Da Qin: We just traveled through time and you proclaimed yourself emperor in Rome

Chapter 102 The Mauryan Dynasty wiped out 2 million people!

Chapter 102 The Mauryan Dynasty wiped out [-] million people!
However, before he could sit down, he stumbled and fell directly to the ground. A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. His whole body began to twitch wildly. Within a few minutes, he became unresponsive.

Everyone took a sharp breath, subconsciously stood up, took a step back, and looked at Ashoka in disbelief.

"I wonder what I have done to make you think that I am aboveboard? I have never said that I am a good person." Ashoka raised the corners of his mouth and his smile was no longer concealed.

Everyone realized at this time that the food was poisoned!


Some people wanted to speak and reprimand Ashoka for not being trustworthy, but before they could, they collapsed on the ground, bleeding from all their orifices, and they didn't even have the strength to speak.

Ashoka waved his hand and called a few soldiers from the door, asking them to take action and kill these people.

Since he didn't know if he could get system rewards if he was poisoned, he was careful and only used a small amount of poison to prevent these people from dying directly.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were all shocked when they saw this scene.

: Damn it, what's going on? King Ashoka is not a Buddhist believer. Why did he suddenly kill him?

:Don’t ask me, I don’t know either, I really don’t know what happened

:Are you fools?It’s hard to tell from this. Ashoka must have tampered with the food in advance. His real purpose was not to form an alliance, but to destroy the country!

: King Ashoka is really cruel. He destroyed so many forces in one go. Aren't he afraid of retribution?
: You are laughing to death. Yesterday, you said that the Qin Dynasty was cruel and the Mauryan Dynasty was nothing more than that. Is this the saint in your eyes? Kill your saint with your own hands?
: With all due respect, rather than doing this, it is better to choose to stay where you are and at least live a few more days.

The live broadcast room was completely blown away, and no one was not shocked.

They were all dumbfounded, with expressions of disbelief on their faces. They didn't expect Ashoka to resort to such methods.

He guessed that Ashoka might be playing tricks and deliberately targeting Da Qin, but it would not be reduced to poisoning. Since ancient times, these were low-level means and ordinary people would not use them.

Everyone's faces gradually became ugly. A king who did not follow any principles was far more terrifying than imagined.

The most miserable ones were those who were poisoned. Their faces all changed, and their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley, like falling into an ice cave.

Deep in the sky, there was a roar and explosion, and jade-colored gates suddenly appeared one after another, superimposed on each other, blocking the sky and the sun, as if a huge hole had appeared.

An extremely dense white mist quickly appeared over India and India, enveloping nearly 20 billion people in India.

Netizens from India and Turkey were also stunned and confused.

Not to mention others, even they themselves didn't know what happened. Since Buddha was captured by the Thirteenth Young Master, the Mauryan Dynasty almost disappeared from the public world during this period.

Ignoring the doubts, there was only intense excitement in my heart.

To wipe out seventeen countries at once, it's hard to imagine how generous the rewards would be, and I don't even dare to think about it.

Compared with the excitement of Indian and Turkish netizens, netizens from other countries are despairing.

[The Mauryan Dynasty destroyed the Khmer Kingdom, and all its subjects received a five-year lifespan reward]

[The Maurya Dynasty destroyed the Khmer Kingdom, and the physical fitness of all its subjects increased by 2%]

[The Maurya Dynasty destroyed the Khmer Kingdom, and all its subjects gained five years of life]


[The Mauryan Dynasty destroyed Dong Nai Kingdom, and all its subjects gained five years of life]

[The Mauryan Dynasty destroyed Dong Nai Kingdom, and all its subjects gained five years of life]


[The Maurya Dynasty destroyed the Banchen Kingdom, and all its subjects gained five years of life]

[The Maurya Dynasty destroyed the Banchen Kingdom and obtained 200 million tons of grain and grass]

The system's cold beep lasted for half an hour before it stopped.

Tens of billions of people around the world are stunned and numb.

Someone calculated carefully and found that the Mauryan Dynasty gained nearly 30% of its physical fitness and a hundred-year lifespan this time!As for the grain and grass rewards obtained, it was an astronomical figure.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it anyway.

The Qin Dynasty had fought for so long to gain 43% physical fitness and a hundred-year lifespan. The Mauryan Dynasty instantly achieved overtake in just one day.

: The combined fortunes of the Bear Kingdom, Xia Kingdom, and Lighthouse Kingdom may not reach half of the Mauryan Dynasty!

: King Ashoka is really cruel. I didn’t expect that he had this intention.
: In fact, we should have thought of it a long time ago. There is no need for the Maurya Dynasty to stand up and challenge a giant country like Da Qin. From the beginning to the end, his goal is those small countries.

: The reward for destroying a small country is very small, nothing, but multiply it by seventeen times?

: I thought that Da Qin had already decided on the hegemony, but looking at it now, the world is really undecided. You and I are both dark horses, and the Maurya Dynasty has become the biggest enemy of the Ying family.
Later generations of netizens had mixed feelings in their hearts, unable to describe what they felt.

Many people looked like they were eating shit, with sad faces on their faces.

I thought that both the Mauryan Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty would suffer losses, but unexpectedly, a greater king would emerge instead.

Just when everyone thought it was over, the cold voice of the system sounded again.

[The Mauryan Dynasty killed a total of 50 million people and received a [-]-year lifespan reward]

[The total number of people killed by the Mauryan Dynasty reached 30 million, and the physical fitness of all people increased by [-]%]

[The Mauryan Dynasty killed a total of [-] million people and obtained a starry sky stone vein]

[Receive 1000 million tons of grain and grass reward]

[Get a million-meter road reward]

The cold voice of the system was like thunder, exploding in everyone's hearts, and the faces of Xia Kingdom's netizens changed instantly.

The rise of the Mauryan Dynasty poses a threat to all countries in the world, but the greatest threat is definitely to Great Qin.

Before this, Da Qin had received a reward for the Great Avenue of Heaven, and this time the Maurya Dynasty also received it, which meant that there was an even road between the two.

The road that originally took two or three years to cross may be shortened to one year or even a few months.

The most chilling thing is that the Qin Dynasty's national power was greatly weakened by the volcanic ash attack, while the Mauryan Dynasty underwent radical changes.How can we still fight when one is ebbing and the other is ebbing?
From the beginning of the National War to the present, Da Qin has gained a total of 110 years of lifespan and increased its physique by 43%.The Mauryan Dynasty gained a lifespan of 150 years and enhanced its physique by 60%.

The world was dead silent and no one could speak.

: Hey, have you ever thought about this question? If the Mauryan Dynasty went all the way to the north and destroyed the Qin Dynasty, wouldn't that mean it was completely over?

: Maybe the Great Qin in the past could compete with the Maurya Dynasty, but due to the ebb and flow of the situation, the Great Qin may really be destroyed this time.

: Is there any way? We are just outsiders and cannot influence the direction of this war.
:Brothers from the Parthian Empire, can you hear me?If you can, you'd better take action and help me, Great Qin, to fight against the Maurya Dynasty together. You should know the truth of the death of lips and the coldness of teeth.
Some netizens stood up and called out the Parthian Empire on the other side of the Mauryan Dynasty.

The strength of the Parthian Empire was far weaker than that of the Mauryan Dynasty, but if it formed a pincer attack with Great Qin and supported each other, victory would not be impossible.

The people of the Parthian Empire remained silent and did not respond, fearing that they would offend the Maurya Dynasty and be the first to be destroyed. The current Maurya Dynasty was invincible at the same level, and whoever was destroyed would die.

:Ahem, sorry, my Maurya Dynasty is really invincible this time
: Is this what it feels like to increase your physical fitness by 60%?I feel like I can kill a cow with one punch
: Please rest assured that we, the Maurya Dynasty, are the most true to our word. We will destroy Da Qin when we say that we will destroy Da Qin, and we will lead our troops to attack on another day.
: The people of Qin will wash their heads and wait for us. This time, you are dead, I said so!
: The Qin State was very arrogant before. Now, if you continue to shout, I will definitely let you know how powerful I, the Maurya Dynasty, am, and see how awesome I, King Asoka, am!
India and Turkey fell into a carnival, held a feast, and celebrated the whole country for three days and three nights. It is no exaggeration to say that this time, a complete rise can wash away all shame.

As for netizens from other countries, they can only watch silently and complain in their hearts.

"Mr. Wang, is it completely over? Is there any chance of improvement?" Li Meng stood next to Mr. Wang, holding the phone tremblingly, her face extremely pale.

With a 60% physical enhancement and an increase in lifespan of 150 years, even if he is a monster, it is nothing more than that, right?

Mr. Wang was silent. He also wanted to be optimistic, but he couldn't be optimistic.

There is really no hope no matter what.

At this moment, he finally understood why those small forces moved to the Mauryan Dynasty. The current Xia Kingdom felt the same great pressure as they did before.

Even if Hua Yu changed his mind at this time and assisted the First Emperor, it would be useless, not to mention that it was impossible for him to turn back.

"Unless the surrounding forces can unite to resist, is this possible? Obviously impossible." Jin Lao sighed, with a hint of helplessness in his voice.

The only good thing is that the Mauryan Dynasty did not obtain the spiritual rice. Currently, only Da Qin in the world has it.

As long as Great Qin can delay for a few more years, wait for the volcanic ash to dissipate and let all the old Qin people eat spiritual rice, the problem can be solved and defeat can be turned into victory.

However, in the face of the Maurya Dynasty's sudden increase in strength, no one knows whether Daqin can delay for a few more years.

This happened beyond everyone's expectation, no one expected it.

All the other forces in ancient times were silent and felt very heavy.

The previous Great Qin was indeed very strong, but not so strong that it would make people lose the desire to resist, but now the Maurya Dynasty is like a huge mountain, so oppressive that people can't breathe and don't know what to do at all. Do nothing.

During the Mauryan Dynasty's campaign against Great Qin, some of its strength would be weakened, but after Great Qin was destroyed, this weakened strength would not only be replenished, but would also increase several times.


"Destroy seventeen forces at once? It's really a good method. Even I didn't think of it." Ying Zheng put down the memorial at hand and raised his head, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

But deep in his eyes, there was no trace of panic or panic.

Let people know whether you are pretending to be calm or whether you are really confident.


"Is there any news? Where are Ying Tian and the others? How long will it take?" King German paced back and forth, raised his head, and a trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes.

The Germanic Kingdom is extremely far away from the Maurya Dynasty, and they will not be separated from each other in a short time, but they will meet one day. This is the only chance to destroy the Roman Empire and rise rapidly.

It is even possible to overtake the Mauryan Dynasty!

The rewards given by a country like Rome must be astronomical.

"Your Highness, we will arrive in ten days. There is no need to worry. Ying Tian is already fascinated by the princess. Why don't we just manipulate him however we want?"

The ministers beside him spoke respectfully.

Originally, the purpose of sending West Asia there was to stabilize Ying Tian and buy some time for the German nation to develop. Unexpectedly, the effect was surprisingly good.

Even though several days have passed, when I think of the rewards I got for destroying the Kani Kingdom a few days ago, it's still a bit unbelievable, as if I'm dreaming.

"This time our German nation can rise, and West Asia deserves the most credit. Once we destroy Queen Ying Tian, ​​we should keep her in the palace." The German King nodded lightly.

Although he was puzzled as to why Yingtian could be so easily confused, the matter was at this point and there was no point in talking more. Gaining benefits was the most important thing.

"Your Majesty, we have prepared wine, poison, and assassins. As long as Ying Tian steps into this palace, he will definitely be killed." The guard said gloomily.

Because he was afraid that the news would be leaked, Bai Xue was not allowed to stay here.

If what Ying Tian said is true, he will be a piece of fat meat, so he is naturally afraid that the fat meat will be scared away.

In the live broadcast room, although the netizens of the Pasta Country and the Xia Country could not see anything, they could tell with their toes that the Germanic King must be planning something when he pushed Bai Xue away.

The Pasta Queen frantically sent a message to Alexander Yun, telling her to hold Ying Tian to death. No matter what, she could not go to the Germanic Kingdom, which was the real dragon's pool and tiger's den.

Once you step inside, you will definitely die.

At this time, Alexander Yun had other worries in his heart.

Ying Tian lay on Xia Xia's lap, looking at Alexander Yun across from him with a half-smile.

Alexander Yun, who usually talked a lot, was surprisingly quiet today. He was huddled in the corner next to Zhang Jiu, motionless and trembling slightly.

With the rise of the Mauryan Dynasty, Great Qin's strength dropped sharply. On the surface, Great Qin was bound to lose, but Great Qin still had a trump card.

As long as Ying Tian kills her, Da Qin's strength will definitely recover quickly. Not only will it not be threatened by the Maurya Dynasty, it is also very likely to counterattack and become the overlord again.

Netizens in the live broadcast room looked at Alexander Yun's appearance with confusion in their hearts, but soon everyone understood what she was afraid of.

: Ninth Young Master is still awesome, bring an experience bag with you, now my Great Qin will be saved, haha, my Great Qin will never be destroyed!
: Ninth Young Master, hurry up and kill Alexander Yun. Rome is the well-deserved overlord of the West. At least it can get a life span reward of several decades. Don’t hesitate.
: God will not destroy our Great Qin, God will not destroy our Great Qin, the Ninth Young Master is mighty, the Ninth Young Master is domineering, the Ninth Young Master is awesome

Netizens in Xia State cried with joy, and the gloom in their hearts was swept away.

(End of this chapter)

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