, the country will be destroyed, so all the people will fight desperately to resist, which will be much more violent than imagined.

There will also be treacherous villains like Hua Yu, but they are in the minority after all.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured. Some time ago, Langya County, Kuaiji County, Minzhong County, Linzi County, and Jiujiang County just harvested tens of millions of tons of grain and grass, and they are on their way to be transported."

"Including the grain and grass previously rewarded by the system and the grain reserves in the treasury, the total has reached 2000 million tons. Even if we no longer farm, it is enough to supply our 4000 million people in Daqin for a year."

Zhang Han's voice was decisive and he slapped his chest loudly.

Da Qin has Ying Tian, ​​a time traveler, and its development speed far exceeds that of the Six Kingdoms. Under the deterrence of Da Qin's powerful strength, many people in the Six Kingdoms will naturally not resist desperately.

Why did you resist when you knew it was a fatal situation? Moreover, there was no national war system at that time, so it was impossible for all the people of the six countries to be loyal to each court.

This resulted in much smaller losses in food, grass and population during the process of unifying the six countries.

Coupled with the invention of fertilizer, there was no sweet potato or corn seed in Daqin, but there was no shortage of food and grass.

"Lingmi, can you make arrangements?" Ying Zheng nodded slightly, his voice a little more solemn.

Spiritual rice is more important to Da Qin than ordinary food.

"I selected a 30-yuan field and conducted various tests. I have specially found people to plant it and the army is guarding it. However, it is estimated that it will take three or four months to mature." Zhang Han said with a bitter smile.

According to the system, the yield of spiritual rice is ten times that of ordinary grain, but the maturity time remains the same. Ordinary grain is harvested about three times a year, and spiritual rice should be about the same.

"It's only three or four months, it's not very long."

Ying Zheng said with calm eyes.

Then, Meng Yi and Feng Jie stood up one after another and began to report what happened in recent days.

The real core secrets will not be reported in court. All confidants will be summoned to discuss in private. The content on TV is basically to fool fools.

Ordinary officials in the imperial court are only responsible for maintaining basic operations, nothing more, and are not qualified to know too many secrets.

When several people were reporting back, a burst of rapid horse hooves suddenly sounded outside the royal study, and everyone subconsciously looked up.

Due to the speed, the soldier accidentally fell off his horse and rolled several times on the ground.

Zhang Han reacted the fastest and quickly stepped forward to help the soldier up, smiling and comforting him that there was no need to be nervous.

"Your Majesty, something bad happened. The grain and grass sent from Langya County, Kuaiji County and other places had an accident on the way." The soldier said impatiently, regardless of thanking him.

After speaking, Zhang Han suddenly raised his head, a trace of confusion flashing in his eyes.

He personally planned the route for transporting grain and grass. In the hinterland of Da Qin, foreign enemies would never be able to invade, which meant that they must be plundered internally. But the problem was that Da Qin was peaceful and peaceful, and there were almost no bandits.

"Speak slowly, don't rush."

Wang Jian picked up his tea cup and handed it to the soldier without any airs.

The soldier ignored the refusal and poured a large amount of water into his mouth. His mood calmed down a little, "Your Majesty, this is an urgent report from the coastal counties. Yesterday there was a heavy gray snow, which covered all the land. Most of the food and grass that were covered and transported were damaged and can no longer be eaten."

Gray snow?Zhang Han was startled, and a trace of doubt flashed across his face. The next second, as if he thought of something, he stood up with a trace of disbelief in his eyes.

Ying Zheng ordered him to tear open the letter and put it directly on the table for everyone to see.

After reading the content of the letter clearly, the expressions of everyone present changed suddenly.

"This is... volcanic ash!"

Zhang Han and Meng Yi looked at each other and exclaimed in unison.

More than ten years ago, the volcano in Shu County erupted once, causing a lot of casualties. It was the two of them who dealt with it, and they were extremely impressed by the gray snow.

"According to the letter, volcanic ash has covered almost all coastal counties. This is definitely not the power of an ordinary volcanic eruption." Meng Yi frowned.

There are records about volcanoes in ancient books, but after all, it is ancient times. There is no clear explanation of the power of volcanoes and various indicators, so we can only explore slowly.

"The county guards from various places said that it floated from the sea. It is everywhere on the coastline and in the sea. Maybe it is overseas islands..." Zhang Han said to himself.

As if he thought of something, he glanced at the map.

"Your Majesty, there was news from fishermen on the beach claiming to have heard an explosion. I don't know whether it is true or not."

The messenger shrank his head and whispered.

Zhang Han became extremely confident in an instant and said: "Your Majesty, Meng Tian should have accidentally detonated the local volcano there when he was fighting Sakura, so the volcanic ash traveled across the ocean and fell into our Daqin."

It's a pity that there are no time travelers here, otherwise future generations would be shocked to death when they look at this scene. So much information can be deduced from just a few words, and the deduction ability is so terrifying that it is terrifying.

Zhang Han's expression changed and became extremely ugly.

Under the cover of the volcano, all land will lose its vitality in a short period of time, and all people living in coastal counties must move to safe places.

Volcanic ash is extremely harmful to the human body.

"I wonder how Meng Tian is doing." A trace of worry flashed across Meng Yi's face.

Judging from the system prompts, Meng Tian destroyed the cherry blossoms, but it was hard to say whether he could escape and come back.

"We should be able to escape unscathed. The Shaofu has modified those warships. With sails and steam engines, they can be converted into hot air balloons in a short time." Zhang Han gave everyone reassurance.

Seeing that Meng Tian was fine, everyone breathed a long sigh of relief, and then all looked towards the First Emperor.

Ying Zheng is the backbone. In the past, he was dispensable. He only needed to decide the general direction of development. But at the critical moment, he was the only one who could control the situation.

"Pass on my order to have Nan County, Chen County, Handan County, Xiang County, and Yuyang County prepare to receive refugees from coastal areas and other places. Anyone who dares to secretly obstruct this matter will be killed without mercy."

"The remaining portion of the batch of grain and grass escorted this time will be distributed directly on site and does not need to be transported to the granary."

"Starting from today, within one year, taxes and corvee will be exempted, and all people will no longer need to pay taxes."

"Wang Jian, you order Wang Ben to mobilize some soldiers to carry out the dispersal work to prevent enemy troops from sneaking in secretly and sowing discord."

Ying Zheng squinted his eyes slightly and gave his instructions clearly and word by word.

At this time, the most important thing to do is to appease the people.

Different from the bustling and bustling world of later generations, people in ancient times really wanted very little. A place to live and enough food to survive was enough for them, and they wanted nothing more.

Meng Yi held paper and pen in his hand, carefully wrote down the order, and then turned away without hesitation.

Brother Zheng's execution ability is admirable. In just a few minutes, everything was arranged.

"It's a pity that so much food and grass was wasted." Zhang Han clenched the letter tightly and sighed softly, with a trace of helplessness in his eyes.

Man-made disasters can be prevented, but there is really no solution to this kind of natural disaster.

I was ready for a complete war with the Maurya Dynasty, but I didn't expect that God would not fulfill my wish.
"There is no need to be discouraged. The volcanic ash will make the surrounding area barren and dead at first, but after it merges with the underground soil, it will make the land more fertile. I guess Meng Tian probably wants to take advantage of this opportunity to create a plant suitable for growing spiritual rice." land, otherwise with his character, he would not take such a big risk."

Ying Zheng looked thoughtful.

If anyone here hears this, I am afraid they will doubt whether Brother Zheng really has a system.

Brother Zheng was not present, but he almost guessed what Meng Tian was thinking.

"If it were a normal time, it would indeed have little impact, but at this time, I am afraid it will cause instability in the people's hearts." Zhang Han's eyes were full of solemnity.

In ancient times, grain and grass were really important. After a direct loss of 1000 million tons of grain and grass, Daqin could still maintain basic operations, which was already considered remarkable. If it were replaced by another force, it would probably be paralyzed.

"But this is also not a good opportunity to show weakness to the enemy." Ying Zheng turned around, sat on the stool, picked up the wine glass and took a sip, saying meaningfully.

Zhang Han was startled and couldn't react for a while.

The moment his eyes met Brother Zheng's, he was enlightened and said, "Your Majesty, I understand. I will make arrangements right now."

Zhang Han's eyes were shining brightly, and he ran out quickly without caring about anything else.

Ying Zheng looked at Zhang Han's retreating figure and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

He has encountered so many ups and downs in his life that they are just like crossing a river, countless. They are just volcanic ash, so what qualifications does he have to be moved?
Not to mention that the national power is halved, so what if we return to the Six Nations to compete for hegemony? The worst is to do it all over again.


Zhang Han kicked open the cell door, picked up the scissors with his right hand, came to Hua Yu's side, opened his mouth with his left hand, and cut a slit on Hua Yu's tongue without hesitation.

In an instant, countless blood flowed down the corner of Hua Yu's mouth, and a scream that was worse than killing a pig rang out from Hua Yu's mouth.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were all numb and frightened.

In other words, Hua Yu's body has become resistant after these three months of torture. If it were anyone else, he would probably die from the pain.

"You are so insidious. You knew that the Sakura Volcano erupted and brought volcanic ash to our country, causing countless people to be displaced. Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me!"

"Did you know that just because of this disaster, our country Qin lost more than 1000 million tons of grain and grass. In just one day, one-third of the Qin people became refugees and had no food to eat."

Zhang Han's eyes were red, he was furious, and he was so angry that he would have been killed by a knife if Hua Yu hadn't been of some use.

And this is what Brother Zheng just said about showing weakness to the enemy. Taking advantage of this opportunity, through the live broadcast room, he told other countries that Da Qin was weak, thereby luring the enemy deeper.

After this crisis, Great Qin's national strength did weaken a bit, but it was far less than half. The grain and grass reserves in the treasury were enough to sustain a defensive war.

(End of this chapter)

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